Anime Los Angeles 2019 Recap

If you attended Anime Los Angeles then you probably already know that you can have a great time in the rain. This convention in which cosplay was heavily pushed was a multiday event that no rain clouds could sour. Cosplayers came out to bring in the New Year of conventions in SoCal with a bang and Anime Los Angeles definitely put its mark on the map with this awesome convention.


Anime Los Angeles was held at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, CA. This is a relatively small convention center, however with those in attendance throughout the weekend, you would never have known this. The convention floor and even outside of the convention center made Anime Los Angeles look HUGE. Coupled with the cooperation of the neighboring hotels allowing the use of their facilities to hold various panels and gaming rooms, Anime Los Angeles, venue-wise, was just a glimpse at how united the nerd community could be. What was also awesome is that there were water stations EVERYWHERE. So being hydrated wasn’t an issue at all.


One of the more cosplay orientated conventions I ever attended, Anime Los Angeles was very much focused on the art of cosplay. Talented cosplayers from around the country gathered to dress up as their favorite characters from varying media and it was such a treat to see how talented many of these cosplayers were. Hopefully, if you attended, you saw the masquerade ball and the cosplay contest.

Not only was cosplay a central focus at Anime Los Angeles, but the importance of cosplay safety and consent.*** As with the various water stations, signs and screens talking about the importance of the safety of cosplayers as front and center throughout this convention. It’s a message that needs to be spread more often. For more on that subject, please listen to the Temple of Geek podcast where we speak in depth about this very subject with guests Angi Viper and the writer of this very article. Click here for that.

Artist Alley & Exhibit Hall

I love Artist Alley. My walls are filled with art and I love every bit of it. Anime Los Angeles had an entire hall dedicated to Artist Alley and it was just as packed, if not more than the main convention hall. Independent artists and professionals alike joined in with their love of art and anime and delighted those in attendance. If you frequent conventions, you owe it to yourself to head over to artist alley and support independent artists. Not only is it an investment for yourself, but it also encourages generations to come to hone their craft.


The panels at Anime Los Angele were both entertaining and enlightening. Not only were various fandoms explored and celebrated, but there were also educational panels that brought a new point of view on how we see and experience things at conventions. Watching fellow cosplayers explain they get through the day. Listening about the love of anime and kawaii culture all brought me and others to understand not only how someone can become a fan of this art form but also the answer to the question of why.

How Fun Was It?

All things considered, Anime Los Angeles was a great time. It was also a look into what conventions can be if the community’s thoughts are taken into consideration. The safety of the people attending, the needs of those in attendance and what kind of events could attract those who do attend. I had a good time at Anime Los Angeles and I hope you did as well.

***Temple of Geek nor any of its affiliates are making light on certain serious incidents that occurred at the convention. It is horrible to think about how far some may go when things don’t go their way and we all send our deepest condolences to those affected by said events. This review is focusing on the convention itself and only that. Again, in no way shape or form does TOG condone the actions of anyone seeking to harm another or cause the destruction of anyone’s property. We are here to improve the community.***

You can follow Anime Los Angeles om social media:


Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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