Disney’s “Jungle Cruise” is an exciting adventure that brings the ride to life

Disney does it again! Disney’s Jungle Cruise is an epic story and exciting adventure based on the iconic Disney theme park ride with the same name. Knowing how well they did this with the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, it is no surprise that they were able to bring to a theme park ride to life in such a brilliant way on the big screen. It is a must-see this summer!

The cast for Jungle Cruise is perfect

Jungle Cruise stars Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, and Jack Whitewall as the main characters. Dwayne Johnson plays the wise-cracking skipper, Frank, who is enlisted by Dr. Lily Houghton (played by Emily Blunt) and her brother McGregor (played by Jack Whitewall) to guide them down the Amazon River. Lily is in search of a legendary and ancient tree whose petals hold magical, healing properties. The three of them are in for an adventure of a lifetime as they face peril after peril in search of this tree.

Jack Whitehall as Macgregor, Emily Blunt as Lily and Dwayne Johnson as Frank IN Disney's Jungle Cruise.
(L-R): Jack Whitehall as Macgregor, Emily Blunt as Lily and Dwayne Johnson as Frank IN Disney’s JUNGLE CRUISE. Photo by Frank Masi. © 2021 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

When we first meet Frank, he is giving tours of the Amazon river in his rinky-dink boat. Fans of the Disneyland ride will be pleased to know that Frank tells some of the iconic, groan-worthy and hilarious jokes that the theme park skippers tell. I will not give any of them away. However, Dwayne Johnson delivers these jokes flawlessly! They fit right in to the tours he gives, and those on board the boat react to how most Disney park guests would react. They give eye-rolls and “wow, really?” Those of us who laugh at Jungle Cruise jokes (like myself) will find the comedic timing perfect and laugh even harder than normal. Come on, “The Rock” tells some of our favorites!

Lily Houghton is an act first, think about the plan later kind of woman. She knows what she wants and will not let any man stand in her way. Emily Blunt performs this role beautifully. Alongside Lily is her brother, McGregor, who would rather be home than floating down the river in a death-trap. However, the two of them are the perfect sibling duo. Jack Whitewall’s McGregor is a fantastic compliment to Blunt’s Lily.

Jack Whitehall is Macgregor and Emily Blunt is Lily in Disney’s JUNGLE CRUISE. Photo by Frank Masi. © 2021 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Now, Frank, Lily, and McGregor together on a boat, in close quarters, is so much fun to watch. They are all so different. Their brilliant chemistry makes their adventure very exciting!

A great homage to an iconic ride

The Disneyland ride is as old as the park itself. It opened in 1955 and has been a staple of the park ever since. This film has some incredible sets that are very reminiscent of the ride. Frank’s river boat, for instance, has the same look and feel as the boats you would embark on in Disneyland. The docking bay where the boats are held also look extremely similar to the entrance to Disneyland’s ride. Also, it was so fun to see the references to smaller details of the ride such as the native people of the Amazon river, the hippo, and the piranhas.

Dwayne Johnson as Frank and Emily Blunt as Lily in Jungle Cruise
Dwayne Johnson as Frank and Emily Blunt as Lily in JUNGLE CRUISE. Photo by Frank Masi. © 2020 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Overall, Disney’s Jungle Cruise felt like Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones had an epic, river-bound adventure baby in the best ways possible. Magical artifacts, stories of curses and legends of power, and unlikely relationships are at the heart of this film. Each scene is stunning, as are the costumes and characters. It is non-stop excitement for most of the film, and while some of it may be predictable, it is fun nonetheless. Don’t we need a little bit of predictability in our lives these days?

I am interested to see if they go further with the story. The beauty of creating a story around a ride is that this is just a jumping-off point; anything can happen next! It is easily a stand-alone film. However, as with the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, it is possible that more epic adventures await us with Frank, Lily, and McGregor!

Disney’s Jungle Cruise releases in theaters and on Disney+ with Premier Access on July 30, 2021.


Maddie plays a vital role on the Temple of Geek Team. As a jack-of-all-trades and Creative Director, she actively participates in nearly every project and facet of the organization. From fostering community and interviewing on red carpets, to managing backend operations, Maddie contributes across almost every department. Find her on Instagram and TikTok at @maddie_whovian and on Twitter @mad_whovian

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