We put together a list of panels with diverse voices that are coming to Comic-Con @Home! San Diego Comic-Con 2020 will now be a virtual event. These are some of our top picks for panels that engage in, and discuss representation, inclusion, and diversity in fandom.
What is Comic-Con @Home
Due to the current global pandemic, Comic-Con International has made the decision to go online! This year’s event will now be known as Comic-Con @Home. Comic-Con @Home 2020 will feature over 350 separate panels spread out over all five days of the event. Comic-Con @Home will take place this summer from Wednesday, July 22nd until Sunday, July 26th. There will be something for everyone! All the panels will also be available on the Comic-Con YouTube channel, so you can also access them there.

San Diego Comic (Comic-Con International) is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation organized for charitable purposes and dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms, including participation in and support of public presentations, conventions, exhibits, museums and other public outreach activities which celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.
How to tune into Comic-Con @Home
You can create your own MySCHED account on SCHED.com, and mark which panels you’d like to view. This list is subject to change. Please check for updateshttps://www.comic-con.org/cciathome/2020/programming-schedule.
You can view Sched.com via the Comic-Con@Home website on the specific Program pages, plus on the Anime, Films, and Games pages. You can also log into Sched.com via your personal computer, mobile phone browser, or download the Sched app for quick access on your phone.
With MySCHED, you can share your Comic-Con @Home schedule with your friends, see your favorites on your mobile devices, and synch across platforms and devices as well.
List of Thursday Panels
Afro-Futurism and Black Religion: Connecting Imaginations
Thursday July 23, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/isL61l4OvLY
The works of best-selling authors Octavia Butler, Samuel Delaney, Nnedi Okorafor, Nalo Hopkinson, and Tananarive Due (to name a few) are part of a written corpus that has laid the ground for the blossoming of the movement of Afrofuturism, brought to light by the music of Sun Ra and others. The works of the late Charles H. Long, James Noel, Tracey Hucks, and Rachel Harding bring to light how black religion and the imagination of matter speak to the way in which Black people in the Atlantic World syncretize their experience to create community and fashion a future. This dynamic panel will explore the connections between Afrofuturism and Black Religion and the way in which comics, graphic novels, and animation are capturing the rich dynamic that spawns new ways in which popular culture is being impacted by these forces. Panelists include John Jennings (MFA: professor of Media and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside 2-time Eisner Award winner (2016, 2018), Kinitra D. Brooks (PhD: Leslie Endowed Chair of Literary Studies, Michigan State University), Sakena Young-Scaggs (PhD: Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University), and moderator Aaron Grizzell (MA, executive director, Northern California Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Foundation).
NorcalMLK Foundation
@norcalmlk: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
John Jennings
Kinitra D. Brooks
Sakena Young-Scaggs
Dubbing American into Latin American – A Chat with Dub Actors
Thursday July 23, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/_YQ4PSTcZa4
You all know about the great talents that give voice to your favorite shows, but what about the voices that bring all American shows to Spanish speaking countries? Meet some of Mexico’s biggest dubbing stars in a friendly chat with Carla Castañeda (Twilight Sparkle), Gaby Romero (Cangu), Christina Hernandez (Blossom), Ricardo Tejedo (Jack Sparrow), Pepe Vilchis (Loki), and Mario Castañeda (Son Goku) as they reveal why Mexico’s dubbing is still considered one of the best in the world. Moderated by Cristobal Orellana.
LGBTQ Characters on Television – What’s Next?
Thursday July 23, 2020 5:00pm – 6:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Xe86B_9TF2g
Jamie Chung (Once Upon A Time), Jamie Clayton (Roswell: New Mexico), Wilson Cruz (Star Trek: Discovery), Tatiana Maslany (Perry Mason), Anthony Rapp (Star Trek: Discovery), J. August Richards (Council of Dads), Harry Shum, Jr. (Shadowhunters), Brian Michael Smith (9-1-1: Lone Star) discuss the past, present, and future of representation of LGBTQ characters on television in a Q&A session moderated by Jim Halterman (TV Guide magazine).
