
Our Thoughts On The BakAnime Convention

The start of 2019 saw a great event in Bakersfield filled with great voice talents, tons of artists, and some amazing cosplayers in attendance. Held at the Kern County Fairgrounds over the weekend of February 2nd and 3rd, this event brought together many great aspects of anime culture to central California. While the weather wasn’t cooperative on Saturday, the fans still came out and waited in the rain to meet and get autographs with some of their favorite celebs.


BakAnime is run by the event coordinators for other cons such as SacAnime (Sacramento) and is organized by the same group responsible for Bakersfield Comic Con. The convention started in 2010 at a Doubletree Hotel and has grown to several halls of the county fairgrounds over the past nine years.

In terms of conventions, this was a very intimate event. Even with thousands of attendees, there was no feeling of being crowded or pushed through the event halls. This gave time for fans to talk to vendors and artists at their leisure, get to know the individuals behind what makes the industry so great. The guests took their time with each fan, signing autographs (first one was free) and regaling them with stories from episodes and series in their past. The panels were also a large draw, giving attendees the chance to ask questions of the guests as well as get personalized messages recorded. Saturday also was the cosplay contest, open to all those wished to sign up. Between elaborate EVA armor builds, exquisite sewing skills, and ingenious closet cosplays, all skill levels were welcomed to show off their talents and love of cosplay.

Holding an event on the same weekend as the NFL’s Big Game is a risky venture, but there were still plenty of fans that turned out on Sunday the 3rd. The overall weekend was successful for the event, providing a safe and comfortable convention atmosphere, live music, as well as tons of vendors and artists. If you are a resident of central California, it’s a show you should check out! Follow @friendsofbakanime on Instagram and Facebook for more information on upcoming events.


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