Mouse, Faran, Imogen, Noa, and Tabby talking at the pool during pride party.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Everything You Need To Know Before Season 2 Finale

Who is Bloody Rose? The biggest question fans still have yet to find out. Season 2 of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School is coming to its conclusion on June 20 on Max. This season has really been had such a great commentary on cult followings, the importance of mental health, and the power of friendship that started out of survival and born a genuine connection. If you’re not up to date with everything that happened this season I got you covered. I’ll make sure you are prepared for the season 2 finale.

Spoilers ahead!

Christian, Tabby, Jen, Noa, Johnny, Imogen, Greg, Faran, Mouse and Ash at the pool for Pride.
Noah Alexander Gerry, Chandler Kinney, Ava Capri, Maia Reficco, Antonio Cipriano, Bailee Madison, Elias Kacavas, Zaria, Malia Pyles and Jordan Gonzalez. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 2

Let’s recap the season so far: Following the harrowing events of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, our Pretty Little Liars face a fate worse than death – summer school. After Archie Waters escaped police custody he took care of those he considered loose ends. “Punish the guilty,” the motto he has lived by. He ends up killing Mr. Beasely, Chip, Madame Giry, Noa’s mom’s drug dealer, and Steve. Archie is finally captured and taken into custody.

Six months later, Imogen (Bailee Madison), Tabby (Chandler Kinney), Noa (Maia Reficco), Faran (Zaria), and Mouse (Malia Pyles) are trying to get back to normal (whatever normal even is after all they survived). When Archie’s guilty verdict is handed down, the girls feel like they can finally move on. By taking self-defense classes and therapy to get stronger, they don’t let what happened to them stop them from living. Summer school should be their toughest challenge this summer. A new villain, who may or may not have a connection to A, has come to town and is going to put them all to the test.

The Final Girl Test

Bloody Rose has her own agenda. The girls have talked about how they are that they are the five final girls who escaped the Millwood Massacre and Archie Waters. Their identities are revealed on Spooky Spaghetti which was never released to the public, since they are minors.  Bloody Rose has decided that to put the final girls to the test. A final girl must be able to escape any death trap. A deadly test that they have to escape and if they can’t must die by her hands. Her kill count might be lower than the lives Archie Waters, but that doesn’t mean she is less of a threat because of it.

Bloody Rose walks out of the woods towards Imogen
Bloody Rose. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

Mouse’s Sweet 16 Goes Up In Flames

Mouse has found a new obsession in Spooky Spaghetti over the last six months. Following the stories and short films written about Archie Waters and his mother Bloody Rose Waters. Mouse has always had a tendency to get obsessive about certain things to the point she might neglect her other areas of her life. Like taking her relationship with Ash for granted to check and see if Bloody Rose’s shack is real. Luckily Ash (Jordan Gonzalez) loves every facet of Mouse but makes her promise to not go into anymore dangerous situations and ease up on the site.

Mouse’s Sweet Sixteen is coming up and after their personal phone numbers are released on the site the girls tell her that with everything going on they should celebrate her next year. Which makes her feel dejected.

Ash reveals that her friends are throwing her a surprise but wouldn’t give her more details as to not further ruin said surprise. Mouse’s Lola drives her to her surprise party and she is shocked when her Lola drops her off at an abandoned Rose E. Ricotta’s (imagine a basement Chuck E. Cheese). “This is your birthday test. A final girl must escape any death trap. You hide. I seek.” Even when Mouse successfully hides, Bloody Rose decides to burn the place and Mouse to the ground. Luckily, she escapes through the air vents.

Mouse hides from Bloody Rose in Rose E. Ricotta
Malia Pyles Season 2 Episode 3. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

Mouse has tries to discover if Rose Waters is Bloody Rose. She and the girls check the homeless area of Millwood until they find her under the bridge. The girls confront her about Archie, she runs up to the bridge and throws herself over.

Redemption House is being put on at Imogen’s house and  its purpose will spew hate and cause more harm to hose in the LGTBQIA+ community. She decides to spread love and a little protest making by throwing a Pride Party at Faran’s pool as a reminder. Even more than that a statement that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves this celebration.

