San Diego Comic-Con 2020 will now be a virtual event. This year Doctor Who won’t have a huge presence at Comic-Comic, regardless we put together a list of Comic-Con @Home panels for Doctor Who Fans.
No lead characters of Doctor Who will be doing any panels. There are some Doctor Who comics, fan and alumni panels listed below. But San Diego Comic-Con has a history of adding last-minute panels. We will update this list as more information becomes available.
What is Comic-Con @Home

Due to the current global pandemic, Comic-Con International has made the decision to go online! This year’s event will now be known as Comic-Con @Home. Comic-Con @Home 2020 will feature over 350 separate panels spread out over all five days of the event. Comic-Con @Home will take place this summer from Wednesday, July 22nd until Sunday, July 26th. There will be something for everyone! All the panels will also be available on the Comic-Con YouTube channel, so you can also access them there.
San Diego Comic (Comic-Con International) is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation organized for charitable purposes and dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms, including participation in and support of public presentations, conventions, exhibits, museums and other public outreach activities which celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.
How to tune into Comic-Con @Home
You can create your own MySCHED account on, and mark which panels you’d like to view. This list is subject to change. Please check for updates
You can view via the Comic-Con@Home website on the specific Program pages, plus on the Anime, Films, and Games pages. You can also log into via your personal computer, mobile phone browser, or download the Sched app for quick access on your phone.
With MySCHED, you can share your Comic-Con @Home schedule with your friends, see your favorites on your mobile devices, and synch across platforms and devices as well.
This list will be updated as more information is available but your best place to get the latest information is in the programming schedule.
Doctor Who Panels
Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious Panel
Saturday July 25, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Launching in September 2020 over twelve weeks, Time Lord Victorious is the BBC’s brand-new, multi-platform Doctor Who story told across comics, novels, audio, vinyl, and digital! Go behind the scenes with writer Jody Houser, artist Roberta Ingranata, colorist Enrica Eren Angiolini, editor Jake Devine, and BBC producer James Goss to discuss the new Time Lord Victorious comic series.
Who’s the Best Doctor Who?
Sunday July 26, 2020 1:00pm – 2:00pm
From Gallifrey to the Gaslamp District, Whovians have long debated the best Doctor Who. This opinionated panel settles the argument. SD Who Con brings the lively discussion and ends in the result of a public vote by Who’s The Best podcast listeners over which of the 13 (or more) should take the title. Moderator Sandro Monetti (CNN International) is joined by Doctor Who fans Julie O’Malley (The Finder of Impossible Things), Kristi Schoeman (SD Who Con), Johny Dyer (Time Traveller’s (UN) LTD.), Karen Glover (Time Traveller’s (UN) LTD.), and River Alexandra Song (Time Traveller’s (UN) LTD.).
Panels with Doctor Who Alumni
Lights, Camera, LGBTQI-dentity! Never Alone
Friday July 24, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
YOU have the starring role in your own hero’s journey–but the spotlight can be lonely. And Pop Culture Hero Coalition (@SuperheroIRL) stands united as you meet allies, mentors, and opposition along the way. If you’re isolated and away from your usual support systems, connect with Ru Paul’s Drag Race contestants Pandora Boxx, Jackie Cox, and Silky Nutmeg Ganache, who will bolster your identity with their hard-won stories of resilience–and explore our interactive comic book, Lights, Camera, LGBTQI-Identity! Never Alone, which features these Queens as mentors for LGBTQIA youth. We wanna “stand with you on the mountain” and celebrate your identity with multi-award winning vocal artist Darren Hayes (Savage Garden). And proclaim love & inclusion with iconic NOH8 Campaign Founders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley. Featuring Lights, Camera, Identity! Never Alone artist Mr. Loki and author Raymond Litster, along with Coalition founder Chase Masterson (Star Trek: DS9, Doctor Who: Big Finish). “Pop Culture Hero Coalition is using Comic-Con’s massive influence to spread its anti-bullying message.” CBS News
For More Comic-Con Coverage:
List of the panels with Diverse Voices coming to Comic-Con @Home
San Diego Comic-Con Collaborates with IGN to Bring the Con Online
The Geek Brands and Fashion Panels of Comic-Con @Home
For More Doctor Who Coverage:
Jodie Whittaker, Matt Smith & David Tennant Together for Doctor Who
Final FREE Doctor Who Lockdownload from Big Finish Productions
Michelle Gomez is back as Missy in Doctor Who spin-off from Big Finish