Preparing for Anime Expo 2019

Anime Expo 2019 is only a few weeks away and we hope you’re ready!!! Anime Expo, or AX, is one of the largest anime conventions in the city of Los Angeles and if you aren’t ready you really need to read this article in order to be the maximum amount of prepared. We here at Temple of Geek are looking out for you and at a huge event like Anime Expo, you need to be ready. With that said, here are four tips that’ll have you ready for Anime Expo 2019


Study the Map

Anime Expo is taking over the Los Angeles Convention Center. Like really, it’s going to be in the ENTIRE facility. With that said, there’s going to be a lot going on and the best way to start planning is to know where everything is going to be, so you can be there and enjoy it without getting lost or being clear on the other side of the convention center. Also, studying the map keeps you ahead of all of the lines that there’s gonna be because this convention gets CROWDED. So if you know where to go, you can keep the crowds at bay. Click here to see the current map for Aime Expo.

Prepare for the Heat

Anime Expo is being held July 4th through July 7th. With that said, expect it to be hot. Knowing that you should prepare yourself to survive in that kind of heat by bringing water to stay hydrated ad deodorant to stay smelling fresh. This will keep you fresh and alert and you won’t fall out from heat stroke. Trust me, we here at Temple of Geek want you to be safe and hydrated.

Say “HEY” to Your Favorite Cosplayers

There are going to be several cosplayers on deck at Anime Expo. This includes some of our trusty staff here at Temple of Geek. When you see these cosplayers displaying their amazing work, say hi. Get a picture and even have a chat. However, it is important to remember that cosplay is not consent and that those people dressed as your favorite characters are still human beings who deserve respect. They’re more than happy to take pictures, but you must respect boundaries and handle yourself accordingly. We all want to have fun in a safe space and Anime Expo should be just that for those in attendance.

Take in the Culture

Anime Expo is more than just an anime convention, it’s a celebration of a culture that we all love and adore. That being said, I have a little homework assignment for you reading this. Try something different at this year’s Anime Expo. Check out a new anime, go see some of the panels that give you a look at anime through the lenses and point of views from others, go play a few new games you’ve never seen or that you want to try. Eat different kinds of Japanese foods and meet new friends. The main part of conventions like these is branching out into new cultures and meeting new and exciting people. I want you all to make it a point to try at least one absolutely new thing and see if you enjoy it. You may be pleasantly surprised. Here’s the entire schedule of what’s going down at Anime Expo, click here to check it out.

Hopefully, we see you at this year’s Anime Expo. Come say hey to us from Temple of Geek and have a great con!!!

More tips for preparing for conventions and a look at last year’s Anime Expo experience: 

The Comic Con Handbook: Things You Need At EVERY Convention

How To Talk To Cosplayers

Cosplay Connection: Angi Viper Interview “Cosplay Is Not Consent”

Anime Expo 2019 Merch Preview Is Now Available

Anime Expo 2018 Highlights

What is Anime and how to get started watching?


  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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