Dragon Ball Super: Broly Review

Get on your flying nimbus and head over to the theater right now because Dragon Ball Super: Broly is here and it’s amazing!!!! For fans of the Dragon Ball franchise, the moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here, Broly is now DBZ canon.

Set right after the last season of Dragon Ball Super ended, Dragon Ball Super: Broly delves into the history of the Saiyans and how they came to work under the evil Lord Freiza. Much more character development has gone into cult favorite characters of the series. More development has gone into the parents of both Vegeta and Goku as Bardock (father of Goku) and Goku’s mother, Gine is given some much-needed shine. King Vegeta is also spotlighted in this film and it gives more depth to his character as a whole.

The story revolves around a Saiyan named Broly. Broly was born with an incredibly high fighting potential. This was seen as a threat to King Vegeta and he and his father Paragus were exiled to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Later, after intense training over decades, Broly and Paragus are found and recruited to the Frieza force. One of the best things that Dragon Ball Super: Broly offers is actual character development for the title character. Fans of the series may remember Broly in previous incarnations as just muscles and screaming. Dragon Ball Super: Broly changes that narrative and makes Broly a character that you don’t need PEDs to relate to. When you really look at it Broly is the heart of this film.

However, the true star of this film is the fighting scenes and boy are there a lot of those! The fighting choreography was great and the pacing of the battles made you excited to see what exactly was going to happen next.

The animation as a whole, however. Well, let’s just say that if you’ve watched Dragon Ball Super, you know exactly what you can expect in the realm of animation.

All in all, this was an incredible movie and while it’s in a limited release, I implore you to head over to your nearest theater and check out Dragon Ball Super: Broly.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHgm89hKpXU]


  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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