List of Friday Panels
Howard Cruse: The Godfather of Queer Comics
Friday July 24, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
YouTube: https://youtu.be/RcX-OQG8joc
Howard Cruse, widely recognized as the “godfather of queer comics,” passed away on November 28th, 2019. He left behind a remarkable legacy as the creator of Gay Comix, Wendel, and Stuck Rubber Baby (back in print from First Second Books in a 25th Anniversary Edition). Howard Cruse not only broke open doors with his prodigious talent, but he held them open for those who came after him. Join Prism Comics and moderators Justin Hall (No Straight Lines, professor, California College of the Arts), Jennifer Camper (Juicy Mother, Queers & Comics Conference organizer) and Karen Green (curator for Comics and Cartoons at Columbia University) for three panels discussing Cruse’s life and work featuring creators who worked with or knew Howard – Trina Robbins, Denis Kitchen, Roberta Gregory, Robert Triptow, Diane DiMassa, Robert Kirby, Ivan Velez Jr., Rupert Kinnard, Ajuan Mance, Steve MacIsaac, Tara Madison Avery, William O. Tyler, and Andy Mangels.
For more about Howard Cruse please visit http://www.howardcruse.com
For a historical tribute to Howard Cruse written by Andy Mangels please download the Comic-Con 2020 Souvenir Book.
Panelist Links
Tara Madison Avery –http://stackeddeckpress.com
Jennifer Camper – http://jennifercamper.com
Diane DiMassa – Facebook: Diane DiMassa Artist
Roberta Gregory – http://www.robertagregory.com
Justin Hall – http://justinhallawesomecomics.com
Rupert Kinnard, cartoonist – Facebook: Rupert Kinnard
Rob Kirby – http://robkirbycomics.com
Denis Kitchen – http://www.deniskitchen.com
Steve MacIsaac – http://stevemacisaac.com
Ajuan Mance – http://8-rock.com
Andy Mangels – http://www.andymangels.com
Robert Triptow – https://roberttriptow.com
William O. Tyler – https://www.williamotyler.com
Ivan Velez Jr. – http://planetbronx.com
Prism Comics – https://www.prismcomics.org
Lights, Camera, LGBTQI-dentity! Never Alone
Friday July 24, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
YouTube: https://youtu.be/uTCIbyaa27w
YOU have the starring role in your own hero’s journey–but the spotlight can be lonely. And Pop Culture Hero Coalition (@SuperheroIRL) stands united as you meet allies, mentors, and opposition along the way. If you’re isolated and away from your usual support systems, connect with Ru Paul’s Drag Race contestants Pandora Boxx, Jackie Cox, and Silky Nutmeg Ganache, who will bolster your identity with their hard-won stories of resilience–and explore our interactive comic book, Lights, Camera, LGBTQI-Identity! Never Alone, which features these Queens as mentors for LGBTQIA youth. We wanna “stand with you on the mountain” and celebrate your identity with multi-award winning vocal artist Darren Hayes (Savage Garden). And proclaim love & inclusion with iconic NOH8 Campaign Founders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley. Featuring Lights, Camera, Identity! Never Alone artist Mr. Loki and author Raymond Litster, along with Coalition founder Chase Masterson (Star Trek: DS9, Doctor Who: Big Finish). “Pop Culture Hero Coalition is using Comic-Con’s massive influence to spread its anti-bullying message.” CBS News
Reclaiming Indigenous History and Culture Through Comics
Friday July 24, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
YouTube: https://youtu.be/EKnEeODyCo8
For hundreds of years, the history of the indigenous peoples of the Americas has been told by everyone but themselves, by people who often diminished and distorted it, and even suppressed their cultures and languages. Thankfully, this situation is changing, with indigenous peoples increasingly reclaiming their history, languages, and cultures. Comics and such visual technologies as augmented and virtual reality are ideal tools being used to accomplish this. Join our panelists Johnny Bear Contreras (Kumeyaay, public artist), Kilma Lattin (Pala Band, founder of OurWorlds.io), and Chag Lowry (Yurok/Maidu/Achumawi, graphic novelist) as they discuss their projects to reclaim indigenous history and culture.
