Anime Expo 2019 Cosplay Gallery Day Three

We went to Anime Expo 2019 are were impressed by all the cosplay on display. Attendees went all out to celebrate their favorite fandoms.

Anime Expo 2019

Anime Expo is the largest celebration of Japanese pop culture in North America! This convention is a full 4 days in downtown LA on July 4-7, 2019, plus Pre-Show Night on July 3! The convention encourages cosplay at their conventions and even states on their website that cosplay gatherings are a great chance to meet people from the same fandom and take some amazing photos together. All of the Cosplay Gatherings at AX are organized by attendees, primarily on the Anime Expo forum on They even have nine approved cosplay gathering locations for attendees to get together.

If you are a cosplayer looking for your photo, scroll all the way down to see our other cosplay galleries from Anime Expo 2019! Check out all of our favorite cosplays from Anime Expo 2019!

Cosplay Gallery

Let us know in the comments if you attended this con and if there were any cosplays that impressed you! Head over to for more Anime Expo 2019 coverage!

For more Anime Expo cosplay coverage check out:

Some of our favorite Cosplay from Anime Expo 2019

Cosplay from Anime Expo 2019

Anime Expo 2019 Cosplay Gallery Day 1

Anime Expo 2019 Cosplay Gallery Day Two

Anime Expo 2019 Facebook Album

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  • Jose Vasquez

    Jose is a California native who has been in love with all things nerdy and geek culture since he was seven. He can spend all day talking about comics, movies, tv shows and video games. You can also catch Jose going to all the pop culture conventions all around Southern California.

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Jose Vasquez

Jose is a California native who has been in love with all things nerdy and geek culture since he was seven. He can spend all day talking about comics, movies, tv shows and video games. You can also catch Jose going to all the pop culture conventions all around Southern California.

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Even more cosplay photos from Anime Expo 2019!

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