Faran Is Strong Enough

Faran has spent the last six months after correcting her chronic back pain on strengthening not only her body but her mind as well. She enjoys competing against the guys at Millwood High. Faran discovers that while she loves ballet she does not love it the way Henry does. She acknowledges the trauma it put her through. Instead of taking a summer dance camp slot, she instead becomes a lifeguard at the Millwood Community Pool with Greg and Ash.

Faran tells Henry she was cleared to dance two weeks prior, he gets upset that she kept it from him. Then Faran discovers from Karen that Henry has been talking about their problems to the church she gets upset and refuses to take his calls. She answers her house phone thinking it is Henry when it ends up being Bloody Rose calling for her final girl test.  When she gets to the construction site on the south side she finds a note with her name on it: “A final girl can never lose her strength. Lift the girder. If it touches the ground before time runs out, someone you love dies.”

Faran lifts the girder for her final girl test
Zaria Season 2 Epiosde 4. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max.

Faran is beyond exhausted after lifting the girder for two hours. Bloody Rose wasn’t going to make it that easy for Faran. They start to fight and Bloody Rose cuts Faran. She is able to escape over the locked fence, passing her test. She beats Greg in an arm wrestling contest and even attends Our Mother of Holy Grace to see why it’s so special to Henry and Kelly. After discovering it’s a cult, she breaks it off with Henry officially.

Noa Wants A Hot Girl Summer

When Shawn’s mom Mrs. Noble continues to make small digs at Noa about overstaying her welcome at their place. She decides the best course of action is to go back to her apartment while she waits for her mom to get out of rehab. Noa runs into Jen (Ava Capri) during summer school.  After Noa vouches for Jen at Pinball Pizza, their manager discovers that someone took $20 from the register.

She takes money from her own tips to cover for her. Noa can’t go back to juvie is upset with Jen for what she did. After what happened to Mouse, she just needs a break from everything. Jen talks her into coming to her dad’s house since he’s away. Noa suggests that Jen take one of his Rolex’s to pay for her mom’s rehab. Jen calls Noa after she is arrested. Noa feels guilty so she asks Shawn (Alex Aiono) to help bail Jen out for $2,000. Shortly after they end up sleeping together again and is woken up when Shawn comes to pick Noa up for their run.

Mrs. Noble confronts Noa about the $2,000 Shawn took out of his bank account and feels it is inappropriate of her to have asked that of him.  If she wants to make it right then she needs to pay him back. Noa gets mad after Jen suggests she break up with Shawn to be done with him and his family but Noa won’t even consider that.

Noa Runs For Her Life

When Noa gets home Jen has the $2,000 to pay back Shawn. Noa finds a note from Bloody Rose: “You’ve been walking the forbidden pAth. Go there now alone, or one of your beloveds dies.”Noa pushes Jen away fearing for her life by telling her it was a mistake and that she needs to leave.

When she gets to the path she discovers another note addressed to her: “A final girl must have a high threshold for pain. Take off your shows and start walking. Noa walks across a path of thorny roses and runs as fast as she can away from Bloody Rose and her dog. When she stumbles onto the street she flags down the first car she sees – and it’s Jen. Apparently, she saw Noa running. Noa asks Jen is they could take a pause as she tries to decide between her and Shawn.

Noa runs out into the street after rolling down in the woods.
Maia Reficco Season 2 Episode 5. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

During the Pride pool party Noa makes her decision to be with Jen even after she discovers that Jen robbed Shawn’s house. Despite knowing what Jen has done she still chooses Jen and plans to break up with Shawn.

Imogen Wants A Clean Slate

Imogen has spent the last six months hoping for a clean slate that never came. Her sense of safety and security has been fractured now that she can’t find stable ground. Her nightmares have continued after attending group therapy and self-defense classes. Imogen also has not been taking her anxiety medication for fear of not being clearheaded if A escapes again and Dr. Sullivan reminds her that if she keeps visiting is a beacon straight to her. She leaves one final gift a patchwork blanket that her mom had planned to give the baby.

