Cosplayer and Actor KAL Smith talks about cosplay and his latest projects

This week our host Aaron is joined by a co-host Alexandra Kot and actor KAL Smith to talk about KAL’s journeys in both acting and cosplay as well as reminiscing on their cosplay origins and pre-covid comic con adventures.

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The Temple of Geek Podcast has been around since 2012 and is hosted by Aaron Powell. Here we cover all manner of geek and pop culture news and events.

You can listen to the Temple of Geek Podcast directly on this page or stream it on Apple Podcasts / Google Podcast / iHeart Radio / Stitcher / Spotify and where ever else you stream your podcast.

KAL Smith

KAL Smith is an American Actor, dedicated to becoming the best actor he can be. Smith attended college where he found his passion for acting. His performances on that stage led to performing throughout the Coachella Valley. He was cast in multiple productions like Hello Dolly, Hairspray, & Starlight Express. Smith had the opportunity to be a part of Phantom of the Empire. A musical mashup of Phantom of the Opera & Star Wars, Produced by Turning Tydes Theater Company. Smith played Lando Calrissian in the production & he also reprised the role in later productions.

KAL Smith

KAL Smith has taken up Cosplaying & revitalized a fan-favorite character, Ed from the hit 90’s film GoodBurger. Smith’s dedication to the character earned recognition from Nickelodeon & Kel Mitchell the original actor who played Ed. Earning a spot on “Make My Nickelodeon Dreams Come True” where Smith was showered in slime & cast into a reboot of the 90’s “All That”.

KAL Smith

KAL’s made his film debut on, “Senior Moment”, where Smith acted alongside some iconic acting Hollywood legends.

Smith continues to work in LA, landing numerous roles within films, television shows, & creating content on social media platforms.

About Our Hosts

Alexandra is the current host and brainchild behind the CosLifeHAQ podcast.  An engineer by day and a cosplayer in whatever free time she musters, she’s a transplant from North Carolina that, while still new, has thrown herself headfirst into the cosplay community.  Her fandoms include Marvel, the Alien Anthology, and Disneyland. She usually can be found hiding from the sun in the Southern California pop culture and comic book convention scene. You can check out some of her work here.

Photo of Podcast Host Aaron Powell standing against a wall with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

Aaron Powell has been with Temple of Geek since 2018. He is a podcast host, content creator, cosplay photographer, and comic book consultant for Temple of Geek. In his personal life, he spends a lot of time on stage as a Stand-Up Comedian. He has even found a way to mix fandom and comedy by performing comedy at various comic book conventions and pop culture events!  You can check out his work for Temple of Geek here. You can check out his photography on Instagram at @ram_entertainment or follow him on @yourfavoriteskinnyman.

Check out more episodes of The Temple of Geek Podcast

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  • Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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Monica Duarte

Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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