Punk!Who – Doctor Who Punk Cosplay

Art from http://rachaelstott.tumblr.co

This Doctor Who Punk Cosplay Group was inspired by Doctor Who Comic Book Art by Rachael Stott.

It started with a piece of art by comic book artist Rachael Stott. Rachael is a freelance comic book artist for Titan Comics, IDW, Image Comics, DC, Archie, and Blackmask, on books such as Doctor Who, Star Trek, Sex Criminals, Bombshells, Ghostbusters, and Planet of the Apes. She created a version of the 12th Doctor that we fell madly in love with. A Punk Rock version of the 12th Doctor that inspired cosplayer Pam (@goaliepam) to recreate it!

Pam wore that cosplay to Gallifrey One 2018 (an annual Doctor Who Convention in Los Angeles, CA). Pam’s 12th Doctor cosplay inspired an entire Punk! Who cosplay group to be created. Cosplayers started by trying to get cosplayers we knew to create punk rock versions of as many of the Modern Doctor Who-era doctors, companions, and villains as we could. Cosplay came up with our versions of what we thought those characters would look like and we got to work.

We debuted our cosplays at Gallifrey One 2019. We were lucky enough to have the artist that inspired this entire group, Rachel Stott to come by and get a photo with our group! It was a unique experience and we hope to grow our group at Gallifrey One 2020. 

Photo: @jondavey007

9th Doctor

Cosplayer: @doc_in_the_box

Rose Tyler

Cosplayer: @theyseekherthere

10th Doctor

Cosplayer: @thisjustinonline

Madame de Pompadour (Reinette)


Martha Jones

Cosplayer: @atrocitykitsch

Donna Nobel

Cosplayer:@christina.is.crafty featured on Temple of Geek 

11th Doctor

Cosplayer: @jourjeuhceyj (We just happen to come across this cosplayer at Gallifrey One)

Amy Pond

Cosplayer: @bechobbit

River Song:


12th Doctor


Clara Oswald


13th Doctor


Yaz Khan

Cosplayer: @elainecosplay


Cosplayer: @imperial_maddie

The Master



Cosplayer:@jedi_janine Featured on Temple Of Geek

Weeping Angel

Cosplayer: @christina.is.crafty



Friends & Foes

Some Details

The Work In Progress

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In 2019 we out here self-healing like my very first rotary mat #selfhealing #xacto #atrocitykitsch

A post shared by Darlington Kilbride, IV (@atrocitykitsch) on

The amazing thing about cosplay is that there are no limits on your creativity. It is a form of art that allows us to bring our fandoms and personalities to life and we hope to continue to do that in the future.

Special Thank You to Rachael Stott for being our inspiration and for bringing such amazing life to our favorite characters.

Check out the #PunkDoctorWho hashtag on Instagram for more photos and ideas!

Tag @Templeofgeek on Instagram or Twitter with your creative mash-ups! We want to see your cosplays and fan art!


  • Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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Monica Duarte

Born and raised under the California sun. Monica is the Editor-In-Chief at Temple of Geek. She also serves as Executive Producer of The Temple of Geek Podcast, Retro Rebel Podcast, and Portrait of a Fangirl. Lover of all things geeks but especially sci-fi like Doctor Who, The Expanse, Star Wars and Star Trek.

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