The fourth episode of Marvel Studios’ What…If? entitled, “What If…Doctor Strange Loses His Heart Instead of His Hands” explores a twist in the origin story of Doctor Stephen Strange (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch) and the consequences of his choices that can bring some shattering effects to the entire Marvel Universe. This article contains spoilers so please make sure to watch Episode 4 before reading any further. Also, please watch Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange available for streaming on Disney+ for more of the character Doctor Stephen Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Marvel Studios’ What…If? Episode 4 is…Dark
Fans of Doctor Strange have become familiarized with the character as a super genius and narcissistic neurosurgeon who helped saved the world twice in his first solo film as well as in Marvel Studios’ blockbuster hit, Avengers Endgame. However, it is those characteristics that carry on to this fourth episode that lead to some very dramatic and even tragic consequences.

When Marvel marketed and promoted the animated series, it was revealed through clips and key art that there would be a very different and somewhat darker take of Doctor Strange. Think Jafar in Disney’s animated classic, Aladdin. In addition, further promotional artwork show Doctor Strange’s classic costume from the comics incorporating the symbol on his outfit and a more pointy version of the Cloak of Levitation. Fans who tuned in to watch Episode 4 of What If…? on its premiere may have noticed that before even starting the episode, the title itself implies a different direction. It would be safe enough to say that anyone losing their heart would be gruesome. However, that takes on a different meaning in this episode, and more on that later. As usual, Uatu The Watcher (voiced by Jeffrey Wright), provides a brief monologue on what the audience can expect going into the episode. At the end of his introduction, he then asks the question: “What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?” This seems to be a very somber and reflective question directed towards the episode and maybe even the audience.
Origin Changes and the Circle of Life…And Death.
So what’s love got to do with it? If Doctor Strange knew who Tina Turner was (he doesn’t even know about the popular gameshow The Price is Right), then he would probably say, “Everything.” This is pretty much evident as Strange and returning MCU cast member, Rachel McAdams, voicing Christine Palmer, are seen in a lighter, deeper, and more romantic take on their relationship. In this iteration of Strange’s origin story, he and Palmer are in his car together driving on the cliffside highway when the car goes off the cliff in an almost shot-for-shot fashion as its live action counterpart. Sadly, it’s Christine Palmer who suffers from the accident and ends up dying. This is where Strange’s character takes a turn for the worst.
He ends up going to the city of Kamar Taj and learns of the mystic arts. In a very abbreviated variation of the live action film, Strange eventually ends up getting his powers and becomes the Sorcerer Supreme while Wong (voiced by Benedict Wong) and The Ancient One (voiced by Tilda Swinton) discuss the ramifications in messing with time with the time stone and the Eye of Agamotto. Strange then deals with the grief from the loss of Christine, and he relentlessly pursues correcting the incident by using the power of the time stone in an effort to see her back alive (Sounds familiar a la Marvel Studios’ Wandavision?). His efforts to change the past fail as he relives the death of Christine while trying to control and manipulate the fate of avoiding Palmer’s death scenario each time he goes back. The endless cycle of defeat and the loss of his love would definitely lead to one losing what some would consider their heart. Hence, the title of the episode. For one person to constantly relive the pain of seeing a loved one’s death, first hand, and going to the extremes to bring that person back may be a motif that’s cliché, but it’s the ego and selfishness of Strange that befits his character and lacks any consideration of saving others and the universe.

The Watcher and Doctor Strange Supreme
What has been more interesting to watch in this episode is some of the development of Uatu The Watcher. Again, he is part of a race of cosmic beings that are not supposed to get involved in the affairs of humans or any part of the universe. However, he has been a bit more progressively active, albeit slow, with each episode. This time, he warned Doctor Strange of his choices and the effect that it can have on his life and the rest of the multiverse. Ignoring The Watcher’s warnings, Stephen pushes the limits of his sorcery and literally absorbs the powers of each magic possessing being he comes in contact with in a seemingly endless royal and ultimately becomes the darker character known as Doctor Strange Supreme. Knowing this, The Ancient One informs the main MCU Dr. Strange that he is the only one capable of saving the universe by battling the Supreme Doctor Strange.
Then, Strange Supreme ends up absorbing the powers of the original Doctor Strange, leaving him lifeless. Despite his efforts to accumulate all that power, Strange Supreme was only able to temporarily save Christine. It is revealed later that saving her actually caused the end to the universe in which he resides. This ends up causing her death, again. The amazing part about the third act of this episode was the voice talent of Benedict Cumberbatch. From fans who have followed him, he has been known to do impressions of other known and popular celebrities. Therefore, he brings that talent to really show Doctor Strange and Strange Supreme were two “separate” beings yet voiced by the one person. Yes, he is definitely a man of many talents.
So, what next for Marvel Studios’ What If…?
Overall, this episode was mind-bending and very emotional. It even invites the audience to almost question their own existential beliefs in that a person’s choice can have a ripple effect on so many other events in life. The only difference is that we can’t foresee 14,000,605 outcomes (see what I did there?). As mentioned before, each episode looks to be getting progressively darker in tone. It is still up to anyone’s guess as to how the entire series will connect to the MCU in whole or if it would be a series that is standalone from the rest of the live action Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Watcher may be the only character to carry the entire arc of the What If…? series. Until then, this writer will look forward to the next episode featuring some MCU characters that are Walking Dead, if you catch my drift.
Episode 4 of Marvel Studios’ What If…? is streaming now on the Disney Plus app and stars Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Stephen Strange), Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer), Jeffrey Wright (Uatu The Watcher), Benedict Wong (Wong), Tilda Swinton (The Ancient One), and Ike Amadi (O’Bengh). The series is executive produced and directed by Bryan Andrews and written by A.C. Bradley.