Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode Five “Alice Fanchiang”

Portrait of a Fangirl is a web series created by Monica Duarte and Emily Schuck. At the core of the project is the importance of telling the stories of women who have found inspiration, growth, and power through fandom.

In this episode we interview Alice Fanchiang, blogger, fashionista, and avid fangirl. Alice discusses her approach to celebrating fandoms through travel, fashion, and cosplay, and how she conceives of fangirls in the contemporary imagination.


This idea began as a photography project with the goal of capturing the rich and diverse manifestations of fangirling. We wanted to take portraits of geeky women as a way to celebrate their fandoms. We soon came to realize that, even though a picture—as the cliché goes—is indeed worth a thousand words, these women have stories to tell that require a more robust mode of storytelling. Our photos hope to break the stereotype and their stories meant to praise their vast and unique expression—from sports to music, movies to books and history, and countless other fandoms.


Star Wars

One of Alice’s first fandoms was Star Wars, and she celebrates the new diversity that the newer iterations have portrayed. Her fandoms have also inspired her travels: she’s visited places that honor, inspire, or represent places that she loves in the vast universes that fictional worlds can represent. The ability to visit a place that exists in a fandom—or that inspired one—has a powerful impact.


One of Alice’s most recent fandoms is Hamilton. She was enamored by Ron Chernow’s 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton before the musical was released on Broadway. However, the theatrical representation of the text bolstered her interest in the story.


Members of the Galactic Coven pose for a photo with Chewbacca at Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge in pre-Covid times.

Alice has also found solace in the fan community in the midst of the pandemic, inspired by what it has to offer through both social media and the Internet, but discourages gatekeeping.

“All of us came into our fandoms at one point as people who didn’t know that much. We just thought a thing was cool and wanted to learn more about it,” she said. “I want to welcome anyone who is interested in my fandom into my fandom.”

She is a member of the Galactic Coven, a group of Star Wars-loving social media friends who met on Instagram and formed a group chat to discuss the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian. The Coven began as a safe space for women and nonbinary individuals to discuss Star Wars and became a welcome source of support and solidarity when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

“I want fangirls to feel safe liking the things they like. “We’re all just trying to have fun!”

You can learn more about Alice by following her on Instagram as @akangaru. Check out her Instagram page that is dedicated to her travel adventures travel @girlontheroam. She is also the editor of @sartorialgeek. The Sartorial Geek is a
a geeky lifestyle magazine and podcast highlighting nerdy fashion, pop culture, and cool people.

For more Fangirl stories check out:

Portrait of a Fangirl: Episode Four – Tiffany Michelle Cagle
Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode Three “Victoria Male
Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode Two: “Jordan Ellis”
Portrait of a Fangirl – Utahime Cosplay
Webseries on fangirl culture ‘Portrait of a Fangirl’ Trailer

Episode Produced by Monica Duarte and Tiffany Cagle

Video Editing by Emily Schuck

Music used includes “I Drank Alone” by TrackTribe, “When We Found the Horizon” by Late Night Feeler, and “Lucid Dreamer” by Spazz Cardigan

Logo design by Dillion Wall

Photography by Monica Duarte with additional photos and video provided by Alice Fanchiang.


Monica leads the team at Temple of Geek as Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek and Executive Producer on all Temple of Geek Projects. She's a passionate enthusiast of all things geek, with a particular fondness for sci-fi gems like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars, and Star Trek. As the creator of Portrait of a Fangirl, she has found that the Fangirl community is one of the most fullfilling aspects of fandom. She has been with Temple of Geek since 2017 and has led the team since 2020.

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