Minecraft Legends Gameplay and Review – Rogue Rebel Reviews

Amanda Fox sits down to give us some gameplay and a review of Minecraft Legends on the latest episode of Rogue Rebel Reviews. Minecraft Legends is an action strategy game where players can lead their allies in heroic battles against the Piglin invasion.

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Minecraft Legends Gameplay and Review

With Minecraft Legends you are stepping into an action strategy game that tells the story of the Overworld uniting against an invasion by the ravenous Piglins. According to the legend, only you can bring together the mobs of the Overworld and help them defend their home.

Minecraft Legends is a unique action strategy game. It has strategy elements at its core, but its mechanics are inspired by the immersion of action games. You get to explore the familiar yet in-many-ways-new Overworld in a third-person perspective. As well as defend peaceful settlements and fight hordes of Piglins to stop the spread of their Nether corruption. The game puts players at the center of every battle, fighting alongside allies while giving them directions.

Minecraft Legends Review

I would say it’s a competent game. It runs very well. Even on cloud gaming, probably because the art style is not too terribly demanding. The gameplay is a bit simplistic. I think it’s great for kids. I’m not personally that interested or invested, so out of five I would give it a solid three out of five.

It is a competent game. Amusing. I could spend a few minutes here. They’re playing it, but there’s really nothing that’s going to grab me and hold my interest over the long term. It’s just not really the game for me personally. But have you played Minecraft Legends? Do you like it? What do you think? Do I play the wrong thing? Should I have gone into your building mode or EVP? Let me know if I should give it another shot.

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  • Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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Amanda Fox

Amanda cut her teeth on her dads old Tandy before graduating to SNES and beyond. An accomplished guild leader in multiple titles and sucker for console RPGs; Amanda spends most of her free time with a bit of tech in her hands. With a life philosophy derived from a Spock quote and more passport stamps then shoes; she is a well-traveled nerd with the urge to pontificate.

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