Comic Book Cosplay: Interview With Amy Nicole

Happy cosplay Friday! Are you ready for a jam packed month? With the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War just around the corner, it seems only fitting to feature a cosplayer who rocks the comic book looks. Amy Nicole Cosplay is an award winning cosplayer who’s been featured at countless cons for amazing comic book inspired looks. Her journey all began in 2013 when she attended her first convention and fell in love with the craft. Today, Amy Nicole hand-crafts cosplays of everything from Catwoman to Lady Sif. It was a true honor to feature her talent in this week’s cosplay interview.

JR:How long have you been cosplaying?

Amy Nicole: About 5 years.


JR:Do you cosplay or crossplay or both?

Amy Nicole: I do cosplay what I would be considered genderbending characters. I’ve never been afraid of taking a male character and making it my own female version.


JR:Most cosplayers consider there to be three main categories of cosplay, tv,movies, and video games. What do you consider yourself to specialize in?

Amy Nicole: Actually, none of these! I would say I specialize in comic cosplay more than anything, although I do my fair share of video game and movie cosplay too.


JR:What do you consider your most memorable cosplay to be?

Amy Nicole: Most memorable for me would be Lady Sif. Big cape, big shield, even bigger sword, most badass female Asgardian warrior there is… what’s not to love?! Going by feedback from others, I’m probably most remembered for my Elektra cosplay.


JR:What has been you favorite convention to cosplay at?

Amy Nicole: So far, Dragon*Con has been the most fun. The amount and level of cosplay creativity there was pretty amazing.


JR:What is a cosplay pet peeve of yours?

Amy Nicole: Being bumped into while in costume, especially with fragile pieces or props. What took countless hours to build can take seconds to destroy if you’re around careless people.


JR:Have you ever had anything embarrassing happen to you while cosplaying?

Amy Nicole: Yes! I was conversing with a very talented cosplay builder I admire (who is now incidentally my very awesome boyfriend) about my EVA foam armor, pulling on one of the straps to show him how I attached it. When the strap snapped right off the armor.  Luckily, he never thought less of me for it and now it’s a joke between us.


JR:If there was one animal you would compare yourself to what would it be and why.

Amy Nicole: A wolf. I work well by myself, but I keep my awesome loving pack of friends and fam super close and protected.


JR:What cosplays are you currently working on?

Amy Nicole: A lot! Always! My biggest projects right now are Impa from Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors and Hawkgirl.


JR:What was your first convention?

Amy Nicole: 2013 Florida Supercon in Miami.


JR:What was your last convention? 

Amy Nicole: Holiday Matsuri in Orlando.


JR:What is your next convention?

Amy Nicole: CalusaCon in Fort Myers at the end of March.


JR:What does cosplay mean to you?

Amy Nicole: Cosplay is an outlet for me; a way to convey my fondness for a character or fandom, a way for me to make the people and things that I am inspired by my own, and a method for me to creatively express myself. It’s brought me connection, friendship, respect, knowledge, and most importantly love.

To see more of Amy Nicole’s cosplay or see what she’s up to these days, check out her social media at:


Instagram: @amynicolecosplay

Twitter: @amynicolecos

And as always,

have a geek filled week!


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