The new Doctor Who trailer is finally here, and fans have wasted no time in trying to get to the bottom of what exactly the Doctor and her fam are wearing! Here, we attempt to provide as much information as possible to help those who are interested in a Doctor Who cosplay from the series 12 trailer.
So far, all the information we have is based on a first look image provided by BBCAmerica/BBCStudios and the trailer that debuted on Doctor Who Day (November 23). We do our best to provide the best and most accurate information as possible, but be warned: we may not always be right (and who is, anyway?).
Always take a good look at all the information and do your own secondary research before committing to any purchases. Also, keep in mind that many items listed here may not make it onto the show for more than a moment. If we are lucky, they will be worn for an entire episode, but there is no way of knowing until the series airs.
First Look Photo

The Doctor and the gang are in a grape vineyard in tuxedo-style attire. The Doctor is noticeably wearing a new coat and bow tie, because—obviously—bow ties are cool AF. Her style is very similar to her original style from series 11. In this photo, she is wearing a long black coat, a white tuxedo shirt, black culottes, black socks, dark-colored military boots, and possibly suspenders. The rest of the team is in a more modern-style tuxedo. Is this possibly hinting that the team is attending a wedding or special event? Or maybe this season will just be a very James Bond style adventure? Either way, it makes for a cool-looking cosplay.
Click on the photos for the full resolution images.
The Doctor
The Doctor’s coat has been identified by several cosplayers and other Doctor Who enthusiasts on social media as the Paul Smith – Women’s Black Double-Breasted Tuxedo Wool Overcoat With Satin Lapel. We are 95% sure that this is the coat. The Paul Smith brand frequents the costume department for Doctor Who. Buyer beware, there is a similar overcoat made by Paul Smith that does not have pockets for the same price in an almost identical style.
If you aren’t about that expensive cosplay life, which is most of us, use these images as a reference to create your own cosplay. The coat has a satin collar, lapel, buttons, and pocket trim. It is long, but not floor length. It hangs a few inches below the knees. A few good search terms: “Women’s Tuxedo Overcoat,” “Tuxedo Overcoat Satin Lapel,” and “Satin Lapel Tuxedo Coat.”
Pants/Trousers & Suspenders
The Doctor is back in her culottes this season! These have not been identified—possibly custom made. Last year’s teal version was also never identified. If you are searching for a similar pair, use the search term “black culottes” or hope that geek fashion brand Her Universe comes out with another cosplay set soon.
There is a small peek at what looks like suspenders under the coat. But the color of the snaps or the straps is not easily visible.
The Bow Tie
In what feels like a really great call back to previous incarnations of The Doctor, Thirteen is in a bow tie! At the moment, the bow tie that she is wearing in the trailer has not been identified. It looks as if the bowtie is made of a dark gold textured fabric, probably a small sequined or embossed texture. In the trailer, the bow tie appears almost black. This could be due to lighting, which can make a big difference in changing the appearance of an outfit. It could also be possible that she wears more than one bow tie.
*UPDATE: The Bow Tie was identified by writer & cosplayer @nolanpet as the “BLACK & GOLD BOW TIE AS WORN BY DOCTOR WHO 2020” by Blue Eyes Bow Tie. Link Here.
The Boots & Socks
The Doctor’s Boots have previously been identified as the Elme – Eternity -‘17 in Dark Brown” by Fiorentini + Baker. It is possible that the Doctor is wearing the same boots in this outfit. They seem to have a darker shade. This could also be due to lighting. As of now, we are unsure.
Below cosplayer @jedi_janine showcases her find of The Doctor’s series eleven boots.
The socks worn by Jodie Whittaker in series 11 were identified as these socks by Corgi. On a wild guess, it may be likely that the socks she is wearing in the first-look photo are the Women’s Luxury Hand Knitted Prince of Wales Cable Pure Cashmere Socks by Corgi. We don’t have any confirmation—just a hunch.
Instagram user @nycatdmt pointed out that the Blazer worn by Yasmin Khan in the first look photos is most likely the “POLLII” sequin jacket with tie belt by Ted Baker. Ted Baker is a brand that is often used on this show. We think it is the jacket she is wearing. Search terms to find similar jackets are “black sequin blazer,” “sequin and satin blazer,” and “black sequin jacket.”
She also has a very distinct blouse with a pretty wavy edge collar. This top has not yet been identified. The shoe style is called brogues and haven’t yet been identified, though they are a very common shoe style.
Graham & Ryan
We don’t have any details on where to find Graham and Ryan’s coat but we will update this article when we get more information. However, I am going to go out on a wild limb by saying that it’s possible that Ryan’s bow tie is the “Danish Bowtie” by Ted Baker. Don’t rush out: This is just a wild guess.
Additional Reference Photos
These are screen grabs from the trailer and the series twelve artwork. Click the photos to see them larger or to download.
The Trailer
Fan Reactions
These fans are already excited about all the new cosplay possibilities.
If you have any tips to share for other cosplayers, please leave them in the comments! The community engagement helps a lot of cosplayers. We will attempt to update you with any new information as we have it. Doctor Who will return early 2020 with no official date mentioned as of yet. Some fans are speculating that Doctor Who will return for a New Year’s Day Special.
*This post was updated on 11/25/19 to include new information on the Doctor’s Bow Tie.
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