Sk8 the Infinity is an anime that has it all: skateboarding, intrigue, angst, friendship, and much more. It’s a must-watch, especially with the news of an upcoming second season and OVA in the works. We have compiled a list of our favorite Langa Hasegawa quotes from the first season.

About Sk8 the Infinity
Sk8 the Infinity takes place in Okinawa, Japan, and follows a group of skateboarders who compete in an underground competition known as S. When Canadian newcomer Langa Hasegawa moves to Japan, he is quickly befriended by the free-spirited skateboarder/skateboard designer, Reki Kyan.

The two form a close bond when Reki starts to teach Langa (a former snowboarder) the ins and outs of skateboarding, and the joys that come along with the sport.
Here are some of our favorite Langa Hasegawa quotes from Sk8 the Infinity.
Our Favorite Langa Hasegawa Quotes
“I never know unless I try.”

“It does feel different. But at the same time, similar.”

“It all feels so familiar. I’ve got this.”

“Stand back! …push me.”

“I never realized how your face looked, Reki. It’s…weird.”

“It’s not about winning. This is an adventure. Isn’t that right?”

Langa: Reki…it’s a cat.
Reki: You’re a cat!

Nanako: You like this person, right?
Langa: Um, yeah.
Nanako: That’s your truth. Those are the emotions you should share.
Langa: No way. That’s embarrassing.
Nanako: It’s the only sure way to help you regain trust. Show her she’s a lucky girl!
Langa: What girl?

“Reki, my love….of skateboarding is because of you.”

“It’s who I skate with that defines my feelings.”

“I wanna skate infinitely with you.”

“Reki, I’m grateful for you.”

“Am I flying or falling?”

“I’ve learned that skating builds bonds that don’t break. It’s not worth having a board unless you have friends at your side.”

“Reki told me about this superhero he used to watch on tv. He said he scared him a little. The reason was because after each episode, he asked ‘what makes you happy?’ At first, I thought Reki was nuts. What’s so scary about that? But now, I think I kinda get it. It’s scary not to know the answer. To have nothing that makes you happy. I’ve been there, but not anymore. I know what makes me happy. I understand true joy.”

You can watch the first season of Sk8 the Infinity on Crunchyroll.
Did we miss any? Let us know your favorite Langa Hasegawa quote!
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