Artist Spotlight with Jack Venturo…

We sat down with the super talented and ultra creative Jack Venturo!  Jack’s diorama are possibly one of the most detailed and amazing things I’ve ever seen at a Con.  We also discovered his talents go well beyond dioramas….

  • How do your dioramas compare to now and when you first started at the age of 15?

The more I do it the better and easier it gets to make dioramas, when I was doing things back then the internet was not what it is today, now If I am doing a replica of a movie scene I can actually see the blueprints from the set or fine detailed photographs for reference.

  • You are also an accomplished filmmaker; do you feel that’s helped you in making your dioramas?

I think they help each other out. I’m a storyteller, whether I’m telling a story with a movie or with a piece of art I still need to get a message across. As far as the technical aspect of the construction I feel they also work together to paint a scene and block it in a way to also tell a story.


  • What finally convinced you to go out and sell your dioramas?

Ever since I started making them everyone always told me to start selling them. I never wanted to sell the ones I made for myself. My friend and business partner Ben Goretsky who is the director of Designercon finally convinced me to make new pieces for the public and get a booth at the convention. Now I make new pieces every year for sale on my website and at Designercon I will be going again in November in Anaheim, CA. This will be my 8th year.

  • You are pretty involved with every medium…from dioramas and film-making to painting and puppetry.  How do you keep the creative juices flowing?

The creative juices are always there; I have to do things to keep them at bay. I try my best to have as much quiet time, reading, writing, hanging out with friends, engaged in conversation, reflecting and relaxing.

  • Has becoming a parent changed your creative process and how much you are able to work?

It did, it does, it will. At first I took a break from a lot of things because I was so concentrated in just being a father and a stay at home dad, the creative juices kept flowing and the creativity was always there, it was frustrating because I thought I would have to give it up but I realized I found new inspiration from my children. It took a while to realize there needs to be a balance and it took some work to rethink the process and create a healthy balance as to always be there for them but also take care of what I needed to do for my work.

  • First thing I noticed when I saw your dioramas was the incredible detail to each piece, can you take us over your process on what it takes to make each piece?

The main inspiration when making a diorama is the action figure, the character of whatever movie or TV show it portrays. I try to replicate the scene with as much attention to detail as possible but not to make an exact copy, I like to add my own spin on it, also to make it fit the space. I plan everything out and draw on the wood where everything will go, measure and start building layer upon layer.

  • Is it hard for you to sell the art you’ve taken so long to create?

The art I make for the public is strictly that. For the public. I actually want these pieces to go to good homes, I want people to display them and walk by them in their houses and stop for a bit and stick their heads inside the dioramas and enjoy them as much as I enjoy mine, I get excited to meet the people that buy them and I am excited to build the pieces for them.

  • Do you take requests on dioramas? and if so which is the strangest request you’ve had?

I have taken requests on special occasions but I don’t actually do custom or commissioned work on a regular basis. I have gotten a lot of requests for large pieces, nothing strange really just stuff that I wish I could do for myself as well. Just shipping and materials would make these pieces almost impossible for your average everyday customer. Of course I would want a dining room table sized battle of HOTH but who’s going to want to pay for that?

  • Film-making, dioramas, puppetry… what’s next?

I am currently re editing and will be re-releasing all 7 of my movies and I am in development on a new movie. I will be building new dioramas for this year’s Designercon, the puppetry will always be with me and I have a lot of fun doing it. Currently I am working on a web series on YouTube called “Toy Geeks: Behind The Counter” it’s on its second season and I direct, edit, produce, co-host and puppeteer. I have a few other projects and ideas in the works, just have to see where they take me.

  • Where’s the best place for our readers to find you?

My main website is that has links to everything. You can follow my film-making directly at my art and dioramas are at and of course on YouTube every week at


Hello, I am the Creative Content Director. I don't like talking about myself.

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