Johnny Bear Contreras – https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/feature/when-the-world-comes-to-life Kilma Lattin – https://ourworlds.io/about/ Chag Lowry – https://greatoakpress.com/news
The 2020 Black Panel
Friday July 24, 2020 10:00am – 11:00am
Entertainment is Female: a Conversation with Hollywood Executives
Friday July 24, 2020 11:00am – 12:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/I4-OhRvNBCA
From the companies that brought you Transformers, the LEGO movies, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, The Walking Dead, Lumberjanes, and Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker, women executives discuss how they are pushing for female representation in Hollywood while adapting comics and games to the big screen. Moderator Tiffany Smith (actress and presenter), along with panelists Jeannette Francis (Bad Robot), Mette Norkjaer (BOOM! Studios), Grey Cusack (Entertainment One), Aubrey Lee (Lord Miller), Nikki Baida (Lord Miller), and Sam Crawley (Skybound Entertainment) will partake in a talk about the film and television industry.
Galaxy Grrls, or the Female and Non-Binary Authors who Bridge the new Frontier of Space Fiction
Friday July 24, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ztw7LcviyCM
Authors Nicky Drayden (Escaping Exodus), Marina Lostetter (Noumenon Ultra), Jessie Mihalik (Chaos Reigning), Valerie Valdes (Chilling Effect), and K.B. Wagers (A Pale Light in the Black) eye the history of space fiction through an entirely new lens. This panel is focused on the legacy of female and non-binary writers who came before, and the trailblazing of modern authors who are re-defining sex, gender, and society against the tapestry of the stars.
Latin American Horror Cinema 2: Sometimes They Come Back
Friday July 24, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/PWlic4sKKic
Once again you can join some of Latin America’s hottest horror directors to discuss how they can bring a new brand of fear to the USA screens. Alejandro Brugués (director, Juan of the Dead), Issa López (director, Tigers Are Not Afraid), Demián Rugna (director, Terrified), Isaac Ezban (director, The Incident), and Gigi Saul Guerrero (director, Culture Shock). Moderated by Sebastian Fink.
Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining
Friday July 24, 2020 6:00pm – 7:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/pZsjzML8IKI
Hip-Hop and comics cultures exist in constant communication: continually namehecking and reflecting each other, trading ideas back and forth, and sharing many common inspirations and influences. Both forms reconfigure existing elements to create vital new works; utilize bold imagery and complex storytelling; and form passionate fandoms around their characters and personalities. Here, curator and historian Patrick A. Reed (Depth Of Field Productions, twitter.com/djpatrickareed) presents a “visual mixtape” with an all-star cast of musicians, comic creators, and visual artists discussing the cross-generational impacts of these cultural crossovers. Panelists include Pharoahe Monch (http://www.pharoahe.com/), Johnny “Juice” Rosado (https://theoddysy.bandcamp.com/), Vita Ayala (https://twitter.com/definitelyvita), Danny Lore (http://dannylore.com/), DJ Nu-Mark (https://djnu-mark.bandcamp.com/), Marc 7 (https://twitter.com/marc7j5mc), Mega Ran (https://megaranmusic.com/), Christopher “Play” Martin (https://twitter.com/theplaygroundz), Adam Wallenta (https://www.punktaco.com/), Kenny Keil (https://www.kennykeil.com/), LiKWUiD (https://www.ellamaeflossie.com/), James Reitano (http://tfustudios.com/), David F. Walker (https://davidfwalker.com/), Ronald Wimberly (https://ronaldwimberly.com/), Murs (https://twitter.com/MURS), MC Esoteric (https://www.czarface.com/), Erin Yoshi (https://www.erinyoshi.com/), Gloria “Glow” Muriel (http://www.gloriamuriel.com/), P.So The Earthtone King (https://psotheearthtoneking.bandcamp.com/), and Turner Lange (https://twitter.com/wallyfresch).
