There seem to be more conventions and pop culture events happening in California than we can keep track of. We have put together a list of California’s 2020 Fan events and conventions for our readers. We even threw in a few from surrounding areas!
This list of fan events and conventions may change. Dates, times, locations may be changed or events may be canceled without notice. Be sure to go to the websites for the most updated information.
A decent part of the information gathered on this list was compiled by Brian Ormonde of the Facebook Group California Conventions & Cosplay . Many of it also comes from information pulled from FanCons.Com and word of mouth. The people who run these types of groups on Facebook and websites online do so much for the cosplay community and for the convention community overall. They share information that many of us would normally miss. Please be sure to share and support their groups whenever possible.
February 2020 Fan Events and Conventions
April 2020 Fan Events and Convention

October 2020 Fan Events and Convention
November 2020 Fan Events and Convention
Mor more Pop Culture and Event Coverage check out:
How to host a Cosplay Meetup at your local Comic Con
Temple Of Geek Podcast – What to know before going to San Diego Comic Con!
The Comic Con Handbook: Things You Need At EVERY Convention
If you want to add your 2020 Fan events and conventions to this list, please email