“Dalek Universe” brings back the Tenth Doctor and brings new characters

Big Finish has released some new details and more information about the characters we’ll be meeting in their series Doctor Who: Dalek Universe. Starring David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, he and other cast members have been talking about the new series.

What to expect from Dalek Universe volume one

The cover for Dalek Universe volume 1 featuring images of the characters the Tenth Doctor, Anya Kingdom, Mark Seven, and George Sheldrake
The cover for Dalek Universe volume 1- out April 2021

To catch everyone up, Dalek Universe will be a nine-part audio drama series (three volumes of three stories each) focusing on the adventures of the Tenth Doctor and Space Security Service agents Anya Kingdom (played by Jane Slavin) and android Mark Seven (Joe Simms). Set in the far future, the Doctor has somehow arrived without his TARDIS, and there’s danger brewing. Between a businessman attempting to capitalize on time travel and the Daleks, there is a lot to be sorted out before the Doctor, Anya, and Mark’s adventures are done. 

Volume one of Dalek Universe will introduce many new characters into the Doctor’s life. The first episode of the set, “Buying Time” by John Dorney, introduces a character named “the Newcomer” played by Gemma Whelan (Game of Thrones, Upstart Crow). Speaking of her time working on the episode, Whelan said:

It’s very good, very witty, full of lots of interesting references and bits that people will be very pleased with themselves that they get. It’s very nuanced and very funny, and it was just magic working with David Tennant. I really had a very thoroughly enjoyable day reading such a brilliant script.”

“Buying Time” will also see the Doctor meeting yet another Mark Gatiss Doctor Who character- George Sheldrake. Gatiss has played many characters in the show’s various mediums over the years. These include Richard Lazarus, Gantok, Captain Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart, and even a version of the Master. Talking about his newest Doctor Who baddie, he said:

There’s something very lovely about that whole Dalek-mania period, when the Daleks were so insanely popular, and that sort of comic strip colourfulness, which this script reflects. And Sheldrake is a very familiar Doctor Who character, a sort of corrupt boss, I suppose.”

A picture of Mark Gatiss recording for Big Finish at home- he has a michrophone and a large blanket behind him to control the sound in the room
Mark Gatiss (George Sheldrake) recording for Big Finish at home

With the first two episodes focusing on Sheldrake, the third episode in the set will showcase more of Anya’s story. Titled “The House of Kingdom” and written by Andrew Smith, the episode will introduce Merrick Kingdom played by Kevin McNally (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Crown). Merrick, Anya’s grandfather, rescues his granddaughter and her friends. However, the Doctor and Mark soon find out how troubled Anya’s family history is – especially with her grandfather. McNally had this to say about his time working on the episode with David Tennant: 

“I was seven years old when Doctor Who started and I’ve enjoyed it all the way through to the present day. This is my third time – I did an actual Doctor Who back in the Eighties, and I’ve done one of these recordings before, so third time lucky, I hope! And David’s certainly up there as one of my favourite Doctors, although it’s very hard to choose as I’ve known them all! I think it’s a wonderful creation.”

News about volume three

In addition to all that news about volume one of Dalek Universe, Big Finish has also released more information about volume three. They have at least confirmed, again, what was already teased! Out in October 2021, volume three will mark the return of two familiar faces from the Doctor’s past. As discussed in the behind-the-scenes track of The Diary of River Song series eight, Alex Kingston will be back as River Song!

Then, only a day after series eight’s release in January, Big Finish tweeted the cover for Dalek Universe volume three. In addition to confirming River’s involvement in the series, the cover also teased the return of Terry Molloy as Davros! This certainly is not the first time that the Tenth Doctor has tangled with the creator of the Daleks. However, this is David Tennant’s first time acting with Molloy’s original version of the character. Molloy and Tennant have worked together before, but Tennant found it very special to work with him on this series. As he said: 

“I get a real nostalgic kick from Terry Molloy being here. His voice as Davros is so exactly as it has always been, and having it burbling away in your headphones, burning through your ears, it’s very exciting, so things like that are a real treat.” 

The cover for Dalek Universe volume three featuring images of the Tenth Doctor, Davros, Anya Kingdom, and River Song
The main cover for Dalek Universe volume 3, out October 2021

What I’m looking forward to with Dalek Universe

I know that I have said this about other Big Finish releases that I’ve written about, but I really cannot wait to get Dalek Universe in my ears! I’ve been waiting for Big Finish to explore the Tenth Doctor outside of his set “series” on TV. They have done this a little bit with Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and River Song, which I adore, as well as some of the Short Trips that the Tenth Doctor features in. However, this series seems like it will be even more in-depth. There is certainly a very solemn and dark mood set by the teaser trailer that Big Finish posted to announce the release.

Also, I am looking forward to hearing more from Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven. Though both characters already have quite some history to them- Anya’s story starting with an audio series with the Fourth Doctor and Mark having an extensive backstory in several short stories, comics, and audios- I was first introduced to them in The Diary of River Song volume eight. The last episode, “Queen of the Mechonoids” by Jonathan Morris, sees River teaming up with Anya and Mark. Together, they work to discover the secrets held by a city that was built by the Mechonoids. I greatly enjoyed getting to know both of these characters through this episode, especially Mark. I am, however, just a little bit worried that Joe Simms seems to be missing from the cast list for Dalek Universe volume three.

A still from the teaser trailer for "Dalek Universe" of one Dalek with a missing head and another Dalek in the middle of exploading
“Everything ends eventually. But sometimes, just sometimes… it comes back.” (Still from the “Dalek Universe” teaser trailer)

Given that this series is set for after “Journey’s End” for the Doctor, I feel like there is a lot of room for great drama between the Doctor and the Daleks. There is even more room for the drama with Davros. Although the Doctor did try to save Davros, he is responsible (in part) for Donna’s fate. “Across time, across space, I’ve lost it all. Family, friends, my own people, my home…” the Doctor says in the teaser trailer. The Daleks are responsible for so much loss in the Doctor’s life, both recently and in the past. Whatever they have planned, I feel like the Doctor may take it even more personally than usual this time around. Especially now, as he’s travelling alone with no close friends to stop him.

For more Big Finish news:

The Ninth Doctor Ravagers audio brings Christopher Eccleston back to the role

“The Lone Centurion” coming in April from Big Finish Productions


Elizabeth is a cosplayer, writer, and host for Temple of Geek. Her passions include cosplay, Doctor Who, Star Wars, and traveling to geeky destinations.

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