For more information on this topic, please check out www.hiphopandcomics.com
List of Saturday Panels
From Wakanda to Numbani, Writing the Next Generation of Heroes
Saturday July 25, 2020 11:00am – 12:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/te7u6kQKgqk
Through original novels, these authors expand the world of some of the newest pop culture heroes from Marvel and Overwatch. Featuring Preeti Chhibber (author, Orientation: Avengers Assembly), Nicky Drayden (author, Overwatch: Hero of Numbani), and Nic Stone (author, Shuri: A Black Panther Novel). Moderated by Michael Petranek (executive editor, Scholastic).
Giving a Voice to Independent Creators
Saturday July 25, 2020 11:00am – 12:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/6kAZ3Q9-e7Y
Do you have a story to tell? Would you like to see more characters and stories that relate to you? Maybe it’s time to write your own! Led by Barbra Dillon (editor-in-chief, Fanbase Press), join Lisa K. Weber (artist, Hex11), Kelly Sue Milano (writer, Hex11), and Lynly Forrest (editor/producer, Hex11), along with indie creators Alston Novak (artist, Glitch), Travis Rivas (writer, Super-Abled Comics), and David F. Walker (writer, Bitter Root) for a discussion about creating comics outside the mainstream and tips on exactly how to do it.
Inspired: Personal Stories in Graphic Novels
Saturday July 25, 2020 11:00am – 12:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/1hcqQ5GVd4s
Whether biography or memoir, the comics medium has proven to be one of the most compelling formats for personal stories of triumph and tragedy, with numerous books having shown up on the most prestigious of bestseller lists. However, personal triumphs don’t only have to find their way to the page through true-life stories, and Oni Press hosts a conversation with creators whose work has both represented and been inspired by the lives behind them. Join Oni Press creators Maia Kobabe (Gender Queer: A Memoir), Joel Christian Gill (Fights: One Boy’s Triumph Over Violence), and Katie Green (Lighter Than My Shadow) for an empowering discussion on therapeutic nature of the creative process. Moderated by Shawna Gore (Oni Press, editor).
Diversity and Comics: Why Inclusion and Visibility Matter
Saturday July 25, 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/8aA_jH-I4do
The past year has witnessed the birth of transformational change in the social fabric. The Killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery (to name a few) has triggered a response to the structural racism that has caused the nation and the world to take stock of its institutions. The growth of more diverse faces on the pages of popular comic books and in feature films has proven to be essential to reflect the world in which we all live. And, despite the onset of an unprecedented pandemic, the inclusion of people of color, women, and persons with disabilities and the LGBTQ community not only better reflects today’s culture, but it has also proven good for the bottom line. We will bring an award-winning panel together to challenge ongoing issues and push the conversation forward. Panelists include John Jennings (MFA: Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside, 2-time Eisner Award winner (2016, 2018), Frederick Aldama (Ph.D.: The University Distinguished Professor, Arts, and Humanities Distinguished Professor of English and University Distinguished Scholar, The Ohio State University, 2019 Eisner Award winner), Christina Steenz Stewart (syndicated cartoonist, Heart of the City; 2019 Dwayne McDuffie Award Winner), Chelsea ‘Ché’ Grayson (MFA: Executive Director, Northern California Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Foundation), David Walker (comic book writer, Bitter Root, Image) (Legendary Films): 2020 Eisner Award nomination, Naomi (DC): 2020 Eisner Award nomination), and Stanford Carpenter (Ph.D.: Comics and Pop Culture anthropologist and Chair, Black & Brown Comix Arts Festival).
David Walker https://davidfwalker.com
Frederick Aldama https://english.osu.edu/people/aldama.1
Chelsea Grayson https://chegrayson.com
Steenz Stewart https://www.oheysteenz.com
Stanford Carpenter https://www.linkedin.com/in/stanford-w-carpenter-phd-46658a5/
Personal, Political, Fictional, and Factual
Saturday July 25, 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/11uUYj29caY
Personal, political, fictional, and factual creators tackle important topics that affect everybody, regardless of political affiliation or engagement. Whether looking at historical events, or alternate timelines, engage your mind and your empathy with Derf Backderf (Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio), Brandy Colbert (The Voting Booth), Alix E. Harrow (The Once and Future Witches), Daniel G. Newman (Unrig: How to Fix Our Broken Democracy), Charles Yu (Interior Chinatown), and Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed (When Stars Are Scattered) in conversation with Maryelizabeth Yturralde.
