Five episodes of The Office that will make you feel good

We all could use a little (okay, a lot) of feel-good television right now. NBC’s The Office is celebrating the anniversary of its first episode on March 24th. The Office is a mockumentary that aired on NBC from 2005 to 2013. Starring Steve Carell, John Krasinksi, Rainn Wilson, and Jenna Fischer, this show has become a favorite for so many of us. It follows the office lives of a small, fictional paper company called Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, PA. Not only does it follow their work lives, but it also has follows pranks, love, friendships, and heartbreak. If you have yet to watch, then I would highly recommend doing so! It is currently streaming on Netflix. I have made a list of five episodes that don’t need a whole lot of context to watch that are feel-good fun!

“Office Olympics” Season 2, Episode 3

The Office Olympics
Jim (John Krasinski), Michael (Steve Carell), and Dwight (Rainn Wilson) in “Office Olympics” from NBC Universal

Michael (played by Steve Carell) has just purchased a condo and needs to go sign some paperwork at said condo. He takes Dwight (played by Rainn Wilson) with him. With the boss (Michael) and the stickler for the rules (Dwight) out of the office, there is more time for goofing around. Jim (played by John Krasinski) “dies of boredom,” so he goes around the office asking everyone if they have a way they like to pass the time. This gives him and Pam (played by Jenna Fischer) an idea: they host “The Office Olympics.” As the episode goes on, they create different games and contests with items they can use around the office. Pam creates gold, silver, and bronze medals out of yogurt lids and paper clips. When Michael and Dwight get back, they are rewarded with medals. Michael is given a gold medal during the closing ceremonies. Fun fact: Steve Carell did not know this was going to happen, so his reaction to a gold medal was authentic and priceless! This episode is an overall good time. We can even be inspired by the creativity to come up with our own games.

“Local Ad” Season 4, Episode 5

Local Ad
Coming up with the jingle for the commercial in “Local Ad” from NBC Universal’s The Office

The different branches of Dunder Mifflin participate in an ad campaign. Michael’s desire is to use the creative juices of his employees. They all get to play a part in the ad in some way. Whether they are in it, filming, or designing, Michael wants it to be a collaboration. However, corporate has their own agenda. Corporate brings in professionals who have already filmed some of the other branches. All the employees need to do is wave. This doesn’t sit well with Michael, so they film their version and give it to corporate. Corporate chooses the “professional” one, but we get to see the Dunder Mifflin Scranton version anyway. In the end, they all got to work hard together creating something they were so proud of!

“Weight Loss” Season 5, Episodes 1 and 2

The Office Weight Loss
Michael Scott (Steve Carell) and Holy Flax (Amy Ryan) in The Office episode “Weight Loss, Pt 2” from NBC Universal

Corporate Dunder Mifflin has started a weight-loss incentive program for all of the branches. The branch that collectively loses the most weight in a certain amount of time wins extra vacation days. Michael does his best to motivate his employees with the help of their new HR rep Holly Flax (played by Amy Ryan). Michael is very interested, romantically, in Holly. So, he spends both of the episodes trying to get to know her per the advice of Jim. It’s very sweet to see Holly and Michael connect as Michael, in a fairly mature way, courts her and begins a foundation relationship versus “being lovers first.” As the episode goes on, some of the employees have either stopped trying or are going overboard with extreme dieting. Later, Jim can no longer wait to (spoiler alert!) propose to Pam. It may not have been the perfectly planned proposal, but it was along awaited and very sweet. Both of these episodes are fun, warm, and very lighthearted.

“Murder” Season 6, Episode 10

The Office "Murder"
Michael Scott (Steve Carell) and Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) in “Murder” from NBC Universal

Dunder Mifflin is in trouble financially, so Michael decides to try and ease everyone’s stress. He has the whole branch play a murder mystery game to keep their minds off of the possibility of the company going bankrupt. Jim, who has been promoted, does not think this is a very good idea. He believes everyone should keep working like everything is normal. Michael pleads with him, telling Jim that everyone needs this. Turns out, that was true. The moral of the office seemed higher, and the stress levels were lower as everyone was having some fun. Well, only the ones who chose to play. Jim gave the employees the option versus it being forced on them. Again, this episode shows that teamwork does in fact make the dream work. Jim and Michael balanced out the office and allowed everyone to relieve stress in whatever way they needed to.

“Threat Level Midnight” Season 7, Episode 17

The Office Threat Level Midnight
Michael Scott (Steve Carell) as Michael Scarn in “Threat Level Midnight” from NBC Universal

Behold, the film by Michael Scott! Michael, along with the employees of the office, created a movie called “Threat Level Midnight.” It has a James-Bond, home movie kind of feel. Of course, Michael is the hero in this movie. Jim is the villain whose name is Golden Face. Golden Face plans on blowing up the national hockey game, and Michael Scarn (Michael’s character) has to save the day. Unfortunately, in this episode, we don’t see the full movie. However, it is still fun to see the little pieces as well as the reactions from the “stars” of the film. If you want to see it in its entirety, then here it is on YouTube!

It was difficult to pick just five episodes. Well, really six if you count the “Weight Loss” parts 1 and 2 as two episodes. Each of these episodes does not need a whole lot of context if you have not watched The Office before. If you have, then which episodes would you recommend?

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  • Maddie Morrow

    Maddie Morrow (she/they) plays a vital role on the Temple of Geek Team. As a jack-of-all-trades and Creative Director, she actively participates in nearly every project and facet of the organization. From fostering community and interviewing on red carpets, to managing backend operations, Maddie contributes across almost every department. Find her on Instagram and TikTok at @maddie_whovian and on Twitter @mad_whovian

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Maddie Morrow

Maddie Morrow (she/they) plays a vital role on the Temple of Geek Team. As a jack-of-all-trades and Creative Director, she actively participates in nearly every project and facet of the organization. From fostering community and interviewing on red carpets, to managing backend operations, Maddie contributes across almost every department. Find her on Instagram and TikTok at @maddie_whovian and on Twitter @mad_whovian

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