The Percy Jackson series on Disney+ has gone by very quickly. The internet has been divided on the show as a whole. Some book fans think that the show is paced too quickly and that it skipped too much. Those of us whose views were not tainted by nostalgia got to see the show for what it was. A fun, well written, children’s show. The finale is finally out, and now we start the painful wait for season 2 to be released. The closest estimate we have is about 2 years, in which time these adorable and talented children will no longer be children. And hopefully, the buzz from the show will not have worn off. But let’s talk about the Percy Jackson and the Olympians finale.

Percy Jackson, Puberty, and Overconfidence
We open with a flashback of Percy back at camp and training with Luke. Now, things in TV shows are rarely filmed in order, but sometimes they really should be. These kids are in prime puberty time and Walker, when he first arrived at camp, was clearly a little boy and Percy in this flashback is very much older. That was the main concern with casting children so young is that they grow up so fast and change so much. By the time we get season 2 (if we get season 2), these kids will be almost 20. They really should have filmed a few seasons at a time.
Tiny Percy decides to take on Ares by himself, really putting full faith that his dad was going to show up for him. And he was right. Ares downs Percy pretty easily but Poseidon promptly lends his powers to help his kid.
We still, even in the very last episode of the season, see Percy’s naivete. He hands off Hades’ helm to his messenger instead of taking it back down himself and ensuring the safety of his mom. He is a very trusting boy, and it seems like that is just going to be an important part of his nature going forward.
Seeing Lance Reddick as Zeus is very bittersweet. He was such a fantastic casting choice, perfect for the role. But now he’s gone, and if they continue with the show, he is going to have to be recast.

Percy and Poseidon
The second Zeus tries to attack Percy, Poseidon physically shows up for his son. Percy gets to meet his father for the first time. Even when she’s not on screen, Sally Jackson’s presence is so felt. You can feel her in the energy between Percy and Poseidon, in Poseidon’s look and in his actions and in his obvious love for Percy. She is felt in every move Percy makes. Sally Jackson has this undeniable energy over the whole show, and it’s amazing.
Poseidon sends Percy back to camp, and he is met with a very warm and proud reception. Then, Percy finally realizes that Luke is the one that betrayed him. Luke just hates all the gods and was trying to start the war in order to get rid of some of them. He wants the demigods to band together and fight their parents. He wants to help Kronos.
The questions set forth at the end of the last episode were plenty, and they were all answered in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians finale. Percy stops the war, finds out about Luke, he met Poseidon, and got his mom back. We are left with some loose ends that will lead into season 2, but we have yet to find out if we are getting a season 2. Hopefully we will find out soon.