Marvel Movies

Ask Temple of Geek Staff… Marvel Movies We Are Excited About

Which future Marvel movie are you looking forward to the most and why?

Brian Lazarow “I’d say the Infinity War movies because of all the build up and because it’s bringing together a vast cinematic universe in a way that’s never been done by films before.”


Monica Duarte “Blank Panther. Trailer looks amazing.”



Jonathan Morales “Thor, I look forward to more Hulk smashing with his buddy Thor.”



Matthew Wells “I’m not sure if it’ll be in Infinity War part 1 or 2, but since 2008, I’ve been waiting to hear Cap yell “AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!” I imagine it’s got to be before the last big fight and that’s what I’m looking forward to seeing.”


Stacy Bishop “If I’d seen a trailer for Infinity War, I’d say that movie. But honestly at the moment I’m pretty hype for Thor: Ragnarok”



Danniel Slade “Does Inhumans on an Imax screen count? I mean, they are releasing the first episode as if it was a movie. I am looking forward to that series.”



 Amanda Fox Rosowski “Thooooor”


Josie Price “This is a long ways off but the next Spiderman is certainly at the top of my list. All hail our frog in the mouth overlord.”


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