Cosplay Photo Gallery from Day 2 of New York Comic Con 2019

We took a lap around Day Two of New York Comic Con and took photos of some of the coolest cosplayers at the con! NYCC is an annual New York City fan convention dedicated to comics, video games, cosplay, toys, movies, and more. New York Comic Con is taking place this weekend from Thursday, October 3rd – 6th, 2019 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City.

The term cosplay is a play on the words “Costume” and “Play”. It is a popular form of expression at most comic book conventions. Attendees dress up as their favorite characters from pop culture and attend the conventions in full dress up. Cosplay can consist of simple themed outfits, Halloween costumes, or elaborate homemade feats of ingenuity.

Cosplay Gallery:

These photos are all from attendees who cosplayed on the second day of NYCC2019. Mosy cosplayers are happy to have you take their photo as long as you ask for permission first. Below are some of our favorites.

Cosplayer @forevermelissa__
Cosplayer No Social Media
Cosplayers: @Gunskris, @cptnmustachio
Cosplayer @m3a7l04f
Cosplayers @LebowskiAgengers @bryan.monge.33 @marshallcurfman
Cosplayers @Rashnu75, @demonseed555
Cosplayer @kissthis625
Cosplayer @spazOutloud
Cosplayer @The_kryptonian_canary
Cosplayer @blackkryptonian2.0
Cosplayer @thegiftedfaker
Cosplayer @sarahnielson88
Cosplayers @TeamStripeySocks
Cosplayers @subblimerubbish
Cosplayers @thegiftedfaker @sublimerubbish
Cosplayer @CaptainCodyCosplay
Cosplayer @CaptainCodyCosplay @sublimerubbish

Check out more photos from NYCC on our Facebook page! 

Follow us on social media for more from NYCC.

For more cosplay and NYCC news on our website check out: 

Cosplay Photos from Day One of New York Comic Con 2019!

TNT Releases a Snowpiercer Teaser Trailer at NY Comic Con

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