Are you planning to travel for a convention out of state? Whether setting out for a road trip or catching a flight, don’t pack your bags without this advice.
Personal Basics
As with any trip, the first thing you’ll want to do is make a checklist of all of your basic necessities. You don’t want to get to your destination only to find out you left your toothbrush behind. Make sure to remember:
- Identification
- Vaccination card
- Pain relievers (the last thing you want is a migraine in the middle of a con)
- Personal care items, including daily medications/vitamins
- Electronics chargers/wires
- Headphones (this is a biggie if you’re traveling by plane or train)

Luckily, if you do forget any personal care items, your hotel should be able to provide you with replacements. If that is not an option, you shouldn’t have a problem finding a local store near where you are staying or the convention center.
Cosplay Basics
I have traveled to conventions by train, plane, and car. Each time I start to think about the pieces of my cosplays that I need to bring along, the list seems daunting. The easiest way to organize yourself is to break it down by each specific cosplay you plan on bringing.
For example, I am about to fly from New York to Texas to attend a con and one of my planned cosplays is Shinobu from Demon Slayer. While packing, I think of all the pieces needed for Shinobu from head to toe:
- Wig/wig cap
- Butterfly hair clip
- Purple contact lenses
- Demon Slayer Corps uniform
- Butterfly haori
- Butterfly leg wraps
- Sandals
With all the individual pieces of the cosplay noted, I then move on to what is needed to complete the makeup/hair:
- Brush/comb
- Hairspray/gel (I use Got2b glued spray and gel to keep my wig in place throughout the whole day)
- Makeup
- Makeup brushes
- Makeup wipes
- False eyelashes
- Contact solution

This template can be applied to any cosplay. As long as you have each individual piece to complete your cosplay, you’re ready to take on the convention!
Extras & Must-Haves
If you plan on bringing a bag/purse to the con, then make sure you choose one that won’t be too difficult to carry throughout the entire day. Mini backpacks are great choices, as are crossbody bags. Keeping your hands free is key!
Also, you can never go wrong with throwing a few safety pins in your bag. Some of the recent cons I’ve attended have areas devoted to cosplay repair. So if you’re unlucky enough to lose a button or break a strap, then look no further. However, your con may not offer this service or you may not be able to find the area among the crowds. Safety pins are a must.

Don’t forget to pack your convention badges!
Health & Safety
If you plan on air travel, make sure to check the most updated guidelines. In the New York metro region where I travel from, the health and safety mandates change constantly due to the sheer number of travelers passing through in a day. Each time I am scheduled to fly, I make sure to double-check the latest mask mandate for my departing airport and airline.
Similarly, you should make sure to check the convention center’s website for updated health and safety protocols. If a mask or proof of COVID vaccination is required, make sure to have them ready to go before you set out for the con.
Final Pieces of Advice
If you’re like me and suffer from a fear of flying, don’t hesitate to make the flight attendants aware of your anxiety. They are trained to help you have the most comfortable experience possible.
Be sure to pack things to keep your mind distracted. Puzzle books and noise-canceling headphones are personal favorites of mine.

Bring a travel blanket for the airplane. Shivering at 30,000 feet is not a fun way to spend your flight.
When it comes to any props needed for your cosplay, remember that you are limited based on which mode of travel you’re taking. Anything with a sharp point, such as a fake dagger, may need to be placed in checked luggage.
Make sure you have extra room in your luggage for any con purchases.
Don’t forget to pack comfy clothes to change into after a fun, action-packed day.
Be sure to check out more of our convention-related advice.
Things cosplayers should consider as conventions open up again
Cosplay Positivity and Fighting the Pitfalls of Cosplay Unhappiness