After pretending to be someone else, her mom doesn’t stop the nightmares. Imogen decides to face her traumatic grief. She stops pretending and faces who she is with the help of Dr. Sullivan and her girls. Dr. Sullivan writes a recommendation so that she is in the same class as her girls. She’s through pretending. She gets hired at the Millwood Creamery.

Faran, Mouse, Imogen, Tabby and Noa in the girls bathroom at Millwood High
Zaria, Malia Pyles, Bailee Madison, Chandler Kinney, Maia Reficco. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

After a misunderstanding between her and Johnny they decide to start over. Imogen watches Estelle when Blake and Rob have to leave town for a funeral, and goes down a spiral in fear of Bloody Rose appearing. Johnny shows up and offers Imogen a minute to herself while he looks after Estelle. He even stays in his car to wait for her all night. The girls believed that Dr. Sullivan could use protecting from Bloody Rose. They are shocked to discover that Dr. Sullivan treated Rose Waters as a patient. She also has been recording their sessions without their knowledge. They all quit therapy after that.

Imogen Doesn’t Get A Warning Call

Imogen is let down by her dad after he gives her mother’s ring to his new fiancée instead of his daughter. She might’ve gone a little too far in her reaction but she never wants to see him again.

Imogen is distraught to learn that Our Mother of Holy Grace has rented her house and Kelly (Mallory Bechtel) didn’t try to stop them. Mrs. Langsberry (Carey Von Driest) calls the girls liars and says she’ll pray for them after what they did to her son. Imogen is triggered as she and the girls walk into her house and find Kelly in her mom’s bed portraying a suicide victim. Imogen grabs an ax and slams it into the fuse box cutting the power. She confronts Kelly at her house and promises her that she will make her life a living, breathing hell every second of the day. “Pray on that, bitch.”

Imogen gets triggered at Redemption House
Bailee Madison Season 2 Episode 6 Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

Imogen calls to scare Kelly and when she gets to her mom’s room pulling back the canopy curtain all she finds is a note: “SOMETIMES A FINAL GIRL DOESN’T GET A WARNING CALL.” Bloody Rose closes the door behind her and they start to fight. During the fight she wraps the curtain around Imogen to strangle her. Imogen claws at her masks until she sees who is underneath. The girls run into the room after hearing her scream holding cloth from the masks in her hands. She reveals it was her mom.

Tabby’s Seeks Justice Using Her Art

Tabby has been dealing with what happened to her and Imogen by using her art to tell their story since they will never be able to get justice for what Chip did to them. She wrote and directed a short film Avenge starring Imogen. After getting rejected from the last film festivals she applied to, the girls convince her to upload it online. Mrs. Langsberry condemns Tabby for her short film and writing lies about her son. She sends a cease and desist letter to get to take it down and then writes an editorial in the Millwood Mail.

Chandler Kinney in Christian's basement work study.
Chandler Kinney. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

Wes (Derek Klena) hires Christian (Noah Alexander Gerry) to work at the Orpheum and Tabby is cautious at first but discovers they have a lot in common. He convinces her to premiere her short film with her friends. Her really makes the night special as she celebrates by watching it with her friends. She discover a homemade Archie Waters in his work studio and freaks out but they talk it over and decide to move forward.

PIFT asks Tabby to submit a more recent short film as the one she submitted made an impression. She films The Projectionist with the help of her friends Ash and Christian at the Orpheum. Christian talks her into starring as the manager. It was an idea she thought up when she can Chip were friends and she felt weird about using it. Christian convinces her to not let him take this away from her.

Tabby’s the Final Final Girl Left

Wes throws major microaggressions when finding out that Tabby was asked to submit another film for PIFT and even suggests that the only reason she was chosen was because she fits a diversity box. Not because she is a talented filmmaker. She stands up to Wes and he storms out and leaves them without help for their Friday the 13th Marathon.

