New Comic Books You Need to Read This Week

Another week, another batch of new comic books! The major publishers are getting ready for some huge events and the indy scene is simply awesome. Remember, usually every Wednesday new comic books are released. So head on down to your local comic book shop and check out these recommendations.


The X-Men are back at it again with their crazy time travel story lines. This one has been brewing for about six years when the original X-Men were plucked from the past as teenagers and brought to the current era. Now, once again, a mysterious figure is aiming to set things right. The team of X-Men this story line focuses on can be found in the soon to be ending X-Men: Blue series, which stars the younger versions of Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman and Marvel Girl. Joining them is Bloodstorm, a vampiric version of Storm that fans remember from the series Mutant X that ran from 1998 to 2001.

Extermination starts off in a bleak future, like you do, with a cloaked figure saying he’s going to fix someone’s mistakes. After that, it’s all action and intrigue trying to figure out who’s behind what’s going down. There are some very shocking moments in this first issue of the series and some that will shake the foundation of what you know about the X-Men all the way down to the ground. For long time fans of the X-Men who want to see the X-Men doing what they do best, the Extermination event is where you get in where the action is.

Extermination is brought to you by the creative team of Ed Brisson (writer) and Pepe Larraz (artist) and is available right now by Marvel Comics.

Edge of Spider-Geddon

Going from one event to the prelude to another, Edge of Spider-Geddon is a series of new comic books that kicks off the sequel to the amazingly awesome Spider-Verse from 2014. For those wondering, Spider-Verse was where the world of Spider-Man was fully expanded and gave some amazing depth on what Spider-Man’s powers were and exactly what that meant to the multiverse. It also created a ton of new ideas for cosplayers that even I have gotten into. It united each and every version of Spider-Man and Spider-Woman against a common threat and now, in Spider-Geddon the call has been sent once again and which Spiders will answer the call? This series tackles just that.

Meet Spider-Punk (he wants you to call him Spider-Man) aka Hobart “Hobie” Brown. He hails from Earth-138 where he had defeated Norman Osborn, the President of the United States from oppressing everyone in the land. Now he’s back on his Earth and cleaning up the streets from those who would bring harm to another. This story shows his team up with Captain Anarchy and a punk rock version of the Hulk (it’s pretty awesome) against Kang the Conqueror whose super powers are now capitalist greed it seems. After a weird warning from Kang, Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker) shows up and recruits Hobie for the Spider-Geddon. This issue is funny, insightful and full of deep messages if you’re paying attention. Check it out to get reacquainted with one of the best Spider-Men and great role models for people of color.

Jed MacKay and Gerardo Sandoval are the creative team behind this awesome issue. Get yours now.


New comic books are a wonderful thing. Finding a new series to check out can be even more wonderful and that’s what I got from this title. Crowded is set in a world that’s not unlike our own except with one pretty serious twist. Meet Charlie, an LA girl who’s just out getting her hustle on to afford that LA rent (the struggle is real). She’s a ride share driver, a dog walker, she loans out clothes, she tutors and she does pretty much each and every other job you can download an app to do. She parties, hooks up and starts her day over again. She sounds like an awesome woman to me. One thing though, it seems like everyone in LA is trying to kill her.

That’s the twist, in this universe, if you wrong someone in even the most superficial way, there’s a crowdfunding site that you can set a bounty on someone. The number of people you’ve wronged can crowd fund the bounty and some get way up there. It’s basically a Kickstarter for killing people and everyone wants Charlie to be pushing up daisies. The campaign lasts one month, but you have to survive an entire month of people in LA trying to kill you.

That’s where we meet Vita, Charlie’s new bodyguard from the Dfendr app. She has a super low rating, but claims that she’s never lost a client. She and Charlie begin their business relationship and establish a safe house where Vita will keep Charlie alive for the month of the campaign. She even provides a list of all the people who crowd funded her campaign and that’s where things get fishy.

This series is setting up something simply amazing. It provides social commentary on the digital world we live in and shows what can happen if you truly let the Internet go wild. I can’t wait to see this story pan out. Get your copy of crowded right now at your local comic book shop.

Christopher Sebela and Ro Stein are the writer/artist team on this series ad the art and story make this book so much fun that I have no doubt you’ll enjoy this concept and story.





  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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