Crazy Bitches

Crazy Bitches Interview with Creator Jane Clark and Actor Karl Landler

Talk about a fun interview! I sat down with the director/writer/producer/editor/creator of digital series Crazy Bitches Jane Clark and actor in the series Karl Landler. Landler plays the bartender, Luis.

Maddie Morrow with Crazy Bitches creator Jane Clark and actor Karl Landler. Photo credit: Monica Duarte

The first season is about how each character is caught up in their own specific vanity. That vanity ultimately leads to their demise. Season 2 brings those vanities back partnered with insecurities. The characters find their way to a spa for relaxation and centering, but really all they are interested in is sex and cocktails. Someone in the spa is not too happy with this behavior, and soon the bodies begin to pile up. Both seasons can be watched on their own following the model of American Horror Story.

I love this concept, and I was so curious to know how the inspiration behind these story-lines came about.

How many times, as women, do we do this? Where we love the other person, but we feel so bad for something about ourselves that we make the other person feel a little bit lower. -Jane Clark

This is so true, and it is definitely a subject that needs to be addressed. Crazy Bitches is classified as horror. It’s a murder mystery feel with a splash of comedy. Clark let me know that writing this as a drama would have been too dry, and an all-out comedy would have made too light of this subject:

Horror is a genre that lets you push, go a little more extreme with everything.

Creator Jane Clark. Photo credit: Monica Duarte.
Karl Landler, Luis in Crazy Bitches. Photo credit: Monica Duarte

One thing I love about conventions is learning about new shows such as this one. I will be sinking myself into this one soon. If you are interested in checking this one out, then check out the first episode of each season here!


  • Maddie Morrow

    Maddie Morrow (she/they) plays a vital role on the Temple of Geek Team. As a jack-of-all-trades and Creative Director, she actively participates in nearly every project and facet of the organization. From fostering community and interviewing on red carpets, to managing backend operations, Maddie contributes across almost every department. Find her on Instagram and TikTok at @maddie_whovian and on Twitter @mad_whovian

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Maddie Morrow

Maddie Morrow (she/they) plays a vital role on the Temple of Geek Team. As a jack-of-all-trades and Creative Director, she actively participates in nearly every project and facet of the organization. From fostering community and interviewing on red carpets, to managing backend operations, Maddie contributes across almost every department. Find her on Instagram and TikTok at @maddie_whovian and on Twitter @mad_whovian

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