Nothing But Randomness

Danniel and Marcus discuss whatever the hell they feel like talking about. There is game talk, there is movie talk. there is talk of rumors, and so much more! Enjoy!  

The Agent and the Ant

Danniel, Laura, and Marcus discuss the Agent Carter premiere and the trailer for Antman. There is also an attempt at a game called Pitch That Movie! Enjoy

Great Expectations

Danniel, Marcus, and Paul discuss their expectations of the coming year in geekdom. This episode touches television, games and movies. Enjoy!     Photo used with permissions from creative commons. Original

Superhero “Show” Down – The Flash Vs Arrow

The midseason finale to CW’s The Flash and The Arrow behind us. What did we think? Listen to the episode and find out!

Wii Would Like To Play

What games are you looking forward to? The geeks discuss some of the games they are looking forward to. Stay tuned for a game they play in the second half.

A “Force”full of Awesomeness

Disney releases the title to Star Wars: Episode VII. What did they call it? The Force Awakens. Hear what the geeks think about this and other things related to Star

A “Marvel”ous Announcement

How do we celebrate a new announcement by Marvel? We re-launch the Temple of Geek podcast! We present to you the “ToG” Cast!