After what happened at Redemption House, Tabby is determined to figure out who is Bloody Rose. Wes announces that he is moving to LA with a friend to make a go of his craft and he left her and Christian as the summer managers. A location scout wants to use set up a tour for his director of an upcoming horror movie. A horror movie about the Millwood Massacre. It whitewashes the story by taking out Noa, Faran, Mouse and Tabby and would star Sydney Sweeny and Emma Roberts. She has a nightmare during a sleepover at Christian’s house.

Chandler Kinney is in a nightmare and Bloody Rose is standing behind her.
Chandler Kinney and Bloody Rose. Season 2 Episode 7. Photograph by Karolina Wojtasik/Max

What Happens In Season 2 Episode 7

In Pretty Little Liars: Summer School “Chapter Seventeen: The Boogeyman”, Mouse is trying to find a way to stop the Reckoning from happening by pretending to be Angela Waters. It backfires and she ends up getting doxed. She tries to find out how to shut down Spooky Spaghetti once and for all.

After standing up for herself against allegations made by Stringbean with no support from Coach Rhodes, Faran quits the pool. She realizes that she is strong enough and she doesn’t have to prove that to anyone. She warns Kelly about Bloody Rose and her mom, because she still cares.

Imogen confronts Dr. Sullivan with her suspicions that she is Bloody Rose. Dr. Sullivan tells her the story of meeting Rose Waters and how she asked her to help Archie but she didn’t.  She believes her son was murdered by Archie Waters years later in revenge for not helping him. She takes Imogen to her son’s grave to prove her story.

Wes moves away and suggests Christian and Tabby to be the summer managers. After a location scout comes to The Orpheum as the director wants a tour to film a horror movie based on the Millwood Massacre. Tabby feels as if they are erasing her from her own story.

Noa finally breaks up with Shawn without telling him the real reason behind their breakup. Shawn is distraught because he though everything was going good. He eventually figures out that Noa cheated on him with Jen and he confronts her.

Tabby and Imogen have a sleepover at Christian and Johnny’s place with varying experiences.

Chapter Seventeen: The Boogey Man – final scene

When Imogen returns from talking with her mom, she finds Dr. Sullivan’s car abandoned covered in rose petals and no Dr. Sullivan anywhere.

Mouse finds the real Rose Waters in her house sitting next to her Lola.

Tabby decides that she’s going to tell her own story about the Millwood Massacre. Aiming August 1 as her start date as she plans to be alive and well by that time. Saying Bloody Rose can go to hell.

Noa hits Shawn car with a bat and they argue about Noa lying to him about their breakup. She tells him that if he gets within 50 feet of her or Jen she will do what she did to his car to him.

Faran sees Bloody Rose on the other side of the fence at the Millwood Pool
Zaria. Season 2 Episode 7. Photograph by Karolina. Wojtasik/Max

Faran tells Kelly what she and the rest of the girls have been dealing with at the hands of Bloody Rose. Who might be her mother. When Kelly starts to investigate and thinks Faran might be right. Faran misses her calls and rushes to the pool only to find Kelly floating face down and Bloody Rose watching from the other side of the fence.

Will Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Get Season 3 Renewal

Fans are anxiously awaiting news on a Season 3 renewal for Pretty Little Liars: Summer School. The show has remained in the Top 10 charts on Max since season 2 has started streaming. The fan reaction has been constant across social media. Fans are hoping after the finale episode Max will announce a renewal of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School. This is the first Pretty Little Liars spinoff that has made it past the first season and has really made itself it’s own entity within the PLL universe.


Season 2 Finale of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School streams on Max on Thursday, June 20.


  • Chae’ Jones

    Chae’ Jones (she/her) is an actress and content creator that’s a multi-niche nerd who focuses on most things from pop culture to musicals and advocating for diversity across the entertainment industry. Slowly, dipping her toe into the Cosplay game as well.

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Chae’ Jones

Chae’ Jones (she/her) is an actress and content creator that’s a multi-niche nerd who focuses on most things from pop culture to musicals and advocating for diversity across the entertainment industry. Slowly, dipping her toe into the Cosplay game as well.

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