Bell County Comic Con 2017

Turtle Power Comes to Belton Texas – The Bell County Comic Con 2017

The Bell County Comic Con took place at the Bell County Expo Center on August 5th & 6th in Belton Texas. This was a first year convention that had some big shoes to feel since the cancelation of other cons in the area. Did this con meet the expectations of the fans that was in attendance? Continue reading and lets find out.

The Convention

The entire Expo Center was rented out for this event. There was an estimated 10,000 tickets that pre-sold before the convention. On day one, there was a estimated 90 minute wait to get into the con. This was a huge issue with most of the guests as the lines were out in the Texas heat. Now honestly, this was the only issue that I could see with the show. As with any new conventions, their will be learning pains. This convention was no different and on day two, there was no issue getting in. If you look at the pictures below, you will see some of the traffic that moved through the main arena floor.



This convention had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme. Some of the guests consisted of Kevin Eastman, Co-Creator of the Turtles, Ernie Reyes Jr., Partners in Kryme and more. Sam Jones from Flash Gordon as well as Chuck Huber and Mike Mcfarland from Dragon Ball Super were also in attendance. Wrestling great Sting also made an appearance and was in full makeup on Sunday. There were other guests as well. You can visit for the full guest list.



This convention had an MC that was playing great music all weekend long while making important announcements to keep con-goers informed as to what was going on at any given time. Below are some of the moments that I was able to capture on the show floor.


The Cosplay

The Bell County Comic Con had some of the coolest cosplay that I have seen together in a single convention center in Central Texas. From Disney Princesses to Ninja Turtle characters, this convention had a little bit of something for everyone. Take a look at just some of the great costumes I seen at this convention in the gallery below.


The Macarena?

Okay, I have been to cons before where people dance, but this was dancing on a whole new level. Cosplayers and congoers alike started to break out in dance to various hits that was dropped by MC Muscle Ray Etchison. The dancers on the red carpet grew however when the Macarena started to pump through the speakers. Take a look at some of the videos and photos below.



Below are some of the photos I took of the dancers during the Macarena. One of the sweetest thing I saw during this dance was a little girl running up to Rapunzel and wanting her to pick her up. Rapunzel being the chap she is obliged and made for a sweet moment.


Lone Star Wars

There was an exhibit at the show that I thought was really neat. It was called Lone Star Wars and it was different ships, helmets, and more from Star Wars made from various things that represents Texas. The pieces are part of an art contest of the same name that combines anything and everything about Texas and Star Wars. You can find out more about the contest by going to the Lone Star Wars site here. Take a look at the pictures below to get an idea of what this mash up looks like.



Even though this show had a couple hiccups, this turned out to be an amazing show. From the vendors I spoke with to the con-goers themselves, everyone had nothing but high praises for this convention. I myself had a blast attending and cannot wait to see what is in store for next year. If you are in the Central Texas area, or within driving distance, follow this con on their website and make sure to give next years show a visit. If it is anything like this years show, you will not be disappointed.

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