House of the Dragon Recap: The Burning Mill

The latest episode of House of the Dragon premiered on HBO Sunday, June 30 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The episode entitled The Burning Mill is the third episode in season two of House of the Dragon. The series follows the era of the Targaryen rule and their subsequent demise.

Here is our recap of The Burning Mill.

House of the Dragon Recap: Episode 3

The Burning Mill starts with the introduction of House Bracken, sworn enemies of the Blackwoods, and their ongoing rivalry. Audiences see Bracken has pledged their allegiance to King Aegon II, and the battle begins with a coy remark about the false Queen Rhaenyra being a kinslayer. In the horrific aftermath of slane bodies, it is clear just how vast the bloodshed has gone.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen talking to her Husband Coryls Velaryon
Eve Best and Steve Toussaint in House of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 3

At the burial of Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk Cargyll, in Dragonstone where the Queen of team Black resides, Rhaenyra Targaryen says, “soon they will not even remember what it was that began the war in the first place.”

Rhaenys warns Rhaenyra and questions the true motivation behind all the fighting when it began, and if it’ll be worth it. Both sides have seemed to play an equal part in loss and pain, with no consideration of stopping. As Rhaenyra’s hand, Rhaenys advises a council with Alicent Hightower, to come to a peaceful understanding before the inevitable destruction of war.

Team Black Divides to Concur

Rhaenyra prepares her court in numbers and with strategy by accepting Mysaria’s proposal to join her court. As she sends her sons with their dragon eggs to Pentos under the protection of Rhaena, Daemon attempts to capture Harenhall by force.

To his dismay, Daemon is faced with no struggle and stunning, yet abandoned, castle grounds. Instead, he is met warmly by Simon Strong, the head of Harenhall. Simon instantly pledges his allegiance to Queen Rhaenyra and a offers warm meal for Daemon. Daemon is restless by his anti-climatic take over of the Riverlands. But shortly after, he is led to the unexpected introduction of Alys Rivers, with a premonition that he will die in this place.

alys rivers in harenhall
Gayle Rankin in House of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 3

Team Green Marches On

Ser Cirston Cole makes his way to the council meeting for his first day as the King’s Hand. Still haunted by the wake of his fruitless and hapless efforts to slay Queen Rhaenyra, it is clear he is eager to prove himself. Even after the loss of Arryk Cargyl, Criston Cole suggests another underdeveloped mission to march to the Riverlands with whoever will join him. Alicent Hightower, though unimpressed and pressed, takes the plan consideration.

Ser Gyane Hightower with his sister Alicent Hightower meeting ser Criston Cole
Fabien Frankel, Freddie Fox and Olivia Cooke in House of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 3

Alicent’s brother, Ser Gayne Hightower, also remains unimpressed by Ser Criston Cole and his sudden rise to power as the new Hand. Replacing his father, Ser Gayne, gives Criston Cole some pushback and observes his too-friendly nature with his sister Alicent.

Even in War, Sibling Rivalry Stays Alive

Aegon II has not shed his childhood bullying of his brother Aemond. Encouraged by his entourage, Aegon II takes a new squire to a brothel after a night of unearned partying. However, upon finding Aemond with the same women he had visited, Aemond remains insecure. At that momen, even after years of growing out of his childhood of being an underdog, Aemond still shrinks back to an insecure boy athis brother’s taunts. After a few moments of quiet shame, Aemond cloaks himself in false confidence and struts off, naked yet confident, with the final words: “your squire is welcomed to her”

Rhaenya says goodbye to rhaenyra and Baela
Phoebe Campbell, Bethany Antonia, and Emma D’Arcy in House of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 3

A Last Attempt at Peace

With the threat of invasion growing, Rhaenyra attempts to reason with Alicent in the last most crucial moment of the episode. With Mysaria’s insight, Rhaenyra enters Kings Landing dressed as a Septa knowing Alicent often prays alone. This gives Rhaenyra the only opportunity for a fair discussion.

Rhaenyra Targaryen in kingslanding dressed as a septa
Emma D’Arcy and Anthony Flanagan in House of The Dragon Season 2 Episode 3

Rhaenyra attempts to gain Alicent’s trust by mentioning their childhood friendship. Rhaneyra hopes that Alicent’s love of her family, and even her late husband Viserys, will be stronger than her own father ambition. She also appeals to Alicent’s knowledge that men will look for any excuse for war, even knowing that war will not solve anything. However, Alicent stays resistant, insisting this war is what her late husband, Rhaenyra’s father, would have wanted.

The idea that Viserys would have wanted Aegon II to claim the thrown upsets Rhaenyra. Incredulous, she presses Alicent to explain, to which Alicent states that Aegon “was the prince who was promised.” Alicent rejects Rhaenyra’s offer of peace and initiates the Dance of the Dragons.

House of the Dragon Season 2 airs on Sundays 9PM E.T./6PM P.T. on HBO and streamable on HBOMax.


Maria Akhtar

A medical student that loves to overthink and overanalyze tv shows a little too much and now has a TikTok dedicated to just that. Already a fan of many realms and universes, including Harry Potter, MCU, DCU, and Game of Thrones but on a mission to infiltrate the rest of the fandoms as well, ahem Star wars; while also being a huge film enthusiast.
If Abed Nadir had a little sister, she would still be cooler than me but I would definitely be her best friend.

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