Katies Fairy Tale

COSPLAY FRIDAY: An Interview with Katie Kawamoto of Katie’s Fairy Tale

When you go to conventions and hangout on social media like we do, you get to meet some of the most amazing cosplayers. This week’s featured cosplayer is one of those amazing people. Katie Kawamoto is a California based cosplayer who not only creates her own cosplay but is also a costume designer. We had a chance to chat with Katie about cosplay and more.


(Danniel Slade) Katie, thank you for taking the time to chat with us. Can you tell us a little more about yourself?

(Katie Kawamoto) It’s my pleasure, thanks for thinking of me to talk about my cosplay experience. I was always interested in theater and costuming while growing up. I was creating costumes and dressing up even at a very young age. My Halloween costumes were made by my dad but I always had something interesting as an idea. I toured the Theater Department at Fresno State University in Jr. High and knew that’s where I wanted to study, and it became my Alma Mater. I got grants and scholarships to study Theater and got my Bachelors in Theater Arts Technical design, with an emphasis in Costume Design. While studying, I designed and assistant designed multiple shows and dance pieces, including “A Lie of The Mind” and four one acts of the works of Edgar Allan Poe. I relocated to Southern California a couple weeks later to fulfill my seasonal job duties at Disneyland. By the end of Summer 2010 I transferred to Entertainment Costuming at Disneyland Resort and worked there for two years.

Since then, I’ve done various short film and commercial gigs, while working full time in Entertainment Costuming at another theme park. I began cosplaying in 2012 and have been improving my craft ever since.


(DS) What got you into cosplay?

(KK) I touched a bit on this in the last question, but I’ve always enjoyed seeing the clothes people wore in previous eras or realms and the opportunity to experience that continues to intrigue me to this day.  My job and hopefully career, give me joy; but when you design for other people you don’t get to wear the costumes yourself.   With cosplay, I get to experience a creative outlet that isn’t for work, but for play as well.


(DS) How long have you been a cosplay seamstress?

(KK) I have been cosplaying since 2012. But have always loved dressing up. I have been sewing since college at Fresno State. I first learned how to sew the summer of going into college in 2006. I worked in the costume shop for my theater department for a year. I’ve been sewing for work or fun ever since. 


(DS) Do you sew for cosplay or crossplay or both?

(KK) I sew for basically anything. I enjoy cosplay because otherwise I’m sewing or designing for other people and don’t get to have fun dressing up myself. But my job requires some sewing as well. 


(DS) What was one of the last cosplays you made?

(KK) The last cosplay I made prior to Deadpool was Liv Moore from iZombie for Wondercon. She goes to an ‘anything but clothes party’ and wears a dress made of crime scene tape. That look got a lot of recognition and people knew who I was. That was a wonderful experience. 


(DS) You are also a costume designer. How does that differ from creating cosplay?

(KK) Costume Design for film or theater always has a very specific purpose and function. You start from scratch to develop a character’s look. Cosplay tends to be a duplication or interpretation of already designed or produced work.


(DS) Is costume design something you want to do professionally

(KK) Absolutely. I would love nothing more than getting the chance to make a career for myself in the costume industry! It’s my passion and the thing that makes me happiest. Plus it also gives the opportunity to travel, and who wouldn’t want that?


(DS) Do you like designing clothes or cosplay more?

(KK) I wouldn’t say I like either more than the other. With cosplay, however, I only have myself to tell me what to do, and what it should look like. With designing for others, there are more components.


(DS) Out of all the cosplay you have created, do you have a favorite that you keep going back to?

(KK) I have a cosplay from my past I wish to recreate, which is Lady Sif from Thor: A Dark World. I built my own chain-mail for this cosplay, including all the ring loops by hand. I also, made a breastplate and skirt. I had to shape the craft foam, seal and paint it, then sew all the costume pieces. It took over 100 hours to make. However, I hope to make more chain-mail and remake the armor and skirt in the future, since the first time it was super lightweight and fell apart after two conventions.


(DS) What is your favorite fandom to create from? 

(KK) That’s a tough question. I love lots of different genres and fandoms. But my favorite costumes to do are the ‘not as recognizable costumes that a character wears.’  I enjoy supernatural, and fantasy the most, however. I look for costumes that have detail and something different about them. I like a challenge. 


(DS) What do you consider your most memorable cosplay to be?

(KK) My most memorable to date wear-ability wise was D&D Cleric Espeon for Anime LA this past January. It was my first time doing a group cosplay and it got a lot of positive feedback and a lot of tracking. It was so empowering and made me feel like I was someone else for a brief time. 

(DS) What is a sewing annoyance of yours?

(KK) I think the largest annoyance is when people are commissioning you but they don’t understand the labor involved in constructing a costume from scratch. Most people want to hire someone because they think it’ll be cheaper, but that’s not the case. Good work, and hand labor aren’t cheaper than buying something pre-made. 


(DS) What has been your favorite convention to cosplay at?

I hadn’t cosplayed at anything other than Wondercon and San Diego Comic Con until this year when I ghosted Anime LA in Pasadena. That was my favorite, because the effort and skill that people put into Anime Cosplay is much higher than at other conventions. There is more cosplay, and everything is bigger and more elaborate. I think that’s because Anime is of itself its own art form. Everyone there was so kind and accepting, and I felt more confident then I ever have at that convention.


(DS) What upcoming convention are you planning on attending and what cosplay do you plan to wear?

(KK) My next planned convention is either Scare LA in August in Long Beach or Long Beach Comic Con where I am participating in a group where we are all cosplaying different Eeveelutions as designed by an artist on Instagram! I will be doing Glaceon.


(DS) Has there been a cosplay that you wanted to do but are maybe to timid to attempt because of complexity?

(KK) I wouldn’t say being too timid by it’s complexity is why I haven’t done certain projects, it’s more often due to the time and budget constraints, since cosplay is no cheap endeavor.


(DS) Have you ever had anything embarrassing happen to you while cosplaying?

(KK) I had a picture taken of me eating pizza at comic con 2016 while I was cosplaying. It’s probably one of the most embarrassing picture I’ve seen a stranger take. 


(DS) What fandoms are you into?

(KK) So many, too many. Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Marvel are the biggest ones.


(DS) What does cosplay mean to you?

(KK) To me, it’s my outlet to bring my creative passion into my real life. Cosplay is hard to explain but it’s an experience like no other. But making my cosplays myself is more satisfying because I know no one else will have my same costume. It’s my way to get my art out into the world, while immortalizing some of my favorite characters in film, TV and various media worldwide. 


(DS) Can you tell our audience how to find out more about you?

(KK) They can find me on Instagram @KatiesFairytale for all my cosplay and project based posts. On Twitter, you can find me at @Kt_christine. I also have a facebook page which is Katie Christine.  Also on my Instagram is a link to my Ko-fi account if anyone wants to see my do more cosplays, and go to more conventions in the future!


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