Women of Color in Comics: Race, Gender & the Comic Book Medium
Saturday July 25, 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/bzOpfXUAiV8
The Women in Comics Collective International is an organization that focuses on the merit and craftwork of Women and Non-Binary People working in the comic book industry. They host comic book education events across the country, including their own convention, Women in Comics Con. In this segment of their ongoing panel discussion series, they will discuss the current state of the comic book industry and how it’s been impacted by the events of 2020; from COVID19 Pandemic to Racial unrest due to Police Violence. Panelists include Jonita Davis (film reviewer, and pop culture journalist), Jules Rivera (comic book artist), Vanee Matsalia (writer, educator), Camilla Zhang (writer, editor, consultant), Marqueeda LaStar (tech & pop culture journalist), and moderator Regine L. Sawyer, (writer/publisher).
Jonita Davis
The Black Cape Magazine – The Black Cinema Anorak’s* Pop Entertainment Magazine
Jonita Davis, Vanee Matsalia, & Marqueeda LaStar
Blerd Galaxy
Regine L. Sawyer, Women in Comics Collective International
Comic Book Conventions | Women in Comics Collective International
Latinx & Native Amerian Storytellers
Saturday July 25, 2020 1:00pm – 2:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/vfCM80ArrSQ
While only a minority of the characters in media are either Latinx or Natives, there are storytellers trying to change that. Prominent voices in comics, children’s literature and academia look back on their history and forward to what the future will hold for the stories told by Indigenous creators and the creators who are children of immigrants. Join moderator Henry Barajas, and creators Darcie Little Badger, Julio Anta, J. Gonzo, Theresa Rojas, Hector Rodriguez, Rhael Mcgregor, Luke Martinez, Frederick Aldama, and Sonya Ballantyne for this important discussion.
Gender, Race, and Comic Book Coloring
Saturday July 25, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/vhaMJ8LcURs
Did you know that comic book colors used to be hand-separated by an army of women in Connecticut? That “benday dots” are named after a real person? Or that there’s a technical reason African-American skin tones look wrong in old comics? Geek out on the hidden corners of comics history, from the Golden Age up to today’s digital era, and learn about the craft of coloring with color artist Marissa Louise (Amethyst), comics creator Mildred Louis (Astrea’s Nexus Studio), researcher and essayist Zoë D. Smith (University of Chicago), and master letterer/former DC production artist Todd Klein (Sandman). Moderated by author Anina Bennett (Boilerplate).
Mexico’s Magnificent Stop-Motion Seven
Saturday July 25, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZQPc9a3t1yg
Meet the masters of stop motion who have conquered 13 Ariel Awards for animation in 20 years and more around the world. Currently working on computer animated and full stop motion feature films, these bold mexicans are about to take the world under the wing and guidance of none other than Academy Award Winner Guillermo del Toro. Karla Castañeda (La Noria), Luis Téllez (Viva El Rey), Sofía Carrillo (La Casa Triste), Juan José Medina (Jaulas), Rita Basulto (Lluvia en los ojos), León Fernández (Taller de corazones), and Rene Castillo (Poncho Balón). Moderated by Rodolfo Guzman.
Women Rocking Hollywood 2020: Supporting Female-Helmed Film and TV
Saturday July 25, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/jq_KBAWB8nM
What is so great about working as executive producer and director on a Frank Miller/Tom Wheeler project? What is it like to direct Charlize Theron and Kiki Layne in complicated fight scenes? How does working with women above and below the line make a film with Kelvin Harrison Jr, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Dakota Johnson more nuanced and believable? What does a producing director on Queen Sugar do? Find out all this and more, including why supporting women in film is so vital to equality for all, and how fans can make a difference, on this exciting female filmmaker-focused panel. Watch Nisha Ganatra (director: Late Night, The High Note), Lauren Wolkstein (director: Cloak & Dagger, supervising director: Queen Sugar), Gina Prince-Bythewood (writer/director: Love and Basketball, director: The Old Guard), Zetna Fuentes (director: Jessica Jones, executive producer/director: Cursed), and Alison Emilio (director of ReFrame) as they share their experiences and insights. Moderated by Leslie Combemale (creator: Women Rocking Hollywood, freelance writer: AWFJ.org).
