[Interview] Shadows Of Viridhia Author Nikki Robb

In an interview with Nikki Robb, author of the Shadows of Veridhia series, Robb discusses her writing process and the future of the series.

Shadows of Veridhia is a fantasy series centered on Lexa, a young girl with a powerful and mysterious form of mythica. When the wardens of all the courts of Veridhia learn about her unique abilities, they vie for her allegiance. This leads to Lexa and Lysander forming an unbreakable bond. Adding to the intrigue is the mystery surrounding Lexa’s parentage. This compelling series will be a trilogy. The first two books are already available for readers to enjoy.

Interview with Nikki Robb, author of the Shadows of Veridhia series

We had the opportunity to sit down with Nikki Robb, author of the Shadows of Veridhia series, to discuss her work. Robb delved into her writing process and the future of the series.

We also discussed Robb’s writing journey, the challenges of building such a layered and complicated world, and her creative process. Since it can be difficult to support oneself solely through creative work, we also asked how Nikki balances a full-time job with her writing.

“very delicately. I kind of spend the time like whenever I am not writing or whenever I’m not working I am thinking about what it is I want to write so that when I get the time all I have to do is put the words on the paper. I’m not spending that time thinking like oh how am I gonna make this plot point work or anything because I’ve already done that ahead of time I’m not like the most detailed outliner, but I do like to understand here’s the the goal for each chapter, and here’s the the order of the chapters, like that kind of thing. So that way, the when I do get my precious little bits of time that I get to watch or to write finally, um i yeah I have the idea of what I’m doing. And so it it makes the most of the time that I have, even when it’s very minimal.”

Nikki Robb is a dedicated author who balances her full-time job with creating a world worth losing yourself in. She hopes to have Shadows of Verihdia finished next year. Her Vampire series, Nameless, currently has 3 books out and is releasing its fourth this fall. You can find all her books available on her website, or on Amazon.

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