“Critical Role” has introduced countless amazing characters. The main characters crafted by the players have impressive breadth and depth after years of development. However, many of the NPCs have also proven to be quite memorable. “Critical Role: Vox Machina – Stories Untold” celebrates ten of these characters. Some are fan favorites, while others are lesser known but just as fascinating. One hero who has long deserved to have their story told is Lady Kima.
Critical Role: Vox Machina – Stories Untold Shines A Light on Lady Kima of Vord

An ally of Vox Machina, Lady Kima was introduced early in the Campaign 1 livestream. She is a Paladin who once fought alongside Allura Vysoren. Much of what is known about Kima’s past is in connection to Allura. “The Tides” is a story about the relationship between Kima and Allura; it is Kima who stands in the spotlight. During Temple of Geeks’ exclusive interview, Maggs broke down what drew them to Kima and delved into her story.
Sam Maggs:
I feel like we already knew so much about [Allura] and Kima felt like the character that we just hadn’t had the opportunity to dig into it all. That was where the really interesting opportunity felt like it lay for me in writing the story between the two of them. I did want to know more about her. The thing about Kima that I find so interesting in the campaign is that she’s so dedicated. She’s such that sort of quote unquote, it’s not a paladin in Exandria, but that sort of paladin-esque mentality. But she has the vengeance bent to her.
My favorite kind of female characters to write are sort of morally gray women because I think we all contain multitudes, and Kima is so devoted to justice. No matter if that justice is legal or what other people might consider morally right. I really am interested in knowing and figuring out what would’ve led her to become the kind of person that would do what she felt was right at any cost for any reason, for the people that she loves and for the place that she loves.
What happens to you that gets you to that point that you’re so devoted in such a particular way? And so being able to build out some of that backstory with how she grew up, how she was trained, how she came to find her first squad. Obviously, we knew through the campaign that only her and Allura survived. That maybe feels like the natural point at which you would say, oh, that’s why Kima became the way that she is.
There’s so much before that, that had to get her to that point. That seemed really important too. She’s the kind of person who has had to survive at all costs, but has refused to let that make her bitter. It’s just made her more devoted, which is kind of holy in a way, just not in the way that we normally think of. Not in the goody two shoes or even in the preachy evangelical way.
But more in the, if you get in the way of what is right, I will f*ck you up, or in the way of the people that I love, I will fuck you up. I feel like you have to hit a breaking point to become that kind of person. It was just so fascinating for me to get to write that. My favorite book series growing up, and honestly still my favorite fantasy books are Tamara Pierce’s Tortall books. Starting with “Allana The First Adventure,” which is about a lady knight and her journey. I feel like I was really influenced by those stories in starting to think about Kima and the knight that she would be.
“The Tides” Allowed Sam Maggs to Show a Deeper Look Into Kima & Allura’s Relationship

NPCs are, by definition, secondary characters. While they can be important to plot and character development, they don’t take center stage. Part of this is logistical because they are embodied by the Dungeon Master. If Matt Mercer were to play out a long scene between NPCs, it could derail the momentum of the game and overall story for the players and their characters. “Critical Role: Vox Machina – Stories Untold” is an opportunity to delve deeper into these characters.
Kima and Allura play an important role in Vox Machina’s stories as allies and advisors. However, their relationship couldn’t fully be explored in “Critical Role.” Their shift from friends to partners is in the series, but the true development isn’t shown. Maggs takes the opportunity to fully flesh out not only Kima’s past, but also her relationship with Allura. This starts with one of the couple’s most iconic moments. Flashbacks further explore their past until a huge step is taken in their relationship by the end of “The Tides.”
Sam Maggs:
I loved getting to write more intimate moments between the two of them because I think it’s a little hard during the campaign. It’s Matt talking to Matt, and so having a make-out scene or whatever, there’s kind of no time for it. We get to see a little bit of that in Legend of Vox Machina, I think even because of that added opportunity. Getting to do a little bit more of that as an external presence. So that it’s not quite so, and now Matt’s going to talk to himself for 25 minutes. So that these two can have a moment. That felt like a really big opportunity.
It’s actually one of my favorite things about taking the campaign and transforming it into other mediums. You get to be a little bit more free with what happens because you’re not constrained by the necessary limitations of what happens during an actual play. I loved getting to write some of those more intimate moments with Kima and Allura. Especially since I think Kima being a healer presents a lot of interesting opportunities for what that looks like when they’re together in more interesting ways. Also the ways in which Allura is also quite an intense person.
They’re both pretty intense girlies. Girlies, gender neutral. Writing the ways in which they either spur each other on or are able to pull each other back in those moments. It felt like a really cool part of their dynamic that I really wanted to explore more. Especially in those quieter moments where there was nobody else around. Because during the campaign, we basically see them only when they’re interacting with Vox pretty much necessarily as our in to the story. So, getting to spend time with them when there is nobody else around. It felt really special and important.
Sam Maggs Shares Approach to Writing Younger Allura Vysoren

While Kima is the focus, Allura is a key player in “The Tides” as well. Their meeting and history are a major part of the Kima’s history. Maggs was able to not only finally show how they duo lost their party, but their initial meeting. This revealed a new side of Allura. In Campaign 1, Allura is regal and wise, often tempering Vox Machina’s more chaotic nature. In “The Tides,” she is an adventurer who hasn’t yet gained the wisdom and maturity that she is well known for. Her evolution is shown intertwined with Kima’s in loss and bravery.
Sam Maggs:
It was fun also writing a younger version of Allura, by the time we meet her, she’s quite emotionally and physically mature. But this was her 10, 15 years ago. This is a very different version of her. Part of that moment where she meets Kima and decides that she’s part of Mors Draconis, this party, I really was also trying to get across maybe a little bit of false confidence or false bravado.
That she was sort of putting on this, I have to be this way because you know what? My original team actually maybe didn’t like me that much. She’s kind of like a rich kid who decides to go out on her own and make a name for herself. But I’m sure rich kids who try to go out and cosplay poverty, not that that’s what Allura is doing, but this is the best sort of analogy I think of for it, where it’s different because they always have a safety net.
I think that there are certain people who don’t work as hard because they know that they don’t have to. So, I think that other people, for me, I always think that her original adventuring party probably looked at Allura and saw, oh, the Nepo baby who is never going to work that hard and was a rich kid and just doesn’t really have it in her. But Allura is like, I’m actually actively trying to leave all of that behind. I don’t believe in that. I’m trying to make a new life for myself. I’m actually trying to earn my way out here.
Kima gives her that opportunity, but Allura has to force her way into that. Because I think she keeps coming up against people who make assumptions about her based on her background that aren’t necessarily true. They’re understandable assumptions for sure, but also are not true for her. She had to be a little bit more, I think, in your face because I think she was a little desperate at that point. She really needed someone to give her a chance. Kima gives her that chance. They both have to prove themselves early on, and they do that together.
“Critical Role” has featured numerous iconic romances, but Kima and Allura hold a special place in many Critters’ hearts. “The Tides” is a deeper exploration of not only Lady Kima’s origins, but her relationship with Allura. The tale features the pair’s early days as cocky adventurers and their growth both separately and together. It perfectly encapsulates why these characters have captured the hearts of many and deserve for their own story to be told.
“Critical Role: Vox Machina – Stories Untold” is available for purchase now.