KawaiiBroCosplay And The Art of Sexy Cosplaying

It’s offcially the first week of Cosplay Fridays! Look out every Friday for cosplay themed articles to fufill all your cosplay needs. This week is KawaiiBroCosplay. He is a cosplayer focusing on sexy cosplays. Bringing cosplays to you such as Sailor Moon, Gladio from Final Fantasy, and Gerudo Link. He brings audiences sexy versions of all of you favorite characters. So here is KawaiiBroCosplay talking about how his cosplays work.

JR:How long have you been cosplaying?

KawaiiBroCosplay:About a year. I started sometime during 2016.


JR:Do you stick to one genre of cosplay?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Oh no I do all kinds. Anything I like really. It doesn’t matter as long as I like their design

JR:Do you make your own cosplays or do you buy/commission them.


KawaiiBroCosplay:I make and sometimes buy depending on the situation.


JR:What was your most expensive cosplay project?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Hmmm, it will probably be my Widowmaker cosplay. But I never really spend more than $100 on a cosplay. Including materials and wigs and such

JR:Contacts or no contacts?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Contacts because I’m blind without them anyway. Might as well have the right color and be able to see.


JR:When it comes to cosplay, do you prefer to work alone or with others?


KawaiiBroCosplay:I like cosplaying with others because it makes it more fun. You can bounce ideas off of each other and collaborate on projects. Also it’s nice to have someone hold the prop steady.


JR:What was your favorite cosplay project?


KawaiiBroCosplay:I’d say Gerudo Link because I learned so much with trial and error.


JR:What is a cosplay pet peeve of yours?


KawaiiBroCosplay:My cosplay falling apart at a con. My cosplay came unglued and fell apart while in use.


JR:What was your first convention?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Last year, 2016, at Anime Matsuri.

JR:What was your last convention? 


KawaiiBroCosplay:Delta h con


JR:What is your next convention?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Anime fest

JR:Why do you cosplay?


KawaiiBroCosplay:Because I want to be the characters I look up to. I make so many friends and bond with so many people who also love the characters a dress up as. My cosplay brand is just me hoping to bring some kind of joy to people who is it.


KawaiiBroCosplay will be next appearing at AnimeFest in Dallas, TX, August 17-20. To see more of KawaiiBroCosplay’s work, check out his social media at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KawaiiBroCosplay/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kawaiibrocosplay/

And as always,

Have a geek filled day!

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