CosLifeHAQ | Episode 001 | Introduction to the Podcast

Welcome to the CosLife HAQ podcast.  Hosted by Alexandra Kot, a recent addition to the SoCal cosplay community, this is where questions are asked about cosplay, life, and the lifestyles grown within the relationship of both life and cosplay.  Some questions might seem simple (or anxiety-inducing) to some, but when asked honestly, the answers can provide the perspective and insight to create a more positive and welcoming community. Grow the community and yourself by joining the conversation!  Join topic-specific guests as they discuss honestly ask questions about facets of the cosplay community and its members. The CosLifeHAQ is released on Tuesday and each episode can be downloaded via iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.


This is our first episode of the CosLifeHAQ podcast!  In this episode, Monica Duarte interviews the incoming host of the show Alexandra Kot (@kotastrophic on IG) on herself and the podcast as in introduction to both.  They discuss the basics of cosplay, the inspiration for the podcast, and what listeners should expect from future episodes.

If you have any questions or comments please post them in the comments section. If you feel like supporting us please feel free to follow our social media accounts on Instagram by using the handle @CosLifeHAQ! if you have an idea for a topic, want to yell at us, or even guest on the show, send us an email at We really want to hear from you!


Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind the CosLifeHAQ podcast.  An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community.  Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and Disneyland. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene. You can check out some of her work here.


Monica is the current host of the Temple of Geek Podcast. She is a cosplay photographer and writer for the fashion column Temple of Geek Chic. Her fandoms include Doctor Who, Star Wars, Marvel and recently the Umbrella Academy. She can usually be found around the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene. You can check out some of her work here.

Where to Listen

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You can find our merchandise on Redbubble or Teepublic.


Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind a new cosplay lifestyle podcast. An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community. Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and cats. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene.

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One thought on “CosLifeHAQ | Episode 001 | Introduction to the Podcast

  1. Awesome first episode! After having felt discouraged at my last cosplay, this podcast has been a source of inspiration.

    For me, I think that cosplay came to being when I fell in love with the Twelfth Doctor’s coat. I bought a copy, and love to wear it with a lot of my outfits. To me, aside from his personality, I love how that in spite of his stoic exterior, he has a passion for others. This carried on to an element I have added in with most of the outfits I have put together.

    The year 2017 had a period in my life that really changed who I was. Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, leaving me seeing a big, nasty side of people as I was unable to know whether my father was okay, or if I could be able to send any help to my mother. This led me to add a cultural nod in my cosplays. When I entered Comic Con in 2017, I dressed as the Twelfth Doctor, and had on my lapel, the municipalities my parents are from. In 2018, I dressed as the Fourth Doctor, and replaced the burgundy ascot with an orange one with images the coqui petroglyph.This year, i went as the Tenth Doctor and Edgar Allan Poe, and the coqui was with me, whether as a pin, or as a ring. Chances are I will continue adding nods as a little easter egg in my cosplays.

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