Concept Artists of Television and Film: #drawingwhileblack
Saturday July 25, 2020 4:00pm – 5:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/SdDq5ihwesE
Concept artists Marco Nelor (concept artist, HBO’s Watchmen, Mortal Combat X, Army of the Dead), Michael Uwandi (concept artist, Star Trek: Picard, Supergirl, The Mandalorian), Phillip Boutte Jr. (costume concept artist, Black Panther, Masters of the Universe, Jungle Cruise), Raphael Phillips (concept artists, Jupiter’s Legacy, Black Panther, Red Dead Redemption), discuss the process behind creating concept art for some of the most exciting productions in the music, television, and film while touching on what it is like to be #drawingwhileblack. Make sure to follow each panelist on Instagram: https://linktr.ee/drawingwhileblack
HBO’s Lovecraft Country
Saturday July 25, 2020 4:00pm – 5:00pm
From showrunner and executive producer Misha Green, the new drama series Lovecraft Country follows the thrilling journeys of Atticus Freeman (Jonathan Majors), his friend Letitia (Jurnee Smollett) and his Uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) across 1950s Jim Crow America as they overcome the racist terrors and terrifying monsters ripped from an H.P. Lovecraft novel. Join cast members, Jurnee Smollett, Jonathan Majors, Michael Kenneth Williams, Aunjanue Ellis, Wunmi Mosaku, Abbey Lee, and Courtney B. Vance in a conversation moderated by Sarah Rodman, executive editor of Entertainment Weekly.
Outta This World with DMC: Darryl Makes Comics and Friends
Saturday July 25, 2020 4:00pm – 5:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/kwvEOW03iwU
Rap hip/hop legend and comics mastermind The King DMC Darryl McDaniels @thekingdmc teams up with writer Amy Chu @amychu (Red Sonja, Poison Ivy, Sea Sirens, and Sky Island) and the legendary writer/artist/editor/actor Larry Hama (Wolverine, G.I. Joe) to share their personal stories, creative process and show an exclusive sneak peek of their latest comics project Outta This World with the award-winning artist Rob Guillory. Thanks to our special audience guests, the Trenton Central High School Comics and Manga Club!
Mexican Lucha Libre: History, Tradition, Legacy
Saturday July 25, 2020 5:00pm – 6:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ho2V_SnuPi0
This panel will focus on the history, living legacy, and future of Mexican Lucha Libre, free-form wrestling, famous for its dramatic and colorful display of masks and characters. Lucha Libre has inspired many manifestations, having a huge impact in Mexican popular culture and beyond, including films, comics, cartoons, television programs, toys, etc. Panelists analyzed the history and role of Lucha Libre in Mexican culture, its current situation, and its future as a traditional sport in Mexico.
Carlos González Gutiérrez, Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, moderator of the panel.
Salvador Lutteroth, CEO of Promociones México, Coliseo y Revolución, the company that promotes the World Lucha Libre Council (CMLL).
Mauricio Limón, director and owner of the Mexican Museum of Lucha Libre (MULLM) in Tijuana, the only institution of its kind with a collection of almost seven thousand objects related to all aspects of the sport.
Rey Misterio, professional wrestler, and Lucha Libre champion, with a 40-year career
Afrofuturism – “Black To The Future 3(D): Real A.F.”
