body painted cosplay

Temple of Geek’s Featured Cosplay – Body Painted Cosplay

This week’s featured cosplayer comes to us from the down under. Her name is Erin and she goes by the moniker Body Painted Cosplay. Erin incorporates body painting in with her costumes. Erin posts her amazing cosplay pictures on her Instagram account. Continue on to find out more about this amazing cosplayer.

(Danniel Slade) Can you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself?

(Erin) I’m a very nerdy, crazy, 28 year old, mother of 2 from Australia.

(DS) What fandoms are you into?

(EV) I am very into all things Tim Burton! And I love the classic musical movies like Mary Poppins,The Wizard of Oz and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I am not into singing but I have always loved films like that!


(DS) When did you get into cosplay?

(EV) I have been going to conventions in cosplay for about 5 years, but I have loved dressing up for as long as I can remember!


(DS) How do you choose what you are going to create for cosplay?

(EV) It’s pretty much whatever I feel like doing at the time.. I am spontaneous!

(DS) How did body paint get involved?

(EV) I really LOVE painting. As in anything and everything so I thought why not combine my 2 loves?


(DS) How do you feel that body paint enhances your cosplay?

(EV) Because it puts a little bit more ‘me’ into the cosplay!


(DS) Your snake from Beetlejuice is amazing! How long does it take to paint something like that on yourself?

(EV) That particular one took about 2 hours but it can take anywhere between 1 and 3, depending how distracted I get while painting.

(DS) What has been your greatest creation that you either painted on yourself or someone else?

(EV) I got to Paint Darth Maul and Savage Opress for 2 cosplayers. It took about 4 hours all up and it was just so much fun to do!


(DS) In total, how many cosplay creations have you made over the years?

(EV) It is hard to say, As I am always throwing things together for my kids as well! Too many to count..


(DS) Do you have a funny or embarrassing story that you are willing to share that happened while in cosplay or doing body painting?

(EV) While I was painting Darth Maul (the one I mentioned before) I spilled glue into his crotch and offered to wipe it off.. I was stuck in a constant laughing fit, which is why it probably took so long for the end result!

(DS) Are you affiliated with any cosplay groups?

(EV) Nope. Unless you count my kids as my group haha!


(DS) You are located in Australia; do you feel that cosplay differs in your country vs cosplay in America?

(EV) I don’t think so. From what I have seen online no, but I’d love to go and find out.


(DS) Do you have a cosplay that you consider empowering to wear?

(EV) I love being Negan from walking dead. He is a badass character and it’s fun to do a female version. I love that cosplay allows you to be whoever you want to be.

(DS) If you could go back in time, what would you do differently in regard to getting started with cosplay?

(EV) Maybe get more serious about it sooner.. I have made so many awesome friends through cosplay!


(DS) What is on your cosplay bucket list? So many things!!

(EV) I have a few Tim Burton cosplays up my sleeve, so you will have to wait and see! Also, I’d love to do Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show..


(DS) Outside of cosplay, what do you do for fun?

(EV) I love to adventure! I love long road trips and finding new and weird places to visit.

(DS) Are there any other cosplayers that inspire you? So many!

(DS) There’s so many Cosplayers in Melbourne, Oz that are absolutely amazing!!


(DS) What is your next convention that fans will see you at?

(EV) Not sure at this stage! Stay tuned 🙂


(DS) What would you say to someone who might want to start cosplaying but may not know how to begin?

(EV) Just do it! Dress up like something or someone you love! There’s no requirements for cosplay at all. It doesn’t matter if you buy a costume, have it made for you or make it yourself.. It’s all about fun!


(DS) How can our readers find out more about you?

(EV) On my Instagram! @bodypainted_cosplay

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