Temple of Geek’s Featured Cosplay – DeBusky

Amanda Debusk is a Texas based cosplayer who goes by the pseudonym DeBusky. She is an artist, animal lover, and ‘maker of things’ who crafts great cosplay. We reached out to DeBusky to talk to her about her cosplay, her fandoms, and more. Check out her interview below and then go show her some love on Instagram!

(Danniel Slade) Can you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself?

(Amanda DeBusk) I’m a tall nerdy chick from smack dab in the middle of TX. I’m a big time animal lover. I have two younger sisters and am very close to my family. Somehow they put up with all these cosplay shenanigans!

(DS) What does your name DeBusky mean?

(AD) DeBusky actually comes from my last name, DeBusk. Ever since I was in middle school, the “y” has been tacked onto the end of the name and that’s what many friends, teachers, and coaches referred to me as. It’s just kind of catchy, I guess. So I figured I might as well stick with the childhood nickname!


(DS) What fandoms are you into?

(AD) Since I was younger I’ve loved the Tolkein, JK Rowling, Poké/Digimon, and Star Wars universes. The stories, creatures, and characters have always captivated me and continue to inspire me today. More recently I’m obsessing over video games like Overwatch, Elder Scrolls, and Assassin’s Creed.


(DS) You are also a very talented artist. When did you discover that you can draw?

(AD) To give you an idea, I used to draw on my elementary school tests instead of actually taking said tests, which got me in a little trouble growing up. But if I hadn’t done my own thing and colored outside the lines as a child I wouldn’t have grown up to become an artist. I even went to college pursuing art and I think I turned out just fine!

(DS) How do you choose what you are going to create for cosplay?

(AD) My costume choices usually come down to one or both of two things: random inspiration and/or how little sewing is involved. I’m honestly terrible at sewing and would rather craft foam armor all day, every day! I do plan to get better with sewing, especially for future cosplay plans. But the characters I choose are always ones I can get excited about and easily envision myself wearing.


(DS) Do you have a cosplay that you consider empowering to wear?

(AD) My first big build was Pharah from Overwatch. I’m so proud the work that went into it and I always feel like the work shows when I wear it. Plus her character is just really neat to me. Nothing beats getting to be a powerful, flying Rocket Queen! It gets a good crowd reaction, so I’m happy that others can share my appreciation for the character and her design.


(DS) Do you have a favorite costume that you want to wear over and over?

(AD) The most comfortable costume I’ve made so far is Roadhog from Overwatch. Aside from the mask and arm pieces, it didnt require any major armor wearing, and was easier to piece together than other things I’ve built. Plus I get to wear oversized camo pants with big pockets, which means comfort AND convenience! Can’t beat that!

(DS) What is your favorite convention to cosplay at?

(AD) PAX South is a yearly road trip destination tradition I have with a few of my closest friends. We all count down the months til PAX like our own holiday. We’ve gone every year, and plan to continue to do so as long as we can. I’ve cosplayed the past 2 years and made a ton of friends through it. It’s so much fun!


(DS) Do you have a funny or embarrassing story that you are willing to share that happened while in cosplay?

(AD) One of the first costumes I wore to a con was my Dalish Elf, complete with a real bow I walked around with (minus arrows). I put a lot of work into my makeup, felt good about the look of the costume, and was pumped to go out in it. I was too excited to realize that the cool bow I had was actually strung backwards the whole time. I never realized until someone pointed it out in a photo. I’ve even taken an archery class in the past, so its a detail I should have caught. I look back at my photos now and cringe a little at the sight of my backwards bow, which has since been restrung the proper way. We all make mistakes!


(DS) What is your next convention that fans will see you at?

(AD) I will be at PAX South for sure, and I may sneak in one or two before then.

(DS) What is on your cosplay bucket list?

(AD) I’m planning to make the Elder Scrolls character Mephala happen. Its an intimidating, ambitious project but the thought of completing it is so exciting to me, I really want to see it through! I have yet to cosplay any “villains”, which is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. So be on the lookout for some bad guys from me!


(DS) Are there any other cosplayers that inspire you?

(AD) I could go on and on about cosplayers that inspire me, but to name a few who are definitely worthy of checking out: Kamui Cosplay, Maul Cosplay, Maja Felicitas, DatGermia, Jacki Craft, Jessica Nigri, Blackwatch Cosplay, KawaiiMayhem, Alizorah, Thiccpachi Cosplay, Maddycat Cosplay, Daisy Cosplay, Imriel Cosplay, and so on. Maybe more than a few but I highly recommend them.


(DS) What would you say to someone who might want to build their first costume but don’t know how to get started?

(AD) My advice is just create something. Every day, if you’re able. A little progress is better than none. Find some good cosplay tutorials on YouTube and take notes. Don’t get too frustrated if something doesn’t turn out right the first time. That’s how you learn to get better. Try, try, try again!


(DS) How can our readers find out more about you? 

(AD) I love using Instagram to interact with other creators and nerdy people! You can find me there at @debusky_


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