Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode Three “Victoria Male”

Portrait of a Fangirl is a new web series created by Monica Duarte and Emily Schuck. At the core of the project is the importance of telling the stories of women who have found inspiration, growth, and power through fandom.

Episode Three – Victoria Male

In this episode, we talk to Victoria Male, host of the Your Biggest Fangirl podcast. Victoria discusses some of the misconceptions that we come across when we think of the word “Fangirl.” She talks about how she has come from a place of feeling shame towards her fandoms to now feeling empowered.


This project began as a photography project with the goal of capturing the rich and diverse manifestations of fangirling. The idea was to take portraits of geeky women as a way to celebrate their fandoms. We soon came to realize that, even though a picture—as the cliché goes—is indeed worth a thousand words, these women have stories to tell that require a more robust mode of storytelling. Our photos hope to break the stereotype and their stories meant to praise their vast and unique expression—from sports, music, movies, books, history, and to countless other fandoms.

In Victoria’s portraits, we see that she navigates between expressions of fandom, preferring a much more subtle approach when it comes to wearing her fandoms. That may be why she is drawn to brands like Her Universe, which makes clothing inspired by Padme Amidala in a way that is wearable as everyday fashion.

In the comfort of her home, Victoria is able to relax and take in what she loves about fandom.

Victoria co-hosts the podcast Your Biggest Fangirl, which discusses all things fangirl. Victoria and Kristen are longtime fans who share stories, tips, and perspectives to help you navigate the crazy but exciting world of fandom. They introduce their audience to creators, Tumblr gurus, and scholars (all fans too!) to share a glimpse into their fan-related pursuits and their ties to fandom, even showcasing behind-the-scenes exclusives.

Follow Victoria on social media:

Check out the “Your Biggest Fangirl Podcast” at http://yourbiggestfangirl.com

Check out more episodes 

Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode Two: “Jordan Ellis”

Portrait of a Fangirl – Episode One – “Utahime Cosplay”

Check out more on at our website, the Portrait of a Fangirl Instagram, Temple of Geek’s Instagram, or on Twitter.

Video by Monica Duarte
Edited by Emily Schuck
Produced by Monica Duarte, Emily Schuck, and Danniel Slade

Photography by Monica Duarte

“Girls Say” by Coyote Hearing
“Momentum” by Track Tribe
“Run until your wings grow” by Late Night Feeler
“Victoria” by Density & Time


  • Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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Monica Duarte

Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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