Temple of Geek’s Featured Cosplay – Cosplay Meg

We come across awesome cosplay when we visit conventions all the time. This week’s featured cosplayer is no exception! Cosplay Meg is based out of College Station Texas. She creates some really elaborate cosplay that we just adore! We reached out to Cosplay Meg and asked if she would be willing to chat with us about her cosplay. Here is that interview.


(Danniel Slade) Can you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself?

(Cosplay Meg) I’m super late to the game when it comes to cosplay, gaming, basically the nerd community beyond studying engineering in college. I’m an IT professional for a living, as well as a part-time streamer and small business owner.


(DS)What fandoms are you into?

(CM) So many! Star Wars, Disney, Supernatural, Marvel, DC, the list goes on…



(DS) Now I know you love Phasma, so I need to ask. What are your feelings on her death in Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi? Do you think she might return even though she has not been announced?


(CM) To be completely honest, I don’t think she’s dead, but I also do not expect her to return in 9. I AM, however, really looking forward to seeing more of her in the new animated series, Resistance!

(DS) When did you get into cosplay?

(CM) 2015, my best friend and I decided to go to SDCC on a whim and figured we might as well dress up. Little did I know just how far down the rabbit hole I’d end up!


(DS) How do you choose what you are going to create for cosplay?

(CM) I mostly choose characters I can relate to in some way, or those that are often overlooked.



(DS) In total, how many costumes have you created over the years?

(CM) I think I’m somewhere in the 30s? If not, rapidly approaching it! Now, this isn’t including weak attempts at halloween costumes, just what I’ve created for the con scene!


(DS) Do you have a favorite costume that you want to wear over and over?

(CM) I absolutely LOVE my Sally Jupiter, unfortunately it doesn’t exactly fit at the moment… {not the answer you expected, eh? Phasma’s up there, too 😉  }     (editor’s note: NO, Not what I expected!!)



(DS) What was your easiest build?

(CM) Of the ones I crafted myself, I’d have to say Ventress. Sewed everything in a week!


(DS) Now on the flip side, what was your hardest build?

(CM)The hardest part is sitting for the makeup/bald cap. Hardest build is either Phasma or Brienne of Tarth (chainmaille…).


(DS) Your Brienne of Tarth is amazing! How long did it take you to build?

(CM) Brienne was built in two months, I had agreed to be in a Game of Thrones group for a con without looking at my calendar to see when it was xD



(DS) What is your favorite convention to cosplay at?

(CM) I love cosplaying at SDCC. There are so many amazing creators there, it’s awesome to be able to discuss our craft and, for me at least, ogling the people with more skill than I could ever hope to have!


(DS) Do you have a funny or embarrassing story that you are willing to share that happened while in cosplay?

(CM) Trooping the Peter Mayhew Foundation Art Auction at Alamo City last year. Ian McDiarmid was speaking, so he went down the line of all the troopers, shaking our hands and thanking us for being there, that sort of thing. Starting with Vader, Stormtroopers, etc, then comes to me (in my Princess Leia). Ian looks me up and down and says “Oh, darling, you shouldn’t be wearing something like that in a place like this…. {Emperor Palpatine voice} This is the DARK SIDE.” And that’s how I got hit on by the Emperor.


(DS) Are you affiliated with any cosplay groups?

(CM) Yes! I’m a part of the Mandalorian Mercs, the 501st Legion, and the Rebel Legion


(DS) Looking back at your early cosplay years, is there anything you would tell yourself that you know now that you didn’t know then?

(CM) My early years weren’t too terribly long ago,


(DS) Do you have a cosplay that you consider empowering to wear?

(CM) Sally Jupiter, Rosie the Riveter, Punk Pluto, Brienne of Tarth… Heck, I honestly think all of my characters are empowering! That’s why I build them! 🙂



(DS) What is on your cosplay bucket list?

(CM) Agent Tex from Red vs Blue (MJOLNIR armor from Halo), the Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, and Barbarian Zarya from Overwatch


(DS) Outside of cosplay, what do you do for fun?

(CM) I’m a gamer and twitch streamer, so I’m usually on my computer in my “down” time


(DS) Are there any other cosplayers that inspire you?

(CM) Too many to list! I have met so many amazing people in this community and following the work of even more!



(DS) What is your next convention that fans will see you at?

(CM) After CTC Geekfest, I don’t have anything planned until Dallas Fan Days!


(DS) What would you say to someone who might be nervous about getting into cosplay?

(CM) Just do it. That, and I guarantee you’re not giving your own creations the credit they deserve — You’re better at this than you think!


(DS) How can our readers find out more about you?

(CM) All my links can be found at CosplayMeg.com!

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