
Temple of Geek’s Featured Streamer – Fusromandah

Welcome to an all new feature here on Temple of Geek where we feature video game streamers. For our first post, I am excited to introduce you to Amanda Russell. She goes by the name Fusromandah on Twitch. Amanda has been a gamer for about 15 years now. Her streams are quite entertaining and fun to watch. You can check them out on her Twitch channel at twitch.tv/fusromandah. Before you head there, check out Amanda’s interview with us where she discusses video games, streaming, and more!

(Danniel Slade) Can you start off by telling me a little bit about yourself?

(Amanda Russell) I’m a 24-year-old New England native. I spend a majority of my time playing games, and planning streams. When I’m not doing either of those, I invest a lot of my time in freelance writing, graphic design, and cosplaying!


(DS) When did you discover that you were a geek?

(AR) I’m not sure if I ever had a moment where I “discovered” that I was a geek. I feel like I’ve always been one. I’ve been playing games, and reading comics for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are playing Zelda, Crash Bandicoot, and reading Spider-Man.


(DS) How long have you been gaming?

(AR) I can’t remember an exact date as to when I started gaming, but I’d say I’ve been gaming for about 15 years now.


(DS) Tell us the story of how you got involved in streaming?

(AR) A lot of different things inspired me! I’m naturally a very shy person. I had always watched various streamers, and thought that streaming would be a great way for me to get out of my shell. The first time I streamed was in 2015, and I played Assassin’s Creed: Unity. It was nerve-wracking, but also exciting. One person had stopped by, and we had some great conversation about the AC games. After that, I streamed maybe two more times. It wasn’t until May 2017 that I actually decided to start streaming again, and attempt to be more consistent with it. This was around the same time Twitch’s Affiliate program launched. Since last year, I’ve had the most fun I’ve ever had. I strive to stream several days a week, and I’ve met some of my best friends off of Twitch. I’m incredibly grateful for streaming.


(DS) What genres of games do you mostly focus on?

(AR) I primarily focus on RPGs! Aside from that genre, you can find me streaming a lot of action-adventure games, and occasionally some FPS.

(DS) Do you stream on a schedule or just whenever you feel like playing?

(AR) A schedule works best! My schedule tends to change every week, but I always post it on my channel’s page to update people. An updated schedule lets people know when they can watch you!


(DS) Do you have a favorite game or game system?

(AR) I do, I do! I have many favorite games: Borderlands 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, The Witcher 3, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, The Last of Us. My all-time favorite game, though, is Skyrim. As far as my favorite game system goes, I’m a Playstation fangirl.


(DS) What do you think it is about your channel that gets people watching?

(AR) I try my best to be as engaging/genuine as possible. I’d like to think that both of those things show when I stream. I’ll be honest, I’m definitely not the best player, but I have fun and make sure to always laugh at myself. I feel that’s what keeps people watching.


(DS) What is your most popular streamed title?

(AR) I stream a wide variety of games, but I’ve found out recently that my most popular streamed title would be Dead by Daylight. It’s so much fun to watch!


(DS) Do you stream anything else besides gaming?

(AR) I used to do IRL coffee streams. I’d sit, drink some coffee, and just chat with my viewers. I found it was a really great way to talk with them, without getting distracted by the game. Then once I was finished, I’d transition into some games. I’m actually bringing those IRL streams back soon!

(DS) If you could hop into a phone booth and go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

(AR) To not take yourself too seriously, and don’t let others get in the way of what you want to accomplish.


(DS) What memorable moments have happened in the past during a stream that you can share with us?

(AR) I’ve had a lot of memorable moments! It’s hard to pinpoint specific ones. I’d say each moment where I established an actual friendship with some of my viewers, has become memorable to me.


(DS) What do you do to keep your stream engaging?

(AR) There’s a lot, actually! To start, I make sure I’m always talking. Whether it be to a specific person, or just rambling away. I make sure to keep the conversation going. In addition, I’ll play music, take mini dance breaks, and sometimes incorporate different props to make things fun. I ALSO plan on doing giveaways soon!