Saturday July 25, 2020 6:00pm – 7:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/CXRzF8I7_H4
For decades, Daffy Duck was the only black actor getting any consistent work in Hollywood. Hiring practices that even Daffy would describe as, “Deth-picable!” Oh sure, we all MARVEL’d at “Black Panther” (the movie), but what has Hollywood done to promote diversity lately? Check out what Black developers of content have to say on this issue. Will Hollywood ever truly recognize that Black Productions Matter! We can’t go black to the future–until we RISE UP out of the past? It’s time to get real A.F.! Roll call! Panelists include Erika Alexander (Living Single), Tim Russ (Star Trek: Voyager), Denys Cowan (The Boondocks), Kevin Grevioux (Underworld), professor Ajani Brown (San Diego State University), and Rico Anderson (The Orville). Moderated by Jimmy Diggs (Star Trek: Voyager).
Out In Comics 33: Virtually Yours
Saturday July 25, 2020 6:00pm – 7:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/m0MGIJI0ep4
The comic world’s longest-running panel is 33 this year and enters the virtual age with Comic-Con@Home! As the comic book world has become a celebrated part of the pop culture world, “Out In Comics” is more relevant than ever before. With LGBTQ or LGBTQ-friendly creators as writers, artists, directors, producers, actors, entertainers, and journalists, what do their characters and creations mean for diverse representation, characters, and storylines in comics, film, and television? In our politicized and sometimes polarized world, what kind of heroes do we need, both behind-the-scenes, and on the page and screen? At a time when politics, viruses, racism, homophobia, and transphobia–sometimes interchangeable–intrude on every aspect of our lives, join Prism Comics and our diverse all-star panel to celebrate and spotlight creators, comics, and fans as they discuss the past, present, and future of Out In Comics! Founding moderator and bestselling author Andy Mangels (Wonder Woman ‘77 Meets The Bionic Woman, Star Trek and Star Wars books and comics) again chairs the panel and welcomes special guests, including Christian Cooper (famous bird-watcher and Karen-fighter, co-creator, and writer of the Marvel series Darkhold and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, editor of the Marvel Swimsuit Specials, and creator of the Independent Queer Nation online gay comic), Hazel Newlevant (cartoonist of the graphic novellas If This Be Sin and Sugar Town, and their recent graphic memoir No Ivy League. They have edited and published the anthologies Chainmail Bikini: The Anthology of Women Gamers and Comics For Choice, and co-edited the Eisner-winning anthology Puerto Rico Strong. They are the recipient of Ignatz, Xeric, and Prism Grant awards.), Noelle Stevenson (executive producer and showrunner for DreamWorks She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, author of The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures, Eisner and GLAAD Media Award-winning and New York Times bestselling writer of Nimona and Lumberjanes), Tim Sheridan (writer for WB Animation and Netflix, with credits on DC Super Hero Girls, Justice League Action, Scooby-Doo!, Teen Titans Go!, Reign Of the Superman, The Death and Return of Superman, and the upcoming Superman: Man of Tomorrow and Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation).
Panelist Links
Andy Mangels – http://www.andymangels.com
Hazel Newlevant – newlevant.com
Noelle Stevenson – Twitter – @Gingerhazing
Tim Sheridan – Twitter @iamtimsheridan
Prism Comics – https://www.prismcomics.org
List of Sunday Panels
Adventures in Spanish Voice Acting
Sunday July 26, 2020 11:00am – 12:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/sgya92_nKDM
Estimates place the Latin American dubbing market at 450 million consumers, and Mexico produces 65% of it. As entertainment providers look to profit in that area, they face the challenge of publishing in neutral Spanish to serve all countries equally. Hear the stories from Mexican voice actors Cristina Hernández (Catwoman/Selina Kyle, Padme Amidala), Sebastián Llapur (Darth Vader, Daffy Duck), and Claudia Motta (Bart Simpson, Pikachu) about the different obstacles they’ve had to overcome to become successful in this industry, and how Mexico is changing the way dubbing is done in Latin America. Hugo A. Castro (Gamacon founder and CEO) will moderate.
