Pasadena Comic Con 2019

The Pasadena Comic Convention and Toy Show was held this past weekend on Sunday the 27th of January. It was an amazing event! This show is quickly becoming one of our favorite intimate conventions to attend. Held on one day early in the convention schedule, this con has something for everyone. There are plenty of celebrities on hand for autographs and photo ops, tons of amazing artists and vendors, as well as phenomenal cosplayers in attendance so there is truly something for everyone.

For fans of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, there was a large contingent of actors from the series in attendance available for pictures and autographs. Included in the roster for this year’s convention were Austin St John, Elisabeth Fies, and Karan Ashley.

Star Wars fans were given the opportunity to meet Julie Dolan from SW Rebels and Kevin Thompson from Return of the Jedi. Zenyatta and Road Hog of Overwatch fame was also attending via Feodor Chin and Josh Pedersdorf. And for fans of classic sci-fi, Pasadena had Bruce Boxleitner from TRON; Gigi Edgley from Farscape, and Herbert Jefferson, Jr from Battlestar Galactica. This was truly an event for the fans to get to meet their heroes!

In addition to the celebrities, there were star cosplayers in attendance. In preparation for the upcoming Captain Marvel film by Marvel Studios, @tinycatkate (Instagram) was in attendance with her co-cosplayer @sayahon (Instagram) as Mera, Queen of Atlantis. These ladies stole the show with their love of cosplay and approachability for all attendees. There were many other cosplayers at the convention, showing off their love of the characters they portray.

The event center was intimate and comfortable, a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees. With so many vendors to choose from, there was an abundance of art and collectibles to choose from as well as artists to meet and connect with. The Pasadena Welcome Center itself is a great venue with plenty of facilities for attendees, ample parking and dining options, as well as tons of phenomenal photo locations for that perfect background.

As an early season one day convention, the Pasadena Comic Convention and Toy Show is a hidden gem in the Southern California convention scene. I, personally, look forward to it in the upcoming years. From vendors and artists to cosplayers and celebrities, this con is one to add to your calendar next year!

For More on Pasadena Comic-Con check out their website:

Or follow them on social media below!


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