Anime California 2018

The Anime California Convention 2018 took place August 17th through the 19th at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport Convention Center in Burbank, CA. While not affiliated with previous years’ Anime California, this event proved to be a fun weekend for all!


The convention was split into two main areas, the convention center and the hotel ballrooms. This allowed for ample space for vendors, panels, concerts, tabletop gaming, as well as video game competitions. The exterior hallways were used for registration as well as autograph signing areas for celebrities. There were areas set aside for cosplay repair and after con karaoke! Between the hotel and convention center there were tables and shade set up as well as a DJ playing tunes for convention goers to enjoy and dance.

While not a large con, the setup led to a good flow for attendees who wanted to make the most of their experience. The main ballroom in the convention center was set up for live concerts. That area was flanked on either side by Artists’ Alley and an exhibitor hall for purchasing convention goodies.




The top talent in voice acting were the highlights of Anime California, with names such as Rikki Simons (Invader ZIM), Chris Tergliaferra (Sigma- Marvel vs Capcom: Infinity), Morgan Berry (Thirteen- My Hero Academia), and Danielle McRae (Karma the Enlightened One- League of Legends). Also in attendance were the Japanese singing duo of Kohei and Tia who rocked a live show on Sunday and performed themes from popular anime shows.

There were also many of cosplays “featured influencers” at the event discussing cosplay at panels, signing autographs, and posing for photos with attendees. Some of the noted influencers at Anime California include Kitty the Dork, Utahimecosplay, Ashley Weisley, Mediocre Wall of China, Ali Williams, and Spideyluc.


Speaking of cosplay, it was wall to wall cosplayers at Anime California. From popular mainstream characters in anime to Disney, all aspects of pop culture were cosplayed. Video game characters were a popular category, but stars shone on the hit series of anime for cosplayers.

Wrap up

Anime California was a fun 3 day event with plenty for all attendees. Gaming, music, art, and cosplay come together in an intimate convention setting, allowing for friends to enjoy live music, instructional panels, and shopping in a relaxing atmosphere. Definitely something to look into in the years to come to see how it grows!

Check out our cosplay gallery from Anime California 2018:

For more about Anime California check out their website:

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