Women On The Dark Side
Sunday July 26, 2020 12:00pm – 1:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/s0nC40dUjvM
Not all female artists/creators are about unicorns and glittery vampires and silly pseudo-bondage. Some women create truly dark and challenging art and content, with just a touch of humor and whimsy. Whether it’s comic books, novels, or art, these are the women who are creating content that connects with our deeper, darker side. Featuring Susan Lee (writer/artist, Wraith of Love), Sandy King Carpenter (producer/writer, Storm King Productions), Chelsea Cain (writer, Heartsick), MD Marie (writer, Vindication), and moderator Barbra Dillon (editor-in-chief, Fanbase Press).
Aztec Depictions in Pop Culture: 500 Years After the Fall
Sunday July 26, 2020 1:00pm – 2:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/_VV0_9CzwyY
The Aztec Empire fell to Spanish invaders 500 years ago. It’s a true story that shaped the world we live in and yet is still widely misunderstood. Panelists will talk about how they use elements of Mexican history in their stories and how our understanding of that history has evolved. With author and Nahuatl translator David Bowles (Rise of the Halfling King), video game writer/director Javier Rayón and historian Mario Fuente (Dream of Darkness), animation director Flora Alexandra Rees-Arredondo (Malinchista), graphic novel creator Paul Guinan (Aztec Empire), and author Anina Bennett (Boilerplate).
LGBTQ Comics and Popular Media for Young People
Sunday July 26, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/qewL4-7m08s
Comics and animation are universal mediums that have recently made huge leaps in presenting LGBTQ-inclusive stories and characters for young audiences. These groundbreaking successes have made unique creative opportunities for LGBTQ storytellers. A mix of animation and publishing storytellers discuss their projects and answer the questions: How do they approach LGBTQ content and characters for tweens & teens? What are the new and upcoming projects to watch for? And how do new LGBTQ creators find their voice and get their start? Join Prism Comics, moderator Cort Lane (Marvel Rising, Ultimate Spider-Man) and talented panelists Gina Gagliano (publishing director, Random House Graphic), Trung Le Nguyen aka Trungles (The Magic Fish, Twisted Romance), Alex Sanchez (You Brought Me The Ocean), Noelle Stevenson (Netflix’s She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass), Brittney Williams (Goldie Vance, DC Super Hero Girls), and Michael Vogel (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Young Justice) as they look at the world of LGBTQ storytelling for the young fans of today and creators of tomorrow.
Gina Gagliano – Twitter – @_GinaGagliano
Trung Le Nguyen aka Trungles – http://www.trungles.com
Alex Sanchez – https://www.alexsanchez.com
Noelle Stevenson – Twitter – @Gingerhazing
Mariko Tamaki – Twitter – @marikotamaki
Michael Vogel – Twitter – @mktoon
Brittney Williams – https://brittneywilliamsart.carbonmade.com
Prism Comics – https://www.prismcomics.org
Super Asian America
Sunday July 26, 2020 2:00pm – 3:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/BKBifGHxhPY
From blockbuster productions like Mulan and Shang Chi to streaming hits like The Half Of It, Asian Americans continue to make strides in media and representation. With race at the forefront of the national consciousness, from anti-racism protests to the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in a post-COVID world, it’s a poignant time to assess the state of Super Asian America. Join Racebending for our 10th annual (and first virtual) discussion of all things Super Asian American, featuring Peter Shinkoda (Daredevil), Deric Hughes (The Flash), Joy Regullano (White Fetish), and Bao Phi (Sông I Sing).
Wakanda, Forever! The Psychology Black Panther
Sunday July 26, 2020 3:00pm – 4:00pm
YouTube: https://youtu.be/S9Ehapb5vPA
What do people mean whey they shout, Wakanda Forever! Join Scott Jordan (Westworld psychology), Alex Simmons (Blackjack), Victor Dandridge, Jr. (Vantage Inhouse Productions), Daniel Jun Kim (Black Panther psychology), Vanessa Hintz (Joker psychology), Eric Wesselmann (Wonder Woman psychology), and Stanford Carpenter (Institute of Comic Scholars) as they discuss the psychological issues addressed in the Black Panther movie and comics, including topics such as micro-aggressions, cultural representation in media, and the power of love and empathetic leadership. By the end of our panel, you, too, will be shouting, Wakanda Forever!
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