D.I.Y. “Doctor Who” Party Ideas, supplies and more

We have provided some fun Doctor Who Party Ideas. These are perfect for a season premiere, season finale, or any Doctor Who-themed birthday parties and events! We have provided links for you to download printables and ideas on how to throw a Doctor Who Themed Party. Just make sure you always bring a banana to the party!

10th Doctor Quote

Printable Party Decor

Before you start printing your life away. A pro tip is to think about the kind of paper you will need for each item. We recommend light to medium weight card stock for the banners, masks, and cupcake wrappers. Heavy card stock for the Popcorn boxes. Napkin rings will work fine with regular printer paper.

Download these photos by opening up the full-size image and you can print them out at home or at your favorite print shop. Color results may vary. 

Banners and Napkin Rings were made by and are courtesy of @Doc_In_The_Box

Photo By Monica Duarte (Bored In Bloomington)

Dalek Cupcake Wrappers & Toppers are available from Deviant Art Click Here

Also available:

Dalek Popcorn Boxes Click Here

TARDIS Cupcake Wrappers Click Here

10th Doctor “Allons-y” Popcorn Boxes Click Here

Cyberman Popcorn Boxes Click Here

Printable Masks 

Select from a wide assortment of Doctor Who Masks from the BBC One Website: Click Here

Printable Fun

Also Available from Deviant Art. Cube craft by artist Cyber Drone. Click Here

“Pin The Screwdriver on The Doctor” was a fun game we came up with for a Doctor Who themed birthday party a few years ago. All you need is a blindfold, a poster or photo of your favorite Doctor with their screwdriver extended, and some cutout paper screwdrivers. Try to pin (or tape) the screwdriver while blindfolded.

If you are in the mood to whack a TARDIS Piñata and see what comes out, we recommend trying the ones from Piñata Design Studio. 

Food Ideas

There are so many types of Doctor Who-inspired food ideas out there, it is hard to just pick a few. Pinterest is absolutely your friend when it comes to being creative. Here are a few simple ones that you can try that won’t have you in the kitchen all day.

Photo By Monica Duarte (Bored In Bloomington)

Sonic Punch: Green Apple Koolaid (or your favorite green alcoholic beverage)

Bananas: Because obviously this is a party and we always bring bananas to a party.

Adipose Marshmallows: With one bag of small and large-sized marshmallows, a box of toothpicks, and black decorating frosting we were able to make Adipose-themed Marshmallow characters.  We used toothpicks to keep the adipose body together and drew eyes and a smile on each one.

Dalek Cupcakes: Make or purchase cupcakes and wrap them with a printable Doctor Who-themed wrapper. (see above)

If you don’t mind the baking and the decorating and you want to be a little extra, check out these fun cookie cutters and stamps.  are absolutely in love with these cookie cutters from Geek Cutters and the Bad Wolf stamp from Boe Tech LLC.

And of course, last but not least, don’t forget your Jelly Babies and your Jammie Dodgers. Check out our “How to make homemade Jammie Dodgers” tutorial here.

Follow us on Pinterest

For more Doctor Who check out: 

How to make homemade Jammie Dodgers inspired by “Doctor Who”

List of Gift Ideas for fans of the 13th Doctor from “Doctor Who”

Cosplay on a budget: how to create Doctor Who cosplays


Monica leads the team at Temple of Geek as Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek and Executive Producer on all Temple of Geek Projects. She's a passionate enthusiast of all things geek, with a particular fondness for sci-fi gems like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars, and Star Trek. As the creator of Portrait of a Fangirl, she has found that the Fangirl community is one of the most fullfilling aspects of fandom. She has been with Temple of Geek since 2017 and has led the team since 2020.

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