Though the release is still a few months away, Big Finish has shared more news about the next installment in their “Dalek Universe” series! Story details were shared last week, but now there are additional cast members and new artwork to discuss. And if you’re anything like me and on your third (or more) re-listen of the first volume and eagerly awaiting any clues as to what’s next, there’s some room for speculation, too!
Dalek Universe 2 – “Cycle of Destruction” by Roy Gill

As previously revealed, the first story in volume two will focus on Mark Seven’s history. Joining the android’s family are Nina Toussaint-White (whom Doctor Who fans already know as Mels/Melody Pond) as Mariah Six and John Banks (Graceless) as Jason Four. Avita Jay (Stranded, Silent Witness) rounds out the cast as Hera. Nina Toussaint-White had this to say of the episode:
“My first impression was pure excitement, and a lot of surprise! I was excited because Mariah’s character is so meaty, and I was eager to jump on and follow her on her journey – seeing this transition and understanding why she did the things that she did, I felt a lot of empathy for her actually.”
It will definitely be fun to learn more about who Mark is and why he was created. Personally, he’s become one of my new favorite Doctor Who characters! Joe Sims has done a wonderful job bringing him to life. And the writers have certainly done a great job adding on to this character that’s existed for so long but mostly out of the spotlight of the core TV show. I can’t wait to know what his history is as well as meet his siblings!
“The Trojan Dalek” by John Dorney

Also, new to the “Dalek Universe” cast is Pippa Bennett-Warner. This time playing a character called Fliss Keeley, Doctor Who fans also know her as Saibra in “Time Heist” and Big Finish listeners may recognize her as “Gallifrey”’s Livia. Barnaby Edwards, another Big Finish regular, will play Arborecc. As revealed in the first set of stories, Arborecc is the Space Security Services scientist who specialized in time travel. The Doctor and friends are looking for him so he can help the Doctor get back to his own time. Speaking of this episode, Barnaby Edwards said:
“A John Dorney script is always a pleasure – they’re always witty, and really well-plotted and just a joy to do, with really good, well-defined characters! One of the great joys about doing this story is getting to play with David’s Doctor again – he has got so much richness, subtlety, humor and even seriousness into his performance. It’s just a joy to hear him weave his vocal magic again.”
It was previously revealed that Blake Ritson (Upstairs Downstairs) would also be appearing in this episode as Major McLinn. The actor had this to say about his character and the story:
“Although he’s superficially quite charming, in some ways I think McLinn is actually a bit of an extremist – he’s prepared to forgo all moral questions in the search for the upper hand against the Daleks. And the script was tremendous fun – there’s a lot of witty exchanges!”
It certainly seems like there will be a lot going on in this episode. The ongoing war with the Daleks was featured in the first volume’s “The House of Kingdom”. It’ll be interesting to see that fleshed out some more. Especially with the Doctor who knows exactly how much it takes to defeat the Daleks…
“The Lost” by Rob Valentine

The third and final episode of this set sees the addition of another cast member and a return of another. Kevin McNally (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Crown) returns as Merrick Kingdom, Anya’s grandfather. “The House of Kingdom” ended with Merrick infected with Varga venom right before a rescue team showed up. So it will be interesting to find out what happened since then! After all, he was a big part of weaponizing the indigenous to Skarro plants. Did the SSS decide it was worth continuing his work? Kevin McNally doesn’t reveal much as he says:
“He starts off as a very charming man, then he reveals a more sinister side, and then he has to make a very big, moral decision… and the way that goes I won’t spoil!”
The new addition to the cast is a character that shares their name with the episode, “The Lost”, and is played by Leighton Pugh (Sherlock Holmes, The Diary of River Song). Details on this final story remain scarce, but after the “Newcomer” reveals in volume one, it would be a mistake to ignore this cryptic name. Especially as the story’s synopsis mentions that “heart-breakingly familiar faces await” the team. Merrick is obviously one, but who could “The Lost” be? A familiar face to the Doctor, perhaps? Maybe not a face that’s strictly familiar, but someone else he never expected to see again? But who, exactly?
Or is the character someone completely unrelated to the Doctor? Maybe!
I guess we’ll have to wait until July to find out!
Doctor Who: Dalek Universe 2 is available for pre-order as a collector’s edition CD (£24.99) or as a digital download (£19.99) from Big Finish’s website. Also available as a Limited Vinyl Edition for £35.99.