CosLifeHAQ | 007 | A Discussion on Disability in Cosplay

The discussion on disability in cosplay aims to actively dismantle preconceived assumptions and misinformation.

Welcome to the CosLife HAQ podcast.  Hosted by Alexandra Kot, a recent addition to the SoCal cosplay community, this is where questions are asked about cosplay, life, and the lifestyles grown within the relationship of both life and cosplay.  Some questions might seem simple (or anxiety-inducing) to some, but when asked honestly, the answers can provide the perspective and insight to create a more positive and welcoming community. Grow the community and yourself by joining the conversation!  Join topic-specific guests as they discuss honestly ask questions about facets of the cosplay community and its members. The CosLifeHAQ is released on Tuesday and each episode can be downloaded via iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.


CosLifeHAQ talks to three cosplayers from across the country about what it’s like to cosplay with a disability.  The discussion aims to actively dismantle preconceived assumptions and misinformation by sharing their experiences and knowledge.  We chat spoon usage, what particular conventions often do to assist, accessibility (or lack thereof), as well as the difference between service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs).  Of course, we always go over basic decorum at conventions, and in this case, how to be supportive to disabled cosplayers at conventions if/when an obvious issue is occurring.

This episode was recorded before the 2020 convention season started, so expect some updates to come regarding experiences with specific conventions that have since taken place.

For more information on the disabilities and conditions discussed during the podcast, please see the links and organizations provided by our guests in their following biographies.

If you have any questions or comments please post them in the comments section. If you feel like supporting us please feel free to follow our social media accounts on Instagram by using the handle @CosLifeHAQ! if you have an idea for a topic, want to yell at us, or even guest on the show, send us an email at We really want to hear from you!


Swankified Cosplay is a Denver based cosplayer with a love for all things Disney and Star Wars. She’s been “seriously” cosplaying since 2005 and has been diagnosed with POTS since 2016. Since diagnosed, she’s making it a point to speak frankly about her illness in the hopes to bring more awareness to it, at least through the cosplay community.  She can be followed on Instagram @swankifiedcosplay !

More information on POTS can be found at the Standing up to POTS website, and please consider supporting the research of it and other autonomic nervous system disorders through the nonprofit Dysautonomia International.

Swankified Cosplay Guest on disability episode of CosLife HAQ
Photo Source: Blushing Images on Facebook

Swankified Cosplay

Mom of Pitbulls Cosplay is a North Carolina based cosplayer with a chronic pain condition called CRPS, which she’s had for the last 4 1/2 years. She’s also an avid dog mom. The cosplays that she’s most known for are her Daenerys Targaryen and her Rise of Skywalker Rey.  She can be followed on Instagram @momofpitbullscosplay

More information on CRPS and how to support it can be found at the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) website.

Mom of Pitbulls Guest on disability episode of CosLife HAQ
Photo Source: @biracialangel92

Mom of Pitbulls Cosplay

Ever is a 40 year old Los Angeles photographer doing free lance shots for the last four years.  He has been been going to conventions for the last 10 years and has recently started cosplaying Professor Xavier from the X-Men.  He also has a condition called Charcot Marie-Tooth, a neuromuscular disease that makes muscles very weak.  You can follow him on Instagram @kaoticguy.

More information on Charcot Marie-Tooth can be found at the Charcot Marie-Tooth Association website, and please consider supporting the research of it and other neuromuscular diseases here.

Cosplayer Ever Guest on disability episode of CosLife HAQ
Photo Source: @thenerdlys



Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind the CosLifeHAQ podcast.  An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community.  Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and Disneyland. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene. You can check out some of her work here.

Photo Source: Chris Ly (@thenerdlys)

Alexandra Kot

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  • Alexandra Kot

    Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind a new cosplay lifestyle podcast. An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community. Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and cats. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene.

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Alexandra Kot

Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind a new cosplay lifestyle podcast. An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community. Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and cats. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene.

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