My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Movie Review

My Hero Academia is one of the most popular animes out there today. Its amazing story line and characters everyone can relate to has brought together a large fan base around the world. Now, they’re expanding their media by hitting the big screen with My Hero Academia: Two Heroes. This is their first foray into feature-length movies. With a large cast of characters and several points of views, how does this movie stack up? Well in this writer’s opinion, it’s one of the best anime movies out there. Here’s what I thought.


While most films based on existing manga and anime are set outside of continuity (looking at you Dragon Ball Z), My Hero Academia: Two Heroes is set up right inside of the story fans already know. There is more backstory given on the #1 hero All Might and how he came up with the names of his special moves. It also points out that he was an exchange student after finishing high school in Japan.

The anime filler episode, Save the World With Love sets up the main story which takes place on I Island. All Might reunites with his best friend Dave who is responsible for helping All Might in his early days and is also credited with creating his costumes. On I Island there is a huge scientific expo which benefits the heroes of Earth and also marvels in the latest and greatest in technology. Midoriya Izuku (Deku) is invited as All Might’s guest as he is the successor to the power of One for All.

The story goes to delightful lengths to include all of Class 1-A on I Island. It briefly explains how everyone is on the island at that time and with expert pacing, the story moves right along. Even for fans just getting into My Hero Academia, it’s very easy to get to know these characters and their importance to the story. Midoriya hangs out with his classmates and later that evening for a banquet is when the second act begins and the action is here.

I won’t delve into spoilers at all. However there is a heist and it’s up to the class of 1-A to figure out how to overcome the huge obstacle in their way. They also have to do this without breaking the law about using their powers without licenses.


My Hero Academia: Two Heroes is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The mix between practical and digital animation effects makes for a stunning visual. The same can be said for the manga and the anime specifically. Both are artistically mind-blowing. For all of you animation buffs out there, don’t miss out on this beautiful display of art.

Vocal Talent

For both the English and Japanese dubs of My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, the voice actors return to reprise their respective characters. New characters, Dave and Melissa Shields are voiced by Katsuhisa Namase and Mirai Shida respectfully in the Japanese dub. While Ray Chase and Erica Mendez voice them in English. In the English dub, Justin Briner, the voice of Deku, shines brightly as he delivers one of the best VO performances. The way he channels emotion was one of the best parts of the film.

Themes and Overall Thoughts

What initially drew me to My Hero Academia was the theme surrounding teamwork. Not only does it show a realistic team of people who may not always get along, but it shows that despite that these characters care about each other in their own ways and can work together towards a common goal. This film has a lot of heart. It also has a lot of action and is funny exactly where and when it needs to be. The fan service delivered is excellent, though there are some things this fan would’ve loved to see more of. Overall this was an excellent movie. So excellent that they’ve added more dates for the American release. Be sure to see My Hero Academia: Two Heroes in theaters as soon as you can. Also support the anime which is streaming on Funimation NOW, Crunchyroll and HULU.

Now let’s say it loud and say it together:





  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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