Interview with Actress Aphra Williams of X-Men’s Dark Phoenix

The highly anticipated Dark Phoenix finally hit theaters this weekend. The premise of which takes us to the beginning of the wildly popular comic event, The Dark Phoenix Saga. It tells the story of how one of the X-Men’s most beloved members, Jean Grey, evolves into the iconic, cosmic Phoenix Force and is a culmination of nearly 20 years of X-Men movies to date.

Recently, I sat down with an up-and-coming member of the cast, Aphra Williams, to discuss the movie, her love of the character Wolverine, and what she geeked out over as a kid.

Note: There may be some light character-related spoilers ahead. You’ve been warned

For Australian-born Aphra Williams getting cast in Dark Phoenix has been a “dream come true,” one born of years of hard work, and what she likes to refer to as “manifesting.” Aphra started professionally acting in her teens, but this latest entry into the X-Men franchise will be her biggest, boldest film role yet.

What drew you to acting originally?

I like to joke that I’m a natural drama queen. I want to say that I started acting really young as a kid. I remember being two years old and putting on performances for the family and running around the living room and then as school went on, and high school, doing the school theater productions and then studying theater at university. I think it’s just the excitement. Being able to explore your favorite characters in books and things. The Chronicles of Narnia, for example, that’s one of my favorite stories and it being filmed like that it, comes to life. It’s like, “I want to do that.”

Do you have any advice for other women who are looking to break into acting or the entertainment industry?

Don’t give up is definitely the first thing I would say, because you’re going to hear a lot of nos. Whether you’re a man or a woman, there’s always going to be a lot of nos and to learn to not take that personal, it’s just a job. They’re looking to fit the right person. Make sure you find a good acting coach that can really teach you how to be truthful in your characters. And have fun! That’s important. That’s something we can easily forget in this industry. You have to make sure you’re having fun and enjoy yourself.

What can you tell us about Dark Phoenix and your specific role? I heard there might be a little bit of a twist to your character. Note: potential spoiler warning

There is a little bit of a twist! She’s a little bit secretive, so I can’t say too much about her, but she’s a villain. I play one of the main villains in the film and we filmed it over two summers, 2017 and 2018. I got to work very closely with Jessica Chastain, who’s an amazing actress and incredibly lovely. It was really special to be able to work with her and then to actually see the X-Men in front of you living and breathing and fighting. It was very cool indeed. And to play a villain! I haven’t played a villain before in anything so it’s been quite a trip and to do all these sorts of fight scenes, whether it’s being shot up or having to do “Superman” punches and things. I was very blessed to work with an amazing stunt and crew team and have their support. I had a great stunt double who also owns a martial arts studio in Montreal, so she was teaching me a lot of thing. The support system on X-Men has been incredible.

What’s the process like for preparing for a character like this, especially one that is a very physical role?

Yeah, it’s really interesting and it was a little difficult. You are less able to put whatever you want into it because, for obvious reasons, they’re so secretive about certain things. We don’t always know what’s happening until we get to set, and we get our sides, and then it’s like, “Okay, so this is what we’re doing today.” And I guess it’s kind of putting in your ”resting bitch face.” I don’t want to say we all have a killer inside, but channeling that inner animal definitely works a lot. I think, for this particular character, working a lot with cats and animals to give it that presence. Like when we watch cats hunt prey, similar to that, you know what I mean?

What are some of your favorite moments from your time filming?

I actually got asked this question the other day before I’d seen the film, and I was like, “Oh, I don’t actually know if all those scenes were included in the film or not,” because obviously, shooting for a year things get cut… but one of my favorite scenes was being shot at. Getting to actually do the stunts, of having “squibs” covered on me, and then having them go off, was a lot of fun. And the stunt team are amazing. June Churchman–the stunt coordinator–was incredibly helpful in walking me through it, on what to expect, and I think that was definitely my favorite scene.

We’re only about halfway through the year, but 2019 has seen a record number of superhero genre movies, Dark Phoenix included. What do you think is so compelling about these stories?

I think that’s a great question. I think it shows us, I mean, especially with the X-Men characters that we look up to, that we can be different. We can have our own unique quirkiness and things about us that people love or people hate and that it’s important to always stay true to yourself. And I think that’s something that we can all resonate with, with superhero films.

Do you think there’s something about Dark Phoenix that makes it different than the rest?

It’s been great because this year there’s been a lot of women in the superhero films, and one thing that I really love about the Dark Phoenix is how many female characters are in this film. Which I think is really important.

Our website is called Temple of Geek. So clearly we’re big about geeking out or obsessing over things in entertainment, pop culture or fandom. What’s something that you were a “nerd” about as a kid?

A lot of things. I always was really captivated by Wolverine and Hugh Jackman’s take on Wolverine. I thought the way he portrayed that character, and he’s done it for so long, was incredibly inspiring. So he’s definitely a comic character, and an actor, that I looked up to.

Before we wrap up together, where can we find you online or on social media?

Yeah, absolutely! I would love to hear what people think of the film on Instagram @aphra_jaye

For more Dark Phoenix coverage :

Interview with Actor and Stunt Performer Andrew Stehlin of Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix is now playing at a theater near you.

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