New Comics to Look Out For

New comic books are out this week!!! It’s time to celebrate! It’s time to share some of the hottest books to check out this week.

This week saw the debut of a new team. We also get further into an existing and exciting story line. We also see the merging, once again, of Hip-Hop and the comic book world. This was a great week to be a fan of comics. So what comic books do we recommend? Let’s get into it.

West Coast Avengers

For the first time ever, I actually related to an Avengers comic. Not to say that any of the previous runs were terrible or anything. I just never got into the Avengers like that until later in my comic book adventure. West Coast Avengers goes ahead and brings the Avengers once again to the West Coast and starts with a very important question: why aren’t the Avengers in LA? No spoilers, however there’s an attack at the beach by what seems like a very credible threat in Los Angeles and it’s up to both Hawkeye’s (Kate Bishop and Clint Barton) to assemble a team to keep the left coast safe from all threats.

There’s a hilarious casting call for superheroes that reminds me of the film Mystery Men. A long time favorite character is brought in as the member who funds the team (he’s also funding another super team that’s important in the Marvel Universe). And some new characters from the previous Hawkeye series who are now given some time to shine and to develop. We are also introduced to a new character who has one of the best names ever and yes I may be a little biased, but B.R.O.D.O.K. is the most awesome name for a character out of So Cal.

Kelly Thompson, who’s also writing Mr and Mrs X, is the writer in this awesome comic book and Stefano Caselli is the artist in the new West Coast Avengers ongoing series. Head on over to Marvel Comics to see what’s up.


For those familiar with the musician the Weeknd, get ready to get to know another side of him as he presents Starboy. Released by Marvel Comics, Starboy coincides with the Weeknd’s album of the same name and is an entirely original story that exists outside of the traditional Marvel Universe.

Set in the near future in the city of Alphatron there’s a terrible crime wave going on. All of the criminal organizations have been unified under one rule and all hell breaks loose. The citizens are living in fear and so are the police. The city is in need of hope and in need of a hero. That hero is Starboy.

Abel Tesfaye, La Mar Taylor & Christos Cage all take the writing helm is this amazing story. Eric Nguyen is taking himself to task with some amazing art. For the Hip-Hop fans reading this, Starboy is a comic book you definitely need to get into.

By Night

On the indy side of the game, By Night comes from BOOM! Studios. By Night is a new 12 issue series that documents how former best friends Jane and Heather find each other as adults, as best friends do. The story is about how friends grow, it’s about discovering your identity into the world. And of course since this is comic books we’re talking about, they of course find their way to smash into another dimension. And now we’re off to the races!

This unique and heartfelt story is both quirky and hilarious and grounded with enough realism that the extra dimensional things are going on, it makes you smile.

Eisner Award nominated writer John Allison (Giant Days) and artist Christine Larsen (Adventure Time) bring you the series By Night. A comic book definitely worth reading, from BOOM! Studios.


  • Aaron Powell

    Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek. You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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Aaron Powell

Comedian, Cosplayer, podcaster and Hug Dealer, Aaron has been a lifelong geek and loves to share his nerddom with the world. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Aaron now lives in Los Angeles sharing his talents with the world and just plain being a geek.

You can check out Aaron’s podcasts: Aaron Explains the Universe and Stupid Movie Tuesday on iTunes.

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