(DS) Do you have a favorite streamer that you enjoy watching? (Besides yourself of course!)

(AR) For the most part, I primarily watch my friends! I’ll list off some of my favorite streamers right now: Espynat0r, Cahlaflour, Dukelimond, Resetget, Valkyrae, and Larz!


(DS) How do you deal with people that are being unpleasant for flat out rude?

(AR) I usually hit them with a bit of sarcasm, and do my best to play it off. I definitely think it’s best before each stream to mentally prepare yourself for any possible trolls. The internet is filled with them, and the more you realize that, the better prepared you’ll be to handle them. For me, I just joke around, and act as if what they’re saying doesn’t phase me. Once they realize they’re not getting the reaction they had hoped, they usually leave. Also: choose your mods carefully. They’ll be your knights in shining armor when it comes to handling these people.

(DS) Is there a particular game that you refuse to play?

(AR) There’s a few different games that I wouldn’t necessarily say I “refuse” to stream, but I would strongly prefer not to. You will not find me streaming any of the Dark Souls games, or Bloodborne. I have nothing against those games, and I am doing my best to get into them, because I’ve heard great things. I’m just the type of person that gets frustrated with games easily (especially if I’m dying repeatedly). I don’t feel that it would be fun to watch me play those games on stream, simply because I’ll rage quit. A lot.


(DS) Where do you see your channel in the next 2 – 3 years? Do you still see yourself streaming?

(AR) I definitely see myself still streaming in the next few years! Streaming is something I’ve come to be very passionate about. Having the opportunity to create a community and establish relationships with people all over the world is truly incredible. As far as where I see my channel going, I’m not entirely sure. I just hope that I continue to expand my community.


(DS) What conventions have you attended in the past and are there any coming up that we might see you at?

(AR) I’ve attended quite a few in the past! I used to attend PAX East every year, since I’m originally from New Hampshire. I haven’t been in a couple years, but plan on making a return soon. Aside from that, I’ve attended E3, San Diego Comic Con, and New York Comic Con as well. E3 is definitely the most exciting (with all of the announcements), but I think NYCC will always be my favorite. As of right now, it looks like Twitchcon may be in my future!


(DS) What is one thing you wish game developers and publishers would do to make streaming better for everyone?

(AR) In terms of streaming, it feels as if single player games are dying out. Which is unfortunate, because most of my favorite games are single player. I feel if developers/publishers find a way to incorporate more crowd play into these games, there may be more of an incentive for people to consistently stream them.


(DS) What advice would you give to someone who might think about starting a stream?

(AR) Plan it out. If you’re genuinely thinking about getting into streaming, there’s a lot of work that goes into it. At the same time, I think you should try a few test streams without necessarily planning a whole lot. That way you’re able to get a feel for what it’s like in front of a camera, and talking to strangers about video games. If you like the feel of everything, start making a schedule. Post it on your channel so viewers know when they can catch you live. Utilize social media. That one has definitely helped me tremendously with attracting new people. You have to be willing to put yourself out there in various ways to get the traction you want. Lastly, remain consistent and take breaks when needed. Consistency is something that will make or break a streamer. Figure out what works best for you, and try to remain consistent with it. At the same time, don’t be afraid to take breaks from streaming. When you’re just starting out, it’s all exciting, and I’m sure you want to stream as much as you can. I genuinely believe in order to keep that passion thriving, you need to take days off for your mental well-being. Streaming consistently can be very demanding, and exhausting. You’re having fun, so half the time you don’t realize it. That’s why it’s extremely important to take those days off, and use them to relax. Know your limits, and try not to push too far beyond them.

(DS) How can our readers find out more about you? 

(AR) I’m all over the place! You can find me on TwitchInstagram, Twitter, and my YouTube is currently a work in progress. I try to dabble in a little bit of everything, so I develop new skills, and sharpen my others. I also have recently started my own gaming blog, so stay tuned for that as well!


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