Crunchyroll hosted the SPYxFAMILY CODE: White premiere in Los Angeles. Among the celebrities and influencers on the red carpet was Anthony Bowling. Anthony Bowling voices Franky Franklin in the SPYxFAMILY series. We spoke with Bowling about his role in the film.
Anthony Bowling Interview

Anthony Bowling is a voice actor who voices characters such as Shiro Ashiya / Alciel (The Devil is a Part-Timer!!) and Rei Sakuma (Ensemble Stars!).
SPYxFAMILY CODE: White follows the Forger family on vacation. What starts out as a lovely family outing turns into a fight for world peace!
Franky Franklin is almost like Anya’s uncle. He is also pretty much Agent Twilight’s best friend. Bowling talks about how much Franky has grown throughout the series. “I think we’re seeing a lot more of that human side, a lot more of the why is Uncle Frankie the way he is. He’s genuinely a kindhearted person, but you kind of get to see all of the obstacles and speed bumps he has to go through in his life.”
SpyxFamily is an anime based on the Shonen Jump manga of the same name. The Forger family is not what they seem. Agent Twilight is a spy tasked with a mission to bring peace to the east and western nations. In this mission, he must form a fake family in order to get close to his primary target. He adopts a young girl, Anya, who is actually a telepath. Then, he gets married out of convenience to a woman named Yor, who also needs to be married for the sake of her own job. Yor Forger, the fake wife of Loid Forger (Agent Twilight), is actually an assassin.
Anya is the only one in the Forger family who knows both of her parents’ true selves. The series follows their ups and downs of being a family as well as each of their fights for world peace.
SPYxFAMILY CODE: White hits theaters on April 19th. Seasons one and two of the series are available for streaming on Crunchyroll.