*This post is mostly spoiler-free.
Director Elizabeth Banks has created a funny and action-packed good time at the movie theaters! The next generation of Charlie’s Angels is a continuation of the stories told on television in the 1970s and the former films from the early 2000s. The film debuted worldwide on November 15th, 2019. Stars Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska are working for the mysterious Charles Townsend, whose security and investigative agency has expanded internationally. With the world’s smartest, bravest, and most highly trained women all over the globe, there are now teams of Angels guided by multiple Bosleys taking on the toughest jobs everywhere.
Elizabeth Banks addresses Charlie’s Angel ‘flop’
Elizabeth Banks addresses Charlie’s Angel ‘flop’ in a tweet. The 2000 Charlie’s Angel film starring Drew Barrymore, made $264.1 million USD over its entire run in the box office, in comparison, the current film debuted to $8.6 million in North America and $19.2 million overseas. Making it an unlikely long term success in the box office. Elizabeth Banks who starred, directed, produced and is responsible for the screenplay addresses this in a tweet saying “Well if you’re going to have a flop, make sure your name is on it at least 4x. I’m proud of #CharliesAngels and happy it’s in the world.”
Well, if you’re going to have a flop, make sure your name is on it at least 4x. I’m proud of #CharliesAngels and happy it’s in the world.
— Elizabeth Banks ❄️ (@ElizabethBanks) November 18, 2019
I truly believe that the lack of proper advertising for this movie is what caused the low box office numbers, not the quality of this movie. The movie was advertised in a way to make us believe that it was a reboot. In reality, it was a continuation story. I understand the reboot fatigue may have kept many viewers at home. I think they may have had a lot more luck marketing this as a “Charlie’s Angel for every generation” type of story. Which is exactly what the movie is. It is a beautiful new story as well as a well-crafted nod to all the Angels that came before them.

This is the kind of movie that you need to take your daughters, your nieces, your girlfriends, and your mom. And honestly, you need to take your boys and nonbinary friends as well. Because it’s a fun action movie with a ton of funny scenes and a great story. Everyone likes that. It’s also pretty empowering! This is a time when women want to feel empowered! This was the perfect time for a new Charlie’s Angel movie! This is why it’s so frustrating that it isn’t getting the love it deserves.
Why you should watch this movie!
This movie gets a little fast and furious in the beginning, which is a lot of fun! Ella Balinska and Kristen Stewart definitely steal the show when it comes to all the action scenes. They are non-stop with kicking people’s ass. What I really appreciate about these action scenes is that they are not played down. Some are gritty and anxiety-inducing. If it wasn’t for the comedy and fashion in the film, then it would feel like a Jason Bourne movie. Very intense scenes.

Although Naomi Scott’s character is being protected by the Angels, she still gets in on the action with her own little clumsy and hilarious fight scene. Ella Balinska is a fresh face in Hollywood. Balinska kills it with her fantastic and fun portrayal of a former MI6 agent who now uses her skills as one of Charlie’s Angels. She was so good that it begs the question: “Why isn’t she in EVERYTHING and on the cover of EVERYTHING?” Know her name! She deserves a lot more on-screen time. Kristen Stewart also play’s one of Charlie’s Angels and she does not disappoint. She is a combination of quirky, sexy and dangerous. Her greatest strength comes from overcoming her past and using that to do good.
As I said earlier, this movie is funny. It’s purposely cheesy in the best ways. One scene, in particular, involving Sir Patrick Stewart and a closet had me laughing out loud. The comedy flows naturally and is well-timed. I would expect no less coming from Elizabeth Banks! I smiled the entire time I was watching this! Other notably hilarious moments include an impromptu song from Naomi Scott, a game of chase in a laboratory, and the interactions between Noah Centineo and Ella Balinska. Honestly, I didn’t realize Kristen Stewart was so funny. Her character is so quirky and fun! Although Naomi Scoot is more adorable and sweet than funny, she gives us a few funny scenes as well.

There are way too many stories with women being pit against one another, portrayed as jealous and petty rivals. In this film, you don’t see that. You see women who build one another up and empower each other. Can you imagine a real-life network of powerful and strong women supporting one another in hopes of saving the world? We need more of that in the world and more of that being shown on screen. Young girls need to see intelligent women all over the screen. Women are very often portrayed in a way where there can only be one smart and beautiful woman per film and any other is considered a rival. But in this film, there is an entire network of amazing women who are showcased! All of them are there to support one another. They are not trying to rival one another.
The Relationships
This movie focuses a lot on relationships. Not the romantic type, although there is a tiny itsy bit of that, but it mainly focuses on the relationships between the main cast. This movie deals with trust, loyalty, accountability to your peers and the motivation to do good. The relationship the Angels have with their mentors, as well as the relationships they have to each other, are deeply rooted in sisterhood and brotherhood. These are characters who really care about one another and the world around them. Even the motives of some of the villains in the film comes from a place of hurt and betrayal and not just an evil calling.

Technology, Science & Well Being
Science and technology play a major role in a lot of superhero and action movies. There’s no super smart but socially awkward stereotype of a person here. This movie portrays plenty of well-rounded individuals who are all intelligent, strong, who actively take care of their mental health and who look amazing doing it. We need to see this type of representation more often. Girls and women have been underrepresented on screen in roles like these. It’s exciting to see so many in one film.
Not going to lie, the outfits on Charlie’s Angels are dreamy! I would happily take any of the Angel’s wardrobe. Charlie’s Angels have been fashion icons since the 1970s. It was part of the appeal. These badass women are sporting the coolest looks while saving the world! I love it. I spent a ton of time daydreaming about the sunglasses from this movie. Even the extras have amazing outfits. I love fashion, and I appreciate good fashion. That is reason alone for me to see this movie. It’s easily a documentary on how to pull together amazing looks. One of my favorite things about the wardrobe scene is the moment that you see outfits worn by the Angel’s in the previous movies as well as outfits from the 1970s television show. Such a warm touching nod to the former incarnations.
It’s a good time at the movies! Go see it! But if you need one final reason, it’s empowering! For everyone! Great characters, great cast, great costumes, lots of action. I can’t love it enough. It’s a fun date movie, and it’s a fun night out! Take your young people! Take your parents! It’s worth it.
What fans are saying:
This movie was not going to win an Oscar, and it never set out to, but it has definitely won plenty of hearts. See what fans are saying in the reactions below.
@CharliesAngels Is the reveloution in Cinema we need, and it makes me sad that it didnt do well. This movie is Kick Ass, hilarious, and maybe cheesey at times but in all the right ways! Please go support the movie, you'll have a wonderful time! #WomenPower #MytchelMovieReview
— Mytchel Chandler (@MytchelChandler) November 19, 2019
Seriously. Y'all should watch #CharliesAngels it is so much fun. I makes my heart so happy and gay. https://t.co/gz0Aq2xUKW
— TheTzarina (@return_to_